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Dr Negareh Ghasemi

Negareh Ghasemi




Dr Negareh Ghasemi received her BSc and MSc degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering in 2003 and 2007 respectively. She obtained her PhD in Power Electronics in 2013. She received Outstanding Thesis Award from Queensland University of Technology in 2013. She has more than 10 years working experience in industry and academia. Dr Ghasemi is an active member of IEEE Women in Engineering and an Editorial Board member of International Journal of Power Electronics. Dr Ghasemi has been collaborating with several international universities and institutes in Japan and Germany. Her research interests include Power Electronics and Control, Pulsed Power and Ultrasound Systems and their applications.


Dr Negareh Ghasemi is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology

Research interests

  • Power Electronics and Control

    Power electronics system consists of switching electronic circuits to control and convert the electric power. Power electronics technology is the basis of many power electronics applications including switching power supplies, energy conversion systems, high power ultrasound system excitation and pulsed power.

  • Pulsed Power

    Pulsed power technology refers to the of very short high power electrical pulses. Pulsed power is an emerging technology can be effectively applied in many industrial and bioelectric applications such as water treatment, food processing, sterilization. The pulse parameters can highly influence the effectiveness of pulse power systems. Power electronics systems are usually applied to generate desired pulses.

  • Ultrasound Systems

    Ultrasound systems are found to be effective technologies in several applications due to their ability mechanical energy in electrical energy and vice versa. To achieve efficient energy conversion performance of these systems, excitation systems should be designed properly considering operating frequency, power level, load conditions.

Research impacts

My research works in the field of energy conversion systems, particularly in pulsed power and ultrasound systems provided a great benefit to health, the environment, and society. My academic background and experience in electrical engineering enabled me to lead and contribute to multiple collaborative projects through which I could train, support, and supervise several new research staff and many students in the field and have been helping them to build their future careers. Since 2019, I secured over $1M research grants and funding support including NHMRC-IDeas grant, ACARP grant and Childeren's Hospital Foundation grant.

Here is a summary of the beneficial outcomes of my research:

A benefit to health- Producing microbiologically-safe donor breastmilk using pulsed power technology

  • The NHMRC human milk project aims to improve health outcomes and advance the care of vulnerable preterm and low birth weight infants. Globally, about 15 million babies are born preterm every year (>1 in 10 babies); this number is rising. Poor nutrition in preterm infants during the early weeks of life has major effects on later-life health outcomes. Breastmilk contains an array of important immunoprotective and nutritional biomolecules that are destroyed during the thermal processing of donor breastmilk. Thus, creating next-generation feeding options of microbiologically safe and biologically active donor breastmilk to improve early infant care is hugely important. We secured a Children's Hospital Foundation grant and an NHMRC-Ideas grant for developing static and dynamic systems for the treatment of human breastmilk.

Social and environmental sustainability- Wastewater treatment using ultrasound and pulsed power technologies

  • Toxic organic pollutants found in industrial wastewater are one of the major threats to human and ecosystem health. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic organic compounds that can harm human and ecosystem health due to their carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. We developed an advanced system for the treatment of wastewater using an ultrasound system which was effective for the removal of a wide range of PAHs pollutants and produced no secondary pollutants. the outcome of this research work has been published in the Water and Environment Journal.

A benefit to society- Sustainable food production

  • Mushrooms are a source of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals.We designed and developed a pulsed power system to increase the growth rate and total yield and alter the nutritional composition of Pleurotus Ostreatus white oyster mushrooms. The experimental results showed an increase in the mean crude fat and protein content as well as a 34% increase in the total yield of the stimulated samples. The outcome of this project has been published in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Also, we secured a reserresearch, Industry Kickstarter grant from the UQ Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.


Search Professor Negareh Ghasemi’s works on UQ eSpace

44 works between 2011 and 2023

41 - 44 of 44 works


Journal Article

Improving the efficiency of high power piezoelectric transducers for industrial applications

Davari, P., Ghasemi, N., Zare, F., O'shea, P. and Ghosh, A. (2012). Improving the efficiency of high power piezoelectric transducers for industrial applications. IET Science Measurement and Technology, 6 (4), 213-221. doi: 10.1049/iet-smt.2011.0209

Improving the efficiency of high power piezoelectric transducers for industrial applications


Conference Publication

Power electronic converters for high power ultrasound transducers

Ghasemi, Negareh, Zare, Firuz, Davari, Pooya, Weber, Peter, Langton, Christian and Ghosh, Arindam (2012). Power electronic converters for high power ultrasound transducers. 2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Singapore, Singapore, 18-20 July 2012. Piscataway NJ United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICIEA.2012.6360806

Power electronic converters for high power ultrasound transducers


Conference Publication

A High Frequency Current Source Converter with Adjustable Magnitude to Drive High Power Piezoelectric Transducers

Ghasemi, Negareh, Zare, Firuz, Ghosh, Arindam and Langton, Christian (2012). A High Frequency Current Source Converter with Adjustable Magnitude to Drive High Power Piezoelectric Transducers. 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition (EPE-PEMC ECCE Europe), Novi Sad Serbia, 4-6 September 2012. Piscataway, NJ United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/EPEPEMC.2012.6397206

A High Frequency Current Source Converter with Adjustable Magnitude to Drive High Power Piezoelectric Transducers


Conference Publication

A new unequal DC link voltage configuration for a single phase multilevel converter to reduce low order harmonics

Ghasemi, Negareh, Zare, Firuz, Langton, Christian and Ghosh, Arindam (2011). A new unequal DC link voltage configuration for a single phase multilevel converter to reduce low order harmonics. 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011), Birmingham, UK, 30 August-1 September 2011. Piscataway NJ United States: IEEE.

A new unequal DC link voltage configuration for a single phase multilevel converter to reduce low order harmonics


Current funding

  • 2020 - 2024
    Next-generation feeding for premature babies: 'Bioactive' breastmilk pasteurised by nanosecond pulsed electric field
    NHMRC IDEAS Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2024
    An emerging pulsed power technology for dewatering mineral tailings
    Australian Coal Association Research Program
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2019
    In-situ dewatering of processed kimberlite slimes (Pulse Power).
    Technological Resources Pty Limited
    Open grant



Dr Negareh Ghasemi is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



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