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Journal Article

Establishing a new model of integrated primary and secondary care based around general practice: a case study of lessons learned and challenges

Jackson, Claire L., Donald, Maria, Russell, Anthony W. and McIntyre, H. David (2018). Establishing a new model of integrated primary and secondary care based around general practice: a case study of lessons learned and challenges. Australian Health Review, 42 (3), 299-302. doi: 10.1071/AH16147

Establishing a new model of integrated primary and secondary care based around general practice: a case study of lessons learned and challenges


Journal Article

Translating the elements of health governance for integrated care from theory to practice: a case study approach

Nicholson, Caroline, Hepworth, Julie, Burridge, Letitia, Marley, John and Jackson, Claire (2018). Translating the elements of health governance for integrated care from theory to practice: a case study approach. International Journal of Integrated Care, 18 (1) 11, 1-13. doi: 10.5334/ijic.3106

Translating the elements of health governance for integrated care from theory to practice: a case study approach


Journal Article

Erratum to: A governance model for integrated primary/secondary care for the health-reforming first world - results of a systematic review

Nicholson, Caroline, Jackson, Claire and Marley, John (2017). Erratum to: A governance model for integrated primary/secondary care for the health-reforming first world - results of a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research , 17 (1), 569-569. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2444-4

Erratum to: A governance model for integrated primary/secondary care for the health-reforming first world - results of a systematic review


Journal Article

Successfully implementing a diabetic retinopathy screening service in general practice: what does the evidence tell us?

Crossland, Lisa and Jackson, Claire (2017). Successfully implementing a diabetic retinopathy screening service in general practice: what does the evidence tell us?. Australian Family Physician, 46 (7), 529-535.

Successfully implementing a diabetic retinopathy screening service in general practice: what does the evidence tell us?


Journal Article

Integrated care among healthcare providers in shared maternity care: what is the role of paper and electronic health records?

Hawley, Glenda, Hepworth, Julie, Jackson, Claire and Wilkinson, Shelley A. (2017). Integrated care among healthcare providers in shared maternity care: what is the role of paper and electronic health records?. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 23 (4), 397-406. doi: 10.1071/PY16081

Integrated care among healthcare providers in shared maternity care: what is the role of paper and electronic health records?


Journal Article

A qualitative follow-up study of diabetes patients’ appraisal of an integrated diabetes service in primary care

Burridge, Letitia H., Foster, Michele M., Donald, Maria, Zhang, Jianzhen, Russell, Anthony W. and Jackson, Claire L. (2017). A qualitative follow-up study of diabetes patients’ appraisal of an integrated diabetes service in primary care. Health and Social Care in the Community, 25 (3), 1031-1040. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12402

A qualitative follow-up study of diabetes patients’ appraisal of an integrated diabetes service in primary care


Journal Article

Australia's Health Care Homes: laying the right foundations

Jackson, Claire L. and Hambleton, Steven J. (2017). Australia's Health Care Homes: laying the right foundations. Medical Journal of Australia, 206 (9), 380-381. doi: 10.5694/mja16.01470

Australia's Health Care Homes: laying the right foundations


Journal Article

Impact of a general practitioner-led integrated model of care on the cost of potentially preventable diabetes-related hospitalisations

Hollingworth, Samantha A., Donald, Maria, Zhang, Jianzhen, Vaikuntam, Bharat Phani, Russell, Anthony and Jackson, Claire (2017). Impact of a general practitioner-led integrated model of care on the cost of potentially preventable diabetes-related hospitalisations. Primary Care Diabetes, 11 (4), 344-347. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2017.03.009

Impact of a general practitioner-led integrated model of care on the cost of potentially preventable diabetes-related hospitalisations


Journal Article

Case conference primary-secondary care planning at end of life can reduce the cost of hospitalisations

Hollingworth, Samantha, Zhang, Jianzhen, Vaikuntam, Bharat Phani, Jackson, Claire and Mitchell, Geoffrey (2016). Case conference primary-secondary care planning at end of life can reduce the cost of hospitalisations. BMC Palliative Care, 15 (1) 84, 84. doi: 10.1186/s12904-016-0157-9

Case conference primary-secondary care planning at end of life can reduce the cost of hospitalisations


Journal Article

Grass is greener? General practice in England and Australia

Taylor, Clare J., Wright, Michael, Jackson, Claire L. and Hobbs, Richard (2016). Grass is greener? General practice in England and Australia. British Journal of General Practice, 66 (649), 428-429. doi: 10.3399/bjgp16X686377

Grass is greener? General practice in England and Australia


Journal Article

Achieving research impact through co-creation in community-based health services: Literature review and case study

Greenhalgh, Trisha, Jackson, Claire, Shaw, Sara and Janamian, Tina (2016). Achieving research impact through co-creation in community-based health services: Literature review and case study. Milbank Quarterly, 94 (2), 392-429. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12197

Achieving research impact through co-creation in community-based health services: Literature review and case study


Journal Article

Embracing value co-creation in primary care services research: a framework for success

Janamian, Tina, Crossland, Lisa and Jackson, Claire L. (2016). Embracing value co-creation in primary care services research: a framework for success. Medical Journal of Australia, 204 (7), S5-S11. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00112

Embracing value co-creation in primary care services research: a framework for success


Journal Article

Trial of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool: building organisational performance in Australian general practice and primary health care

Crossland, Lisa, Upham, Susan J., Janamian, Tina, Siskind, Victor, Sheehan, Mary and Jackson, Claire L. (2016). Trial of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool: building organisational performance in Australian general practice and primary health care. Medical Journal of Australia, 204 (7 Supplement S15), S15-S21. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00121

Trial of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool: building organisational performance in Australian general practice and primary health care


Journal Article

A Delphi study assessing the utility of quality improvement tools and resources in Australian primary care

Upham, Susan, Janamian, Tina, Crossland, Lisa and Jackson, Claire (2016). A Delphi study assessing the utility of quality improvement tools and resources in Australian primary care. Medical Journal of Australia, 204 (7 Suppl), S29-S37. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00115

A Delphi study assessing the utility of quality improvement tools and resources in Australian primary care


Journal Article

Creating health care value together: a means to an important end

Jackson, Claire L., Janamian, Tina, Booth, Mark and Watson, Diane (2016). Creating health care value together: a means to an important end. Medical Journal of Australia, 204 (7), S3-S4. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00122

Creating health care value together: a means to an important end


Journal Article

Quality tools and resources to support organisational improvement integral to high-quality primary care: a systematic review of published and grey literature

Janamian, Tina, Upham, Susan, Crossland, Lisa and Jackson, Claire (2016). Quality tools and resources to support organisational improvement integral to high-quality primary care: a systematic review of published and grey literature. Medical Journal of Australia, 204 (7 Suppl), S22-S28. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00113

Quality tools and resources to support organisational improvement integral to high-quality primary care: a systematic review of published and grey literature


Journal Article

Value co-creation driving Australian primary care reform

Jackson, Claire L. and Hambleton, Steven J. (2016). Value co-creation driving Australian primary care reform. Medical Journal of Australia, 204 (7), S45-S46. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00128

Value co-creation driving Australian primary care reform


Journal Article

The work of local healthcare innovation: a qualitative study of GP-led integrated diabetes care in primary health care

Foster, Michele, Burridge, Letitia, Donald, Maria, Zhang, Jianzhen and Jackson, Claire (2016). The work of local healthcare innovation: a qualitative study of GP-led integrated diabetes care in primary health care. BMC Health Services Research, 16 (1) 11, 11.1-11.11. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1270-4

The work of local healthcare innovation: a qualitative study of GP-led integrated diabetes care in primary health care


Journal Article

Diabetic retinopathy screening and monitoring of early stage disease in australian general practice: tackling preventable blindness within a chronic care model

Crossland, Lisa, Askew, Deborah, Ware, Robert, Cranstoun, Peter, Mitchell, Paul, Bryett, Andrew and Jackson, Claire (2016). Diabetic retinopathy screening and monitoring of early stage disease in australian general practice: tackling preventable blindness within a chronic care model. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2016 8405395, 1-8. doi: 10.1155/2016/8405395

Diabetic retinopathy screening and monitoring of early stage disease in australian general practice: tackling preventable blindness within a chronic care model


Journal Article

From maternity paper hand-held records (PHR) to electronic health records (EHR): what do women tell us about their use?

Hawley, Glenda, Hepworth, Julie, Wilkinson, Shelley and Jackson, Claire (2016). From maternity paper hand-held records (PHR) to electronic health records (EHR): what do women tell us about their use?. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 22 (4), 339-348. doi: 10.1071/PY14170

From maternity paper hand-held records (PHR) to electronic health records (EHR): what do women tell us about their use?