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Journal Article

Eradicating war memories: neuroscientific reality and ethical concerns

Kroes, Marijn C. W. and Liivoja, Rain (2019). Eradicating war memories: neuroscientific reality and ethical concerns. International Review of the Red Cross, 101 (910), 69-95. doi: 10.1017/s1816383118000437

Eradicating war memories: neuroscientific reality and ethical concerns


Journal Article

Why it’s so hard to reach an international agreement on killer robots

Liivoja, Rain (2018, 09 12). Why it’s so hard to reach an international agreement on killer robots The Conversation

Why it’s so hard to reach an international agreement on killer robots


Journal Article

Biomedical enhancement of warfighters and the legal protection of military medical personnel in armed conflict

Liivoja, Rain (2018). Biomedical enhancement of warfighters and the legal protection of military medical personnel in armed conflict. Medical Law Review, 26 (3), 421-448. doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwx046

Biomedical enhancement of warfighters and the legal protection of military medical personnel in armed conflict


Journal Article

Left of bang interventions in trauma: some legal implications of military medical prophylaxis

Liivoja, Rain (2018). Left of bang interventions in trauma: some legal implications of military medical prophylaxis. Journal of Medical Ethics, 44 (7), 509-510. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2017-104584

Left of bang interventions in trauma: some legal implications of military medical prophylaxis


Journal Article

Are enhanced warfighters weapons, means, or methods of warfare?

Liivoja, Rain and Chircop, Luke (2018). Are enhanced warfighters weapons, means, or methods of warfare?. International Law Studies, 94, 161-185.

Are enhanced warfighters weapons, means, or methods of warfare?


Journal Article

Technological change and the evolution of the law of war

Liivoja, Rain (2016). Technological change and the evolution of the law of war. International Review of the Red Cross, 97 (900), 1157-1177. doi: 10.1017/S1816383116000424

Technological change and the evolution of the law of war


Journal Article

Out of sight, out of mind, out of reach?

Liivoja, Rain (2016). Out of sight, out of mind, out of reach?. International Humanitarian Law Magazine (1), 16-17.

Out of sight, out of mind, out of reach?


Journal Article

Military justice in a comparative and international perspective: a view from the Asia Pacific

Heng, Benjamin, Liivoja, Rain, Ng, Daniel and Oswald, Bruce (2016). Military justice in a comparative and international perspective: a view from the Asia Pacific. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 20 (3-4), 133-142. doi: 10.1163/18754112-02003001

Military justice in a comparative and international perspective: a view from the Asia Pacific


Journal Article

Law in the virtual battlespace: the Tallin Manual and the Jus in Bello

Liivoja, Rain and McCormack, Tim (2012). Law in the virtual battlespace: the Tallin Manual and the Jus in Bello. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 15 (3), 45-58. doi: 10.1007/978-90-6704-924-5_3

Law in the virtual battlespace: the Tallin Manual and the Jus in Bello


Journal Article

Regulating the private military and security industry: a quest to maintain state control and preserve public values

Liivoja, Rain (2012). Regulating the private military and security industry: a quest to maintain state control and preserve public values. Leiden Journal of International Law, 25 (4), 1019-1028. doi: 10.1017/S0922156512000568

Regulating the private military and security industry: a quest to maintain state control and preserve public values


Journal Article

This court sentences you...: trial court delivers judgment in the first Finnish genocide case

Liivoja, Rain (2011). This court sentences you...: trial court delivers judgment in the first Finnish genocide case. Helsinki Review of Global Governance, 2 (1), 34-35.

This court sentences you...: trial court delivers judgment in the first Finnish genocide case


Journal Article

Service Jurisdiction Under International Law

Liivoja, Rain (2010). Service Jurisdiction Under International Law. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 11 (2)

Service Jurisdiction Under International Law


Journal Article

Dish of the day: justice sans frontiers à la finlandaise

Liivoja, Rain (2010). Dish of the day: justice sans frontiers à la finlandaise. Helsinki Review of Global Governance, 1 (1), 20-23.

Dish of the day: justice sans frontiers à la finlandaise


Journal Article

The criminal jurisdiction of states: a theoretical primer

Liivoja, Rain (2010). The criminal jurisdiction of states: a theoretical primer. No Foundations: journal of extreme legal positivism (7), 25-58.

The criminal jurisdiction of states: a theoretical primer


Journal Article

Correspondents' reports: Latvia

Liivoja, Rain and Miluna, Ieva (2010). Correspondents' reports: Latvia. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law: 2010, 13, 571-581.

Correspondents' reports: Latvia


Journal Article

Correspondents' reports: Estonia

Liivoja, Rain (2010). Correspondents' reports: Estonia. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law: 2010, 13, 478-480.

Correspondents' reports: Estonia


Journal Article

Correspondents' reports: Finland

Leino, Jani and Liivoja, Rain (2010). Correspondents' reports: Finland. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law: 2010, 13, 480-485.

Correspondents' reports: Finland


Journal Article

Privileeg, puutumatus, immuniteet

Liivoja, Rain (2009). Privileeg, puutumatus, immuniteet. Õiguskeel, 15 (1), 67-70.

Privileeg, puutumatus, immuniteet


Journal Article

The scope of the supremacy clause of the United Nations Charter

Liivoja, Rain (2008). The scope of the supremacy clause of the United Nations Charter. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 57 (3), 583-612. doi: 10.1017/S0020589308000389

The scope of the supremacy clause of the United Nations Charter


Journal Article

Review of Peter Judson Richards, Extraordinary justice: military tribunals in historical and international context

Liivoja, Rain (2008). Review of Peter Judson Richards, Extraordinary justice: military tribunals in historical and international context. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 13 (1), 156-159. doi: 10.1093/jcsl/krn010

Review of Peter Judson Richards, Extraordinary justice: military tribunals in historical and international context