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Dr Noam Levin

Noam Levin




Dr Noam Levin is:
Available for supervision


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125 works between 2000 and 2024

101 - 120 of 125 works


Journal Article

The effect of climate change on the mobility and stability of coastal sand dunes in Ceará State (NE Brazil)

Tsoar, Haim, Levin, Noam, Porat, Naomi, Maia, Luis P., Herrmann, Hans J., Tatumi, Sonia H. and Claudino-Sales, Vanda (2009). The effect of climate change on the mobility and stability of coastal sand dunes in Ceará State (NE Brazil). Quaternary Research, 71 (2), 217-226. doi: 10.1016/j.yqres.2008.12.001

The effect of climate change on the mobility and stability of coastal sand dunes in Ceará State (NE Brazil)


Journal Article

Estimation of surface roughness (z0) cover a stabilizing coastal dune field based on vegetation and topography

Levin, Noam, Ben-Dor, Eyal, Kidron, Giora J. and Yaakov, Yaron (2008). Estimation of surface roughness (z0) cover a stabilizing coastal dune field based on vegetation and topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33 (10), 1520-1541. doi: 10.1002/esp.1621

Estimation of surface roughness (z0) cover a stabilizing coastal dune field based on vegetation and topography


Journal Article

A field quantification of coastal dune perennial plants as indicators of surface stability, erosion or deposition

Levin, Noam, Kidron, Giora J. and Ben-Dor, Eyal (2008). A field quantification of coastal dune perennial plants as indicators of surface stability, erosion or deposition. Sedimentology, 55 (4), 751-772. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00920.x

A field quantification of coastal dune perennial plants as indicators of surface stability, erosion or deposition


Journal Article

Global environmental priorities: Making sense of remote sensing: Reply to TREE Letter: Satellites miss environmental priorities by Loarie et al. (2007)

Kark, Salit, Levin, Noam and Phinn, Stuart (2008). Global environmental priorities: Making sense of remote sensing: Reply to TREE Letter: Satellites miss environmental priorities by Loarie et al. (2007). Trends In Ecology & Evolution, 23 (4), 181-182. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2008.01.001

Global environmental priorities: Making sense of remote sensing: Reply to TREE Letter: Satellites miss environmental priorities by Loarie et al. (2007)


Journal Article

Accurate prediction of bird species richness patterns in an urban environment using Landsat-derived NDVI and spectral unmixing

Bino, G., Levin, N., Darawshi, S., Van Der Hal, N., Reich-Solomon, A. and Kark, S. (2008). Accurate prediction of bird species richness patterns in an urban environment using Landsat-derived NDVI and spectral unmixing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29 (13), 3675-3700. doi: 10.1080/01431160701772534

Accurate prediction of bird species richness patterns in an urban environment using Landsat-derived NDVI and spectral unmixing


Journal Article

Dune whitening and inter-dune freshwater ponds in NE Brazil

Levin, Noam, Tsoar, Haim, Maia, Luis P., Claudino-Sales, Vanda and Herrmann, Hans (2007). Dune whitening and inter-dune freshwater ponds in NE Brazil. Catena, 70 (1), 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2006.06.006

Dune whitening and inter-dune freshwater ponds in NE Brazil


Journal Article

The role of transitional areas as avian biodiversity centres

Kark, Salit, Allnutt, Thomas F., Levin, Noam, Manne, Lisa L. and Williams, Paul H. (2007). The role of transitional areas as avian biodiversity centres. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16 (2), 187-196. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2006.00274.x

The role of transitional areas as avian biodiversity centres


Journal Article

The role of transitional areas as avian biodiversity centres

Kark, Salit, Allnutt, Thomas F., Levin, Noam, Manne, Lisa L. and Williams, Paul H. (2007). The role of transitional areas as avian biodiversity centres. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16 (2), 187-196. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2006.00274.x

The role of transitional areas as avian biodiversity centres


Journal Article

Remote sensing as a tool for monitoring plasticulture in agricultural landscapes

Levin, N., Lugass, R., Ramon, U., Braun, O. and Ben-Dor, E. (2007). Remote sensing as a tool for monitoring plasticulture in agricultural landscapes. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 (1), 183-202. doi: 10.1080/01431160600658156

Remote sensing as a tool for monitoring plasticulture in agricultural landscapes


Conference Publication

Beyond discrete boundaries in Australian savannas: avian response to continuous versus discrete models of landscape structure

Price, Bronwyn, McAlpine, Clive, Phinn, Stuart, Kutt, Alex, Pullar, David and Levin, Noam (2007). Beyond discrete boundaries in Australian savannas: avian response to continuous versus discrete models of landscape structure. Adapting to Change: Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference 2007, Perth, Australia, 25 - 30 November 2007. Canberra: Ecological Society of Australia.

Beyond discrete boundaries in Australian savannas: avian response to continuous versus discrete models of landscape structure


Journal Article

Predicting mountain plant richness and rarity from space using satellite-derived vegetation indices

Levin, Noam, Shmida, Avi, Levanoni, Oded, Tamari, Hagit and Kark, Salit (2007). Predicting mountain plant richness and rarity from space using satellite-derived vegetation indices. Diversity and Distributions, 13 (6), 692-703. doi: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2007.00372.x

Predicting mountain plant richness and rarity from space using satellite-derived vegetation indices


Journal Article

Landscape continuity analysis: A new approach to conservation planning in Israel

Levin, Noam, Lahav, Hava, Ramon, Uri, Heller, Ayelet, Nizry, Guy, Tsoar, Asaf and Sagi, Yoav (2007). Landscape continuity analysis: A new approach to conservation planning in Israel. Landscape and Urban Planning, 79 (1), 53-64. doi: 10.1016/j.landurplan.2006.04.001

Landscape continuity analysis: A new approach to conservation planning in Israel


Conference Publication

Moving from discrete to continuous landscape metrics using remote sensing: The ecological significance of paddock trees for bird richness

Levin, N., McAlpine, C., Phinn, S., Price, B., Pullar, D., Law, B. S. and Kavanagh, R. P. (2007). Moving from discrete to continuous landscape metrics using remote sensing: The ecological significance of paddock trees for bird richness. MODSIM 2007, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10 -13 December 2007. Canberra, Australia: The Modelling & Simulation Society of Australia and NZ Inc (MSSANZ).

Moving from discrete to continuous landscape metrics using remote sensing: The ecological significance of paddock trees for bird richness


Journal Article

Determining conservation hotspots across biogeographic regions using rainfall belts: Israel as a case study

Levin, Noam and Shmida, Avi (2007). Determining conservation hotspots across biogeographic regions using rainfall belts: Israel as a case study. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 53 (1), 33-58. doi: 10.1560/IJEE_53_1_33

Determining conservation hotspots across biogeographic regions using rainfall belts: Israel as a case study


Journal Article

Surface properties of stabilizing coastal dunes: combining spectral and field analyses

Levin, N, Kidron, GJ and Ben-Dor, E (2007). Surface properties of stabilizing coastal dunes: combining spectral and field analyses. Sedimentology, 54 (4), 771-788. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00859.x

Surface properties of stabilizing coastal dunes: combining spectral and field analyses


Journal Article

The spatial and temporal variability of sand erosion across a stabilizing coastal dune field

Levin, Noam, Kidron, Giora J. and Ben-Dor, Eyal (2006). The spatial and temporal variability of sand erosion across a stabilizing coastal dune field. Sedimentology, 53 (4), 697-715. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2006.00787.x

The spatial and temporal variability of sand erosion across a stabilizing coastal dune field


Journal Article

Quantitative mapping of the soil rubification process on sand dunes using an airborne hyperspectral sensor

Ben-Dor, E., Levin, N., Singer, A., Karnieli, A., Braun, O. and Kidron, G. J. (2006). Quantitative mapping of the soil rubification process on sand dunes using an airborne hyperspectral sensor. Geoderma, 131 (1-2), 1-21. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2005.02.011

Quantitative mapping of the soil rubification process on sand dunes using an airborne hyperspectral sensor


Journal Article

The Palestine Exploration Fund map (1871-1877) of the holy land as a tool for analysing landscape changes: the coastal dunes of Israel as a case study

Levin, Noam (2006). The Palestine Exploration Fund map (1871-1877) of the holy land as a tool for analysing landscape changes: the coastal dunes of Israel as a case study. Cartographic Journal, 43 (1), 45-67. doi: 10.1179/000870406X93508

The Palestine Exploration Fund map (1871-1877) of the holy land as a tool for analysing landscape changes: the coastal dunes of Israel as a case study


Journal Article

Colonisation of the Middle East by the invasive Common Myna Acridotheres tristis L., with special reference to Israel

Holzapfel, Claus, Levin, Noam, Hatzofe, Ohad and Kark, Salit (2006). Colonisation of the Middle East by the invasive Common Myna Acridotheres tristis L., with special reference to Israel. Sandgrouse, 28 (1), 44-51.

Colonisation of the Middle East by the invasive Common Myna Acridotheres tristis L., with special reference to Israel


Journal Article

A digital camera as a tool to measure colour indices and related properties of sandy soils in semi-arid environments

Levin, N., Ben-Dor, E. and Singer, A. (2005). A digital camera as a tool to measure colour indices and related properties of sandy soils in semi-arid environments. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26 (24), 5475-5492. doi: 10.1080/01431160500099444

A digital camera as a tool to measure colour indices and related properties of sandy soils in semi-arid environments



Dr Noam Levin is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Integrating Ecosystem Services in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) for planning the Blue Economy of Bangladesh

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Md. Ali Akber, Professor Salit Kark

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Barriers to the recruitment of endemic and threatened plant species on Norfolk Island

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr John Dwyer, Professor Salit Kark

Completed supervision



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