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Journal Article

Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees

Goodyear-Smith, Felicity, Jackson, Claire and Greenhalgh, Trisha (2015). Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees. BMC Medical Ethics, 16 (1) 72, 1-5. doi: 10.1186/s12910-015-0072-2

Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees


Journal Article

Co-creation: a new approach to optimising research impact?

Jackson, Claire L. and Greenhalgh, Trisha (2015). Co-creation: a new approach to optimising research impact?. Medical Journal of Australia, 203 (7), 283-284. doi: 10.5694/mja15.00219

Co-creation: a new approach to optimising research impact?


Journal Article

A systematic review of integrated models of health care delivered at the primary-secondary interface: what determines effectiveness?

Mitchell, Geoffrey K., Burridge, Letitia, Zhang, Jianzhen, Donald, Maria, Scott, Ian A., Dart, Jared and Jackson, Claire L. (2015). A systematic review of integrated models of health care delivered at the primary-secondary interface: what determines effectiveness?. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 21 (4), 391-408. doi: 10.1071/PY14172

A systematic review of integrated models of health care delivered at the primary-secondary interface: what determines effectiveness?


Journal Article

Shaping our own destiny by Choosing Wisely

Jackson, Claire (2015). Shaping our own destiny by Choosing Wisely. Australian Family Physician, 44 (6), 425-426.

Shaping our own destiny by Choosing Wisely


Journal Article

Patient co-payment for general practice services: slippery slope or a survival imperative for the NHS?

Toop, Les and Jackson, Claire (2015). Patient co-payment for general practice services: slippery slope or a survival imperative for the NHS?. British Journal of General Practice, 65 (635), 276-277. doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X685105

Patient co-payment for general practice services: slippery slope or a survival imperative for the NHS?


Journal Article

Making sense of change: patients' views of diabetes and GP-led integrated diabetes care

Burridge, Letitia H., Foster, Michele M., Donald, Maria, Zhang, Jianzhen, Russell, Anthony W. and Jackson, Claire L. (2015). Making sense of change: patients' views of diabetes and GP-led integrated diabetes care. Health Expectations, 19 (1), 74-86. doi: 10.1111/hex.12331

Making sense of change: patients' views of diabetes and GP-led integrated diabetes care


Journal Article

The impact of an integrated model of care on potentially preventable hospitalisations for people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Zhang, J., Donald, M., Baxter, K. A., Ware, R. S., Burridge, L., Russell, A. W. and Jackson, C. L. (2015). The impact of an integrated model of care on potentially preventable hospitalisations for people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetic Medicine, 32 (7), 872-880. doi: 10.1111/dme.12705

The impact of an integrated model of care on potentially preventable hospitalisations for people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus


Journal Article

International collaboration in innovating health systems

van Weel, Chris, Turnbull, Deborah, Whitehead, Emma, Bazemore, Andrew, Goodyear-Smith, Felicity, Jackson, Claire, Lam, Cindy L. K., van der Linden, Barbara A., Meyers, David, van den Muijsenbergh, Maria, Phillips, Robert, Ramirez-Aranda, Jose M., Tamblyn, Robyn and van Weel-Baumgarten, Evalyn (2015). International collaboration in innovating health systems. Annals of Family Medicine, 13 (1), 86-87. doi: 10.1370/afm.1751

International collaboration in innovating health systems


Journal Article

Sharing of clinical data in a maternity setting: how do paper hand-held records and electronic health records compare for completeness?

Hawley, Glenda, Jackson, Claire, Hepworth, Julie and Wilkinson, Shelley A. (2014). Sharing of clinical data in a maternity setting: how do paper hand-held records and electronic health records compare for completeness?. BMC Health Services Research, 14 (1) 650, 650. doi: 10.1186/s12913-014-0650-x

Sharing of clinical data in a maternity setting: how do paper hand-held records and electronic health records compare for completeness?


Journal Article

Co-creating value in research: Stakeholders' perspectives: A centre for research excellence reflects on collaborating with policymakers and front-line staffto bring evidence into practice

Janamian, Tina, Jackson, Claire L. and Dunbar, James A. (2014). Co-creating value in research: Stakeholders' perspectives: A centre for research excellence reflects on collaborating with policymakers and front-line staffto bring evidence into practice. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (Supp. 3), S44-S46. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00273

Co-creating value in research: Stakeholders' perspectives: A centre for research excellence reflects on collaborating with policymakers and front-line staffto bring evidence into practice


Journal Article

Best-practice integrated health care governance - applying evidence to Australia's health reform agenda

Nicholson, Caroline, Jackson, Claire L. and Marley, John E. (2014). Best-practice integrated health care governance - applying evidence to Australia's health reform agenda. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (3), S64-S66. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00310

Best-practice integrated health care governance - applying evidence to Australia's health reform agenda


Journal Article

Primary care of women after gestational diabetes mellitus: mapping the evidence-practice gap

Wilkinson, Shelley A., Brodribb, Wendy E., Upham, Susan, Janamian, Tina, Nicholson, Caroline and Jackson, Claire L. (2014). Primary care of women after gestational diabetes mellitus: mapping the evidence-practice gap. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (Supp. 3), S74-S77. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00264

Primary care of women after gestational diabetes mellitus: mapping the evidence-practice gap


Journal Article

Key elements of high-quality practice organisation in primary health care: a systematic review

Crossland, Lisa, Janamian, Tina and Jackson, Claire L. (2014). Key elements of high-quality practice organisation in primary health care: a systematic review. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (Supp. 3), S47-S51. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00305

Key elements of high-quality practice organisation in primary health care: a systematic review


Journal Article

Implementation research: its importance and application in primary care

Jackson, Claire L., Janamian, Tina, van Weel, Chris and Dunbar, James A. (2014). Implementation research: its importance and application in primary care. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (Supp. 3), S42-S43. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00063

Implementation research: its importance and application in primary care


Journal Article

Development and pilot study of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool (PC-PIT): an innovative approach

Crossland, Lisa, Janamian, Tina, Sheenan, Mary, Siskind, Victor, Hepworth, Julie and Jackson, Claire L. (2014). Development and pilot study of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool (PC-PIT): an innovative approach. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (Supp. 3), S52-S55. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00262

Development and pilot study of the Primary Care Practice Improvement Tool (PC-PIT): an innovative approach


Journal Article

A systematic review of the challenges to implementation of the patient-centred medical home: lessons for Australia

Janamian, Tina, Jackson, Claire L., Glasson, Nicola and Nicholson, Caroline (2014). A systematic review of the challenges to implementation of the patient-centred medical home: lessons for Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 201 (Supp. 3), S69-S73. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00295

A systematic review of the challenges to implementation of the patient-centred medical home: lessons for Australia


Journal Article

Case conferences between general practitioners and specialist teams to plan end of life care of people with end stage heart failure and lung disease: an exploratory pilot study

Mitchell, Geoffrey, Zhang, Jianzhen, Burridge, Letitia, Senior, Hugh, Miller, Elizabeth, Young, Sharleen, Donald, Maria and Jackson, Claire (2014). Case conferences between general practitioners and specialist teams to plan end of life care of people with end stage heart failure and lung disease: an exploratory pilot study. BMC Palliative Care, 13 (1) 24, 24.1-24.7. doi: 10.1186/1472-684X-13-24

Case conferences between general practitioners and specialist teams to plan end of life care of people with end stage heart failure and lung disease: an exploratory pilot study


Journal Article

Triggering change in diabetes care delivery in general practice: a qualitative evaluation approach using the clinical microsystem framework

Janamian, Tina, Crossland, Lisa J., Jackson, Claire and Morcom, Jenny (2014). Triggering change in diabetes care delivery in general practice: a qualitative evaluation approach using the clinical microsystem framework. BMC Family Practice, 15 (1) 32, 32.1-32.6. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-32

Triggering change in diabetes care delivery in general practice: a qualitative evaluation approach using the clinical microsystem framework


Journal Article

In a maternity shared-care environment, what do we know about the paper hand-held and electronic health record: a systematic literature review

Hawley, Glenda, Janamian, Tina, Jackson, Claire and Wilkinson, Shelley A. (2014). In a maternity shared-care environment, what do we know about the paper hand-held and electronic health record: a systematic literature review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14 (1) 52, 52.1-52.12. doi: 10.1186/1471-2393-14-52

In a maternity shared-care environment, what do we know about the paper hand-held and electronic health record: a systematic literature review


Journal Article

A governance model for integrated primary/ secondary care for the health-reforming first world: results of a systematic review

Nicholson, Caroline, Jackson, Claire and Marley, John (2013). A governance model for integrated primary/ secondary care for the health-reforming first world: results of a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 13 (528) 528, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-528

A governance model for integrated primary/ secondary care for the health-reforming first world: results of a systematic review