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Dr Alexandra Grutter

Alexandra Grutter

+61 7 336 57386



My research interests are in coral reef ecology and marine parasitology.

I also incorporate other fields in my research including evolutionary biology, molecular biology, parasitology, and animal behaviour. I use field observations to generate hypotheses which are tested using field and laboratory experiments.

Currently, I have research programmes at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef and on campus.

Specific projects include:

Cleaning symbiosis as a model system for developing and testing models of non-kin cooperation in multispecies mutualisms

The ecological significance of cleaning behaviour in reef fishes

The direct and indirect effects of cleaner fish on the coral reef community

Interactions between larval coral reef fish and parasites

The effects of parasites on fish physiology

The taxonomy of gnathiid isopods and their identification using DNA

The role of colour and pattern in communication among animals

The molecular and colour pattern biogeography of cleaner fish

Sustainable amateur marine aquaria


Dr Alexandra Grutter is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Fields of research


  • Doctor of Philosophy, James Cook University

Research interests

  • Coral Reef Ecology Lab

    My research interests are in coral reef ecology and marine parasitology. I also incorporate other fields in my research including evolutionary biology, molecular biology, parasitology, and animal behaviour. I use field observations to generate hypotheses which are tested using field and laboratory experiments. Currently, I have research programmes at Heron Island and Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef and on campus. Specific projects include: Cleaning symbiosis as a model system for developing and testing models of non-kin cooperation in multispecies mutualisms The ecological significance of cleaning behaviour in reef fishes The direct and indirect effects of cleaner fish on the coral reef community Interactions between larval coral reef fish and parasites The effects of parasites on fish physiology The taxonomy of gnathiid isopods and their identification using DNA The role of colour and pattern in communication among animals The molecular and colour pattern biogeography of cleaner fish Sustainable amateur marine aquaria

Research impacts

Expected Outcomes of latest project funded by the ARC "What happens to reefs without cleaner fish"

1.National benefits. This project is highly multidisciplinary, covering marine ecology, coral reef biology,physiology, behavioural ecology, and parasitology - all areas critical to conservation and preservation of environmental biodiversity. Our study will reveal some of the key mechanisms involved in maintaining local fish diversity. Coral reefs are an Australian icon, providing the nation with an international tourism profile that is largely dependent upon this economically and culturally valuable resource. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for this diversity is critical to maintaining it and the industries dependent upon the reefs. Social benefits include mentoring the next generation of researchers, as our research regularly attracts international researchers, early career researchers, and high-quality PhD students - all of which will be involved in this study. Indeed, the 28 postgraduate students Grutter has supervised are all employed in science-related areas.

2. National Research Priorities. By better understanding how cleaning interactions affect coral reef fish health, and the subsequent consequences to the rest of the community, this project will contribute to one of the associated Priority Goals, “Sustainable use of Australia's biodiversity”. Australia is losing species, including marine ones, at an alarming rate, and coral reefs are increasingly threatened by climate change. This research provides insight into how single key species can benefit a multitude of marine organisms, therefore improving our understanding of how these ecosystems can best be protected for future generations.

3. Research outcomes.

(a) Insight into how the behavioural interaction of fish cleaning by a relatively low number of small-sized cleaner fish has profound consequences to client individuals.

(b) Determination of the physiological pathways that cause the positive effects of cleaning interactions on client fish health, and insight into coral reef fish immunology.

(e) Information on how parasites can have such a large effect on the population and community ecology of reef-fish, and hence, ultimately on local reef communities.

(d) Potential mechanisms proposed for the above changes are effects on fish behaviour, movement, habitat choice, mortality, growth, physiology, and recruitment, but these have never been tested until now.

(e) While the scale of this study will only measure local effects, some effects may extend further. For example, the effect on fish female size, and hence the number of propagules produced (Green 2008), might increase dispersal to other areas. A larger size, for example as seen in P. moluccensis, should thus result in an increased reproductive output of individuals on reefs with cleaner fish. Many studies suggest that greater fish size and subsequent reproductive output affects fish population recruitment (Birkeland & Dayton 2005), with consequences for managing and designing marine parks and commercial fishery stocks.

(f) Many cleaner species are removed from reefs for the aquarium trade, and L. dimidiatus is one of the top ten most exported fish to the US and the EU (Wabnitz et al. 2003). Alarmingly, in Sri Lanka alone, around 20,000 have been removed per year! Given that the removal of 1-4 adult individuals per reef for 8 years had a significant effect on the growth and size of an infrequently-cleaned species, the potential ecological consequences of large-scale removals of L. dimidiatus are staggering. Reef managers will need to better understand the repercussions of their removal, including potential reduced fecundity from a reduction in fish growth, reduced client fish diversity (Bshary 2003, Grutter et al. 2003) and other potential indirect effects on the reef community due to changes in the fish assemblage.


Search Professor Alexandra Grutter’s works on UQ eSpace

161 works between 1994 and 2024

61 - 80 of 161 works


Journal Article

Power and temptation cause shifts between exploitation and cooperation in a cleaner wrasse mutualism

Gingins, Simon, Werminghausen, Johanna, Johnstone, Rufus A., Grutter, Alexandra S. and Bshary, Redouan (2013). Power and temptation cause shifts between exploitation and cooperation in a cleaner wrasse mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 280 (1761) 20130553, 20130553. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.0553

Power and temptation cause shifts between exploitation and cooperation in a cleaner wrasse mutualism


Journal Article

Gnathia aureamaculosa, a likely definitive host of Haemogregarina balistapi and potential vector for Haemogregarina bigemina between fishes of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Curtis, Lynda M., Grutter, Alexandra S., Smit, Nico J. and Davies, Angela J. (2013). Gnathia aureamaculosa, a likely definitive host of Haemogregarina balistapi and potential vector for Haemogregarina bigemina between fishes of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. International Journal for Parasitology, 43 (5), 361-370. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.11.012

Gnathia aureamaculosa, a likely definitive host of Haemogregarina balistapi and potential vector for Haemogregarina bigemina between fishes of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia


Journal Article

Enhanced colonization success and competition associated with conspecifics in cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus juveniles

Grutter, A. S. (2012). Enhanced colonization success and competition associated with conspecifics in cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus juveniles. Coral Reefs, 31 (4), 1169-1176. doi: 10.1007/s00338-012-0942-8

Enhanced colonization success and competition associated with conspecifics in cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus juveniles


Journal Article

Potential effects of fishing on cleaning interactions in a tropical reef

Silvano, R. A. M., Tibbetts, I. R. and Grutter, A. S. (2012). Potential effects of fishing on cleaning interactions in a tropical reef. Coral Reefs, 31 (4), 1193-1198. doi: 10.1007/s00338-012-0950-8

Potential effects of fishing on cleaning interactions in a tropical reef


Journal Article

Arginine vasotocin regulation of interspecific cooperative behaviour in a cleaner fish

Soares, Marta C., Bshary, Redouan, Mendonca, Rute, Grutter, Alexandra S. and Oliveira, Rui F. (2012). Arginine vasotocin regulation of interspecific cooperative behaviour in a cleaner fish. Plos One, 7 (7) e39583, e39583.1-e39583. 10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039583

Arginine vasotocin regulation of interspecific cooperative behaviour in a cleaner fish


Journal Article

Relationship between roving behaviour and the diet and client composition of the cleaner fish Labroides bicolor

Oates, J., Manica, A., Bshary, R. and Grutter, A. S. (2012). Relationship between roving behaviour and the diet and client composition of the cleaner fish Labroides bicolor. Journal of Fish Biology, 81 (1), 210-219. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03330.x

Relationship between roving behaviour and the diet and client composition of the cleaner fish Labroides bicolor


Journal Article

The effects of parasites on the early life stages of a damselfish

Sun, D., Blomberg, S. P., Cribb, T. H., McCormick, M. I. and Grutter, A. S. (2012). The effects of parasites on the early life stages of a damselfish. Coral Reefs, 31 (4), 1065-1075. doi: 10.1007/s00338-012-0929-5

The effects of parasites on the early life stages of a damselfish


Journal Article

Female cleaner fish cooperate more with unfamiliar males

Raihani, N. J., Grutter, A. S. and Bshary, R. (2012). Female cleaner fish cooperate more with unfamiliar males. Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences, 279 (1737), 2479-2486. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.0063

Female cleaner fish cooperate more with unfamiliar males


Journal Article

Gnathia masca sp nov (Crustacea, Isopoda, Gnathiidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Farquharson, Charon, Smit, Nico J., Grutter, Alexandra S. and Davies, Angela J. (2012). Gnathia masca sp nov (Crustacea, Isopoda, Gnathiidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Zootaxa (3233), 22-36.

Gnathia masca sp nov (Crustacea, Isopoda, Gnathiidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia


Journal Article

Male cleaner wrasses adjust punishment of female partners according to the stakes

Raihani, Nichola J., Pinto, Ana I., Grutter, Alexandra S., Wismer, Sharon and Bshary, Redouan (2012). Male cleaner wrasses adjust punishment of female partners according to the stakes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 279 (1727), 365-370. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0690

Male cleaner wrasses adjust punishment of female partners according to the stakes


Journal Article

Extreme habitat specialisation and population structure of two gorgonian-associated pygmy seahorses

Smith, R. E., Grutter, A. S. and Tibbetts, I. R. (2012). Extreme habitat specialisation and population structure of two gorgonian-associated pygmy seahorses. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 444 (10), 195-206. doi: 10.3354/meps09471

Extreme habitat specialisation and population structure of two gorgonian-associated pygmy seahorses


Journal Article

Long-term cleaner fish presence affects growth of a coral reef fish

Clague, Gillian E., Cheney, Karen L., Goldizen, Anne W., McCormick, Mark I., Waldie, Peter A. and Grutter, Alexandra S. (2011). Long-term cleaner fish presence affects growth of a coral reef fish. Biology Letters, 7 (6), 863-865. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0458

Long-term cleaner fish presence affects growth of a coral reef fish


Journal Article

Tactile stimulation lowers stress in fish

Soares, Marta C., Oliveira, Rui F., Ros, Albert F.H., Grutter, Alexandra S. and Bshary, Redouan (2011). Tactile stimulation lowers stress in fish. Nature Communications, 2 (1) 534, 534.1-534.10. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1547

Tactile stimulation lowers stress in fish


Journal Article

Cleaner wrasses Labroides dimidiatus are more cooperative in the presence of an audience

Pinto, Ana, Oates, Jennifer, Grutter, Alexandra and Bshary, Redouan (2011). Cleaner wrasses Labroides dimidiatus are more cooperative in the presence of an audience. Current Biology, 21 (13), 1140-1144. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.05.021

Cleaner wrasses Labroides dimidiatus are more cooperative in the presence of an audience


Journal Article

Toward a taxonomy of the Gnathiidae (Isopoda) using juveniles: The external anatomy of Gnathia aureamaculosa Zuphea stages using scanning electron microscopy

Wilson, George D. F., Sims, Carrie A. and Grutter, Alexandra S. (2011). Toward a taxonomy of the Gnathiidae (Isopoda) using juveniles: The external anatomy of Gnathia aureamaculosa Zuphea stages using scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 31 (3), 509-522. doi: 10.1651/10-3432.1

Toward a taxonomy of the Gnathiidae (Isopoda) using juveniles: The external anatomy of Gnathia aureamaculosa Zuphea stages using scanning electron microscopy


Journal Article

Unexpected response of a captive blackeye thicklip, Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), from Lizard Island, Australia, exposed to juvenile isopods Gnathia aureamaculosa Ferreira & Smit

Hayes, P. M., Smit, N. J., Grutter, A. S. and Davies, A. J. (2011). Unexpected response of a captive blackeye thicklip, Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), from Lizard Island, Australia, exposed to juvenile isopods Gnathia aureamaculosa Ferreira & Smit. Journal of Fish Diseases, 34 (7), 563-566. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2761.2011.01261.x

Unexpected response of a captive blackeye thicklip, Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), from Lizard Island, Australia, exposed to juvenile isopods Gnathia aureamaculosa Ferreira & Smit


Journal Article

Long-term effects of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus on coral reef fish communities

Waldie, Peter A., Blomberg, Simon P., Cheney, Karen L., Goldizen, Anne W. and Grutter, Alexandra S. (2011). Long-term effects of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus on coral reef fish communities. PLoS One, 6 (6) e21201, e21201-1-e21201-7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021201

Long-term effects of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus on coral reef fish communities


Journal Article

Fish mucous cocoons: The ‘mosquito nets’ of the sea

Grutter, Alexandra S., Rumney, Jennifer G., Sinclair-Taylor, Tane, Waldie, Peter and Franklin, Craig E. (2011). Fish mucous cocoons: The ‘mosquito nets’ of the sea. Biology Letters, 7 (2), 292-294. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0916

Fish mucous cocoons: The ‘mosquito nets’ of the sea


Journal Article

Short-term variation in the level of cooperation in the cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus: Implications for the role of potential stressors

Bshary, Redouan, Oliveira, Rui F. and Grutter, Alexandra S. (2011). Short-term variation in the level of cooperation in the cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus: Implications for the role of potential stressors. Ethology, 117 (3), 246-253. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2010.01872.x

Short-term variation in the level of cooperation in the cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus: Implications for the role of potential stressors


Journal Article

Intraspecific cleaning behaviour of adult cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus(Perciformes: Labridae)

Clague, G. E., Newport, C. and Grutter, A. S. (2011). Intraspecific cleaning behaviour of adult cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus(Perciformes: Labridae). Marine Biodiversity Records, 4 e56, e56-1-e56-3. doi: 10.1017/S175526721100056X

Intraspecific cleaning behaviour of adult cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus(Perciformes: Labridae)


Past funding

  • 2020 - 2022
    Where have all the cleaners gone? Effects of climate change on an iconic reef mutualism (National Geographic Society grant administered by Deakin University)
    Deakin University
    Open grant
  • 2019
    Where have all the cleaner fish gone? Investigating the effects of coral bleaching on key ecological interactions on the Great Barrier Reef
    Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation Inc
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2015
    What's on the menu at fish cleaning stations?
    Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation Inc
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2014
    The role of parasites and cleaning behaviour in coral reef fish recruitment
    Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation Inc
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2015
    What happens to coral reefs without cleaner fish?
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2010
    Do parasites affect settlement processes in larval fish?
    UQ External Support Enabling Grant
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2007
    Do cleaner-fish control infections of parasitic protozoa transmitted by gnathiid isopods and leeches?
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2005
    UV-Protecting Sunscreens in Coral Reef Fish Mucus: Their Chemistry, Source, and Ecological Role
    UQ Foundation Research Excellence Awards - DVC(R) Funding
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2005
    Do cleaner fish control fish infections transmitted by parasites?
    UQ External Support Enabling Grant
    Open grant
  • 2004 - 2006
    Do larval fish leave the reef to avoid parasites?
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2002
    Do cleaner fish control fish disease transmitted by parasites?
    University of Queensland Research Development Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2001 - 2003
    The cleaner fish-client fish symbiosis : a model multospecies mutualism.
    ARC Australian Research Council (Large grants)
    Open grant
  • 2000 - 2005
    The cleaner fish-client fish symbiosis: testing the ecological importance of cooperation in a multispecies mutualism
    ARC Australian Research Fellowship/QEII F/ship
    Open grant
  • 2000
    The Ecological Consequences of Fish Cleaning Behaviour.
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant
  • 1999 - 2001
    A test of parasite removal as the cause of cleaning behaviour in client fish
    ARC Australian Research Council (Large grants)
    Open grant
  • 1998
    A Test of Parasite Removal as the Cause of Cleaning Behaviour in Client Fish
    UQ External Support Enabling Grant
    Open grant
  • 1998
    Communication between cleaner fish and their hosts: the role of colour
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant
  • 1997 - 2000
    The dynamics of host-parasite interactions between parasitic gnathiid isopods and reef fish
    ARC Australian Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
    Open grant
  • 1997
    An experimental test of the influence of parasites on the cleaning behaviour of reef fish
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant
  • 1997
    Identification of the life cycle of parasitic gnathiid isopods using ribosomal DNA information
    University of Queensland New Staff Research Grant
    Open grant
  • 1996
    The dynamics of host-parasite interactions between gnathiid isopods and reef fish
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant



Dr Alexandra Grutter is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Alexandra Grutter directly for media enquiries about:

  • Cleaner fish biology
  • Fish - effect of parasites on behaviour
  • Fish behaviour
  • Fish biology
  • Marine parasite ecology
  • Parasites - effects on fish behaviour

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