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Journal Article

Future aquafeeds may compromise reproductive fitness in a marine invertebrate

White, Camille A., Dworjanyn, Symon A., Nichols, Peter D., Mos, Benjamin and Dempster, Tim (2016). Future aquafeeds may compromise reproductive fitness in a marine invertebrate. Marine Environmental Research, 122, 67-75. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.09.008

Future aquafeeds may compromise reproductive fitness in a marine invertebrate


Journal Article

Early metamorphosis is costly and avoided by young, but physiologically competent, marine larvae

Mos, Benjamin and Dworjanyn, Symon A. (2016). Early metamorphosis is costly and avoided by young, but physiologically competent, marine larvae. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 559, 117-129. doi: 10.3354/meps11914

Early metamorphosis is costly and avoided by young, but physiologically competent, marine larvae


Journal Article

Biogenic acidification reduces sea urchin gonad growth and increases susceptibility of aquaculture to ocean acidification

Mos, Benjamin, Byrne, Maria and Dworjanyn, Symon A. (2016). Biogenic acidification reduces sea urchin gonad growth and increases susceptibility of aquaculture to ocean acidification. Marine Environmental Research, 113, 39-48. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.11.001

Biogenic acidification reduces sea urchin gonad growth and increases susceptibility of aquaculture to ocean acidification


Journal Article

Biogenic acidification drives density-dependent growth of a calcifying invertebrate in culture

Mos, Benjamin, Byrne, Maria, Cowden, Kenneth L. and Dworjanyn, Symon A. (2015). Biogenic acidification drives density-dependent growth of a calcifying invertebrate in culture. Marine Biology, 162 (8), 1541-1558. doi: 10.1007/s00227-015-2691-z

Biogenic acidification drives density-dependent growth of a calcifying invertebrate in culture


Journal Article

Larvae of the coral eating crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci in a warmer-high CO2 ocean

Kamya, Pamela Z., Dworjanyn, Symon A., Hardy, Natasha, Mos, Benjamin, Uthicke, Sven and Byrne, Maria (2014). Larvae of the coral eating crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci in a warmer-high CO2 ocean. Global Change Biology, 20 (11), 3365-3376. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12530

Larvae of the coral eating crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci in a warmer-high CO2 ocean


Other Outputs

Potential for the commercial culture of the tropical sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla in Australia

Mos, Benjamin, Cowden, Kenneth L. and Dworjanyn, Symon A. (2012). Potential for the commercial culture of the tropical sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla in Australia. Kingston, ACT Australia: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.

Potential for the commercial culture of the tropical sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla in Australia


Journal Article

Dissolved histamine: a potential habitat marker promoting settlement and metamorphosis in sea urchin larvae

Swanson, Rebecca L., Byrne, Maria, Prowse, Thomas A. A., Mos, Benjamin, Dworjanyn, Symon A. and Steinberg, Peter D. (2012). Dissolved histamine: a potential habitat marker promoting settlement and metamorphosis in sea urchin larvae. Marine Biology, 159 (4), 915-925. doi: 10.1007/s00227-011-1869-2

Dissolved histamine: a potential habitat marker promoting settlement and metamorphosis in sea urchin larvae


Journal Article

Do Cues Matter? Highly Inductive Settlement Cues Don't Ensure High Post-Settlement Survival in Sea Urchin Aquaculture

Mos, Benjamin, Cowden, Kenneth L., Nielsen, Shaun J. and Dworjanyn, Symon A. (2011). Do Cues Matter? Highly Inductive Settlement Cues Don't Ensure High Post-Settlement Survival in Sea Urchin Aquaculture. PLoS One, 6 (12). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028054

Do Cues Matter? Highly Inductive Settlement Cues Don't Ensure High Post-Settlement Survival in Sea Urchin Aquaculture