2021 Conference Publication Weapons of the weak: everyday resistance of migrant food delivery workersRiordan, Tyler (2021). Weapons of the weak: everyday resistance of migrant food delivery workers. Connectedness, activism and dignity at work in a precarious era: Work, Employment and Society Conference, Virtual Conference, Wales, 25 - 27 August 2021. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. |
2021 Conference Publication Essential but exploited: migrant food delivery workersRiordan, Tyler (2021). Essential but exploited: migrant food delivery workers. Global food supply chains in a world on the edge, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 15 - 16 June 2021. Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation. |
2021 Conference Publication “I Don’t Have Money To Pay Rent” But “I Feel Free”: how migrant food delivery workers use agency to overcome precarity in the ‘Gig’ economyRiordan, Tyler, Robinson, Richard and Hoffstaedter, Gerhard (2021). “I Don’t Have Money To Pay Rent” But “I Feel Free”: how migrant food delivery workers use agency to overcome precarity in the ‘Gig’ economy. CAUTHE (31st : 2021), Online, 8-11 February 2021. |
2020 Conference Publication Hospitality as therapy: evidence of training for homeless personsRobinson, Richard and Riordan, Tyler (2020). Hospitality as therapy: evidence of training for homeless persons. CAUTHE 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2020. |
2020 Conference Publication Disrupting hospitality: migrant food delivery workers as mobile host-guests in the 'gig economy'Riordan, Tyler, Hoffstaedter, Gerhard and Robinson, Richard (2020). Disrupting hospitality: migrant food delivery workers as mobile host-guests in the 'gig economy'. CAUTHE 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2020. |