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Journal Article

Analysis of methanogen diversity in the rumen using temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis: identification of uncultured methanogens

Nicholson, Matthew J., Evans, Paul N. and Joblin, Keith N. (2007). Analysis of methanogen diversity in the rumen using temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis: identification of uncultured methanogens. Microbial Ecology, 54 (1), 141-150. doi: 10.1007/s00248-006-9182-1

Analysis of methanogen diversity in the rumen using temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis: identification of uncultured methanogens


Journal Article

Phylogenetic diversity of archaea and bacteria in the anoxic zone of a meromictic lake (Lake Pavin, France)

Lehours, Anne-Catherine, Evans, Paul, Bardot, Corinne, Joblin, Keith and Gerard, Fonty (2007). Phylogenetic diversity of archaea and bacteria in the anoxic zone of a meromictic lake (Lake Pavin, France). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73 (6), 2016-2019. doi: 10.1128/aem.01490-06

Phylogenetic diversity of archaea and bacteria in the anoxic zone of a meromictic lake (Lake Pavin, France)


Journal Article

16S rDNA directed PCR primers and detection of methanogens in the bovine rumen

Skillman, L. C., Evans, P. N., Strompl, C. and Joblin, K. N. (2006). 16S rDNA directed PCR primers and detection of methanogens in the bovine rumen. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 42 (3), 222-228. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-765x.2005.01833.x

16S rDNA directed PCR primers and detection of methanogens in the bovine rumen


Journal Article

16S ribosomal DNA-directed PCR primers for ruminal methanogens and identification of methanogens colonising young lambs

Skillman, Lucy C., Evans, Paul N., Naylor, Graham E., Morvan, Brieuc, Jarvis, Graeme N. and Joblin, Keith N. (2004) 16S ribosomal DNA-directed PCR primers for ruminal methanogens and identification of methanogens colonising young lambs. Anaerobe, 10 5: 277-85. doi:10.1016/j.anaerobe.2004.05.003

16S ribosomal DNA-directed PCR primers for ruminal methanogens and identification of methanogens colonising young lambs