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Journal Article

An evaluation of a donation coping brochure with Australian non-donors

Masser, Barbara and France, Christopher R. (2010). An evaluation of a donation coping brochure with Australian non-donors. Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 43 (3), 291-297. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2010.09.017

An evaluation of a donation coping brochure with Australian non-donors


Journal Article

Bad woman, bad victim? Disentangling the effects of victim stereotypicality, gender stereotypicality and benevolent sexism on acquaintance rape victim blame

Masser, Barbara, Lee, Kate and McKimmie, Blake M. (2010). Bad woman, bad victim? Disentangling the effects of victim stereotypicality, gender stereotypicality and benevolent sexism on acquaintance rape victim blame. Sex Roles, 62 (7-8), 494-504. doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9648-y

Bad woman, bad victim? Disentangling the effects of victim stereotypicality, gender stereotypicality and benevolent sexism on acquaintance rape victim blame


Journal Article

Judgments of sexual assault: the impact of complainant emotional demeanor, gender and victim stereotypes

Schuller, Regina A., McKimmie, Blake M., Masser, Barbara M. and Klippenstine, Marc A. (2010). Judgments of sexual assault: the impact of complainant emotional demeanor, gender and victim stereotypes. New Criminal Law Review, 13 (4), 759-780. doi: 10.1525/nclr.2010.13.4.759

Judgments of sexual assault: the impact of complainant emotional demeanor, gender and victim stereotypes


Journal Article

Predicting blood donation intentions and behavior among Australian blood donors: Testing an extended theory of planned behavior model

Masser, Barbara M., White, Katherine. M., Hyde, Melissa K., Terry, Deborah. J. and Robinson, Natalie. G. (2009). Predicting blood donation intentions and behavior among Australian blood donors: Testing an extended theory of planned behavior model. Transfusion, 49 (2), 320-329. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2008.01981.x

Predicting blood donation intentions and behavior among Australian blood donors: Testing an extended theory of planned behavior model


Journal Article

Predicting intentions to donate blood among nondonors in Australia: an extended theory of planned behavior

Robinson, Natalie G., Masser, Barbara M., White, Katherine M., Hyde, Melissa K. and Terry, Deborah J. (2008). Predicting intentions to donate blood among nondonors in Australia: an extended theory of planned behavior. Transfusion, 48 (12), 2559-2567. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2008.01904.x

Predicting intentions to donate blood among nondonors in Australia: an extended theory of planned behavior


Journal Article

Integrating social identity theory and the theory of planned behaviour to explain decisions to engage in sustainable agricultural practices

Fielding, Kelly, Terry, Deborah J., Masser, Barbara M. and Hogg, Michael A. (2008). Integrating social identity theory and the theory of planned behaviour to explain decisions to engage in sustainable agricultural practices. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47 (1), 23-48. doi: 10.1348/014466607X206792

Integrating social identity theory and the theory of planned behaviour to explain decisions to engage in sustainable agricultural practices


Journal Article

The Psychology of Blood Donation: Current Research and Future Directions

Masser, Barbara M., White, Katherine M., Hyde, Melissa K. and Terry, Deborah J. (2008). The Psychology of Blood Donation: Current Research and Future Directions. Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 22 (3), 215-233. doi: 10.1016/j.tmrv.2008.02.005

The Psychology of Blood Donation: Current Research and Future Directions


Journal Article

We like you, but we don't want you: the impact of pregnancy in the workplace

Masser, Barbara, Grass, Kirsten and Nesic, Michelle (2007). We like you, but we don't want you: the impact of pregnancy in the workplace. Sex Roles, 57 (9-10), 703-712. doi: 10.1007/s11199-007-9305-2

We like you, but we don't want you: the impact of pregnancy in the workplace


Journal Article

With friends like these... The role of prejudice and situational norms on discriminatory helping behavior

Masser, Barbara and Moffat, Kieren B. (2006). With friends like these... The role of prejudice and situational norms on discriminatory helping behavior. Journal of Homosexuality, 51 (2), 121-138. doi: 10.1300/J082v51n02_07

With friends like these... The role of prejudice and situational norms on discriminatory helping behavior


Journal Article

Hostile sexism and rape proclivity amongst men

Masser, B, Viki, GT and Power, C (2006). Hostile sexism and rape proclivity amongst men. Sex Roles, 54 (7-8), 565-574. doi: 10.1007/s11199-006-9022-2

Hostile sexism and rape proclivity amongst men


Journal Article

Demographic category membership and leadership in small groups: A social identity analysis

Hogg, MA, Fielding, KS, Johnson, D, Masser, B, Russell, E and Svensson, A (2006). Demographic category membership and leadership in small groups: A social identity analysis. Leadership Quarterly, 17 (4), 335-350. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2006.04.007

Demographic category membership and leadership in small groups: A social identity analysis


Journal Article

Anti-American sentiment and America's perceived intent to dominate: An 11-nation study

Glick, P., Fiske, S. T., Abrams, D., Dardenne, B., Ferreira, M. C., Gonzalez, R., Hachfeld, C., Huang, L. L., Hutchison, P., Kim, H. J., Manganelli, A. M., Masser, B. M., Mucchi-Faina, A., Okiebisu, S., Rouhana, N., Saiz, J. L., Sakalh-Urgurlu, N., Volpato, C., Yamamoto, M. and Yzerbyt, V. (2006). Anti-American sentiment and America's perceived intent to dominate: An 11-nation study. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 28 (4), 363-373. doi: 10.1207/s15324834basp2804_10

Anti-American sentiment and America's perceived intent to dominate: An 11-nation study


Journal Article

Explaining landholders' decisions about riparian zone management: The role of behavioural, normative, and control beliefs

Fielding, K. S., Terry, D. J., Masser, B. M., Bordia, P. and Hogg, M. A. (2005). Explaining landholders' decisions about riparian zone management: The role of behavioural, normative, and control beliefs. Journal of Environmental Management, 77 (1), 12-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2005.03.002

Explaining landholders' decisions about riparian zone management: The role of behavioural, normative, and control beliefs


Journal Article

When chivalry backfires: Benevolent sexism and attitudes toward Myra Hindley

Viki, GT, Massey, K and Masser, B (2005). When chivalry backfires: Benevolent sexism and attitudes toward Myra Hindley. Legal And Criminological Psychology, 10 (1), 109-120. doi: 10.1348/135532504X15277

When chivalry backfires: Benevolent sexism and attitudes toward Myra Hindley


Journal Article

Evaluating stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent sexism in perpetrator blame and recommended sentence length

Tendayi Viki, G., Abrams, D. and Masser, B. M. (2004). Evaluating stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent sexism in perpetrator blame and recommended sentence length. Law and Human Behavior, 28 (3), 295-303. doi: 10.1023/B:LAHU.0000029140.72880.69

Evaluating stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent sexism in perpetrator blame and recommended sentence length


Journal Article

Bad but bold: Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender inequality in 16 nations

Glick, P., Lameiras, M., Fiske, S. T., Eckes, T., Masser, B., Volpato, C., Manganelli, A. M., Pek, J. C. X., Huang, L. L., Sakalli-Ugurlu, N., Rodriguez Castro, Y., D'Avila Pereira, M. L., Willemsen, T. M., Brunner, A. and Six-Materna, I. (2004). Bad but bold: Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender inequality in 16 nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86 (5), 713-728. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.86.5.713

Bad but bold: Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender inequality in 16 nations


Journal Article

"What do other people think?" - The role of prejudice and social norms in the expression of opinions against gay men

Masser, B. and Phillips, L. (2003). "What do other people think?" - The role of prejudice and social norms in the expression of opinions against gay men. Australian Journal of Psychology, 55 (3), 184-190. doi: 10.1080/0004953042000298652

"What do other people think?" - The role of prejudice and social norms in the expression of opinions against gay men


Journal Article

Perceptions of stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent and hostile sexism in victim blame and rape proclivity

Abrams, D., Tendayi Viki, G., Masser, B. M. and Bohner, G. (2003). Perceptions of stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent and hostile sexism in victim blame and rape proclivity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84 (1), 111-125. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.84.1.111

Perceptions of stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent and hostile sexism in victim blame and rape proclivity


Journal Article

Evaluating stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent sexism in perpetrator blame and recommended sentence length

Masser, B. M., Tendayi Viki, G and Abrams, D. (2003). Evaluating stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent sexism in perpetrator blame and recommended sentence length. Australian Journal of Psychology: Combined Abstracts of 2003 Australian Psychology Conferences, 55 (Supplement), 52-52.

Evaluating stranger and acquaintance rape: The role of benevolent sexism in perpetrator blame and recommended sentence length


Journal Article

Life on the ocean wave: Testing some intergroup hypotheses in a naturalistic setting

Brown, Rupert, Maras, Pam, Masser, Barbara, Vivian, James and Hewstone, Miles (2001). Life on the ocean wave: Testing some intergroup hypotheses in a naturalistic setting. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 4 (2), 81-97. doi: 10.1177/1368430201004002001

Life on the ocean wave: Testing some intergroup hypotheses in a naturalistic setting