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Journal Article

Promoters of orthologous Glycine max and Lotus japonicus nodulation autoregulation genes interchangeably drive phloem-specific expression in transgenic plants

Nontachaiyapoom, Sureeporn, Scott, Paul T., Men, Artem E., Kinkema, Mark, Schenk, Peer M. and Gresshoff, Peter M. (2007). Promoters of orthologous Glycine max and Lotus japonicus nodulation autoregulation genes interchangeably drive phloem-specific expression in transgenic plants. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 20 (7), 769-780. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-20-7-0769

Promoters of orthologous Glycine max and Lotus japonicus nodulation autoregulation genes interchangeably drive phloem-specific expression in transgenic plants


Other Outputs

Soybean Nodulation Factor Receptor Proteins, Encoding Nucleic Acids and Uses Therefore

Indrasumunar, A., Kereszt, A. and Gresshoff, P. M . (2007). Soybean Nodulation Factor Receptor Proteins, Encoding Nucleic Acids and Uses Therefore. WO/2007/070960.

Soybean Nodulation Factor Receptor Proteins, Encoding Nucleic Acids and Uses Therefore


Journal Article

Two defined alleles of the LRR receptor kinase GmNARK in supernodulating soybean govern differing autoregulation of mycorrhization

Meixner, C., Vegvari, G., Ludwig-Muller, J., Gagnon, H., Steinkellner, S., Staehelin, C., Gresshoff, P. and Vierheilig, H. (2007). Two defined alleles of the LRR receptor kinase GmNARK in supernodulating soybean govern differing autoregulation of mycorrhization. Physiologia Plantarum, 130 (2), 261-270. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2007.00903.x

Two defined alleles of the LRR receptor kinase GmNARK in supernodulating soybean govern differing autoregulation of mycorrhization


Journal Article

Short- and long-distance control of root development by LjHAR1 during the juvenile stage of Lotus japonicus

Diana Mihaela Buzas and Peter Michael Gresshoff (2007). Short- and long-distance control of root development by LjHAR1 during the juvenile stage of Lotus japonicus. Journal of Plant Physiology, 164 (4), 452-459. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2006.03.006

Short- and long-distance control of root development by LjHAR1 during the juvenile stage of Lotus japonicus


Conference Publication

Long distance regulation of plant stem cell growth during legume nodulation

Gresshoff P.M., Kereszt, A., Indrasumunar, A., Nontachaiyapoom, S., Lin, Y. H., Jiang, Q., Miyagi, M., Oelkers, K., Mathesius, U., Lin, M., Li, D., Nguyen, C., Men, A., Hadler, J., Scott, P., Miyahara, A., Biswas, B., Carroll B., Chan, P. K., Hirani, T., Djordjevic, M. and Kinkema, M. (2007). Long distance regulation of plant stem cell growth during legume nodulation. ComBio 2007, Sydney, Australia, 22-26 September 2007.

Long distance regulation of plant stem cell growth during legume nodulation


Journal Article

Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of soybean to study root biology

Kereszt, A., Li, D., Indrasumunar, A., Nguyen, C. D. T., Nontachaiyapoom, S., Kinkema, M. D. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of soybean to study root biology. Nature Protocols, 2 (4), 948-952. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2007.141

Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of soybean to study root biology


Journal Article

pGFPGUSPlus, a new binary vector for gene expression studies and optimising transformation systems in plants

Vickers, C. E., Schenk, P. M., Li, D., Mullineaux, P. M. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). pGFPGUSPlus, a new binary vector for gene expression studies and optimising transformation systems in plants. Biotechnology Letters, 29 (11), 1793-1796. doi: 10.1007/s10529-007-9467-6

pGFPGUSPlus, a new binary vector for gene expression studies and optimising transformation systems in plants


Journal Article

Common regulatory themes in meristem development and whole-plant homeostasis

Beveridge, C. A., Mathesius, U., Rose, R. J. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Common regulatory themes in meristem development and whole-plant homeostasis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 10 (1), 44-51. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2006.11.011

Common regulatory themes in meristem development and whole-plant homeostasis


Conference Publication

Virtual soybean—a computational model for studying autoregulation of nodulation

Han, Liqi, Gresshoff, Peter M. and Hanan, Jim (2007). Virtual soybean—a computational model for studying autoregulation of nodulation. FSPM07: 5th International Workshop on Functional Structural Plant Models, Napier, New Zealand, 4-9 November, 2007. Napier, New Zealand: FSPM.

Virtual soybean—a computational model for studying autoregulation of nodulation


Conference Publication

Computational models for studying signaling control mechanisms behind legume autoregulation of nodulation

Han, Liqi, Gresshoff, Peter M. and Hanan, Jim (2007). Computational models for studying signaling control mechanisms behind legume autoregulation of nodulation. 8th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2-7 July, 2007.

Computational models for studying signaling control mechanisms behind legume autoregulation of nodulation


Journal Article

Fast, efficient and reproducible genetic transformation of Phaseolus spp. by Agrobacterium rhizogenes

Estrada-Navarrete, G., Alvarado-Affantranger, X., Olivares, J., Guillen, G., Diaz-Camino, C., Campos, F., Quinto, C., Gresshoff, P. M. and Sanchez, F. (2007). Fast, efficient and reproducible genetic transformation of Phaseolus spp. by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Nature Protocols, 2 (7), 1819-1824. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2007.259

Fast, efficient and reproducible genetic transformation of Phaseolus spp. by Agrobacterium rhizogenes


Conference Publication

Plant stem cell biology and systemic regulation of nodulation

Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Plant stem cell biology and systemic regulation of nodulation. Mini-symposium on Advances in Plant Vascular Biology 2007, Taichung, Taiwan, 14 May, 2007. Taiwan:

Plant stem cell biology and systemic regulation of nodulation


Conference Publication

Soybean biotechnology, functional genomics and end-user benefits

Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Soybean biotechnology, functional genomics and end-user benefits. 14th Australian Soybean Industry Conference. Success with Soybeans, Bundaberg, Australia, 26-28th March 2007. Queensland, Australia: Northern Australian Soybean Industry Association.

Soybean biotechnology, functional genomics and end-user benefits


Journal Article

The Glycine max xylem sap and apoplast proteome

Djordjevic, M. A., Oakes, M., Li, D. X., Hwang, C. H., Hocart, C. H. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). The Glycine max xylem sap and apoplast proteome. Journal of Proteome Research, 6 (9), 3771-3779. doi: 10.1021/pr0606833

The Glycine max xylem sap and apoplast proteome


Journal Article

Silver staining DNA in polyacrylamide gels

Bassam, B. J. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Silver staining DNA in polyacrylamide gels. Nature Protocols, 2 (11), 2649-2654. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2007.330

Silver staining DNA in polyacrylamide gels


Conference Publication

Systemic and local regulation of legume nodulation; receptor kinases, novel signals, targets and activated states

Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Systemic and local regulation of legume nodulation; receptor kinases, novel signals, targets and activated states. International Conference on Plant Vascular Biology 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, 7-11 May, 2007. Taiwan:

Systemic and local regulation of legume nodulation; receptor kinases, novel signals, targets and activated states


Conference Publication

Computational approaches for studying signaling mechanisms behind legume autoregulation of nodulation

Han, L., Gresshoff, P. M. and Hanan, J. (2007). Computational approaches for studying signaling mechanisms behind legume autoregulation of nodulation. Bioinformatics Australia 2007, Brisbane, Australia, 23-24 October, 2007. Australia:

Computational approaches for studying signaling mechanisms behind legume autoregulation of nodulation


Journal Article

Expression analysis of RING zinc finger genes from Triticum aestivum and identification of TaRZF70 that contains four RING-H2 domains and differentially responds to water deficit between leaf and root

Kam, J., Gresshoff, P., Shorter, R. and Xue, G. P. (2007). Expression analysis of RING zinc finger genes from Triticum aestivum and identification of TaRZF70 that contains four RING-H2 domains and differentially responds to water deficit between leaf and root. Plant Science, 173 (6), 650-659. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2007.09.001

Expression analysis of RING zinc finger genes from Triticum aestivum and identification of TaRZF70 that contains four RING-H2 domains and differentially responds to water deficit between leaf and root


Conference Publication

Genetic networks controlling nodule number and root growth in Lotus japonicus

Gresshoff, Peter M. and Jiang, Quinyi (2007). Genetic networks controlling nodule number and root growth in Lotus japonicus. Plant & Animal Genomes XV Conference, San Diego CA, U.S.A., 13-17 January 2007.

Genetic networks controlling nodule number and root growth in Lotus japonicus


Journal Article

Nodulation deficiency caused by fast neutron mutagenesis of the model legume Lotus japonicus

Hoffmann, D., Jiang, Q. Y., Men, A., Kinkema, M. D. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2007). Nodulation deficiency caused by fast neutron mutagenesis of the model legume Lotus japonicus. Journal of Plant Physiology, 164 (4), 460-469. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2006.12.005

Nodulation deficiency caused by fast neutron mutagenesis of the model legume Lotus japonicus