2012 Conference Publication The role of inhalation pathway in human health risk assessment of lead from mining activities at a semi-arid locationZheng, J., Edraki, M., Huynh, T., Gasparon, M., Ng, J., Harris, H. H., Mormon, S., Plumlee, G. S. and Noller, B. N (2012). The role of inhalation pathway in human health risk assessment of lead from mining activities at a semi-arid location. 1st International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR 2012), Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 4-8 November 2012. |
2012 Conference Publication The Diffuse gradients in Thin Films Technique (DGT) for trace metals versus activeKomarova, T., Olszowy, H., Noller, B. N. and Golding, G. (2012). The Diffuse gradients in Thin Films Technique (DGT) for trace metals versus active. 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 21-22 January 2012. International Society of Environmental and Rural Development. |
2011 Conference Publication Risk assessment of heavy metals and metalloids from historical mine practices in the Leichhardt River and surrounding locationsNoller, Barry N., Ng, Jack C. and Matanitobua, Vitukawalu P. (2011). Risk assessment of heavy metals and metalloids from historical mine practices in the Leichhardt River and surrounding locations. 4th International Contaminated Site Remediation Site Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 11-15 September 2011. Salisbury South, SA, Australia: CRC Care. |
2011 Conference Publication The formation, fate and effects of 'FLOC' from acid mine drainage on stream watersEdraki, Mansour, Noller, Barry N., Huynh, Trang and Haymont, R. (2011). The formation, fate and effects of 'FLOC' from acid mine drainage on stream waters. 7th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD), Darwin, NT, Australia, 21-24 June 2011. Brisbane Australia: JKTech. |
2011 Conference Publication Comparison of bioaccessibility using PBET and x-ray absorption techniques for risk assessment of selected lead containing materialsZheng, Jiajia, Edraki, Mansour, Huynh, Trang, Gasparon, Massimo, Ng, Jack, Harris, Hugh H. and Noller, Barry (2011). Comparison of bioaccessibility using PBET and x-ray absorption techniques for risk assessment of selected lead containing materials. GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition (GSA11, 2011), Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., 9-12 October 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Visual MINTEQ copper speciation prediction in fresh water compared to in situ DGT measurement and laboratory measurement using ultra-filtration techniqueHuynh, T., Mulligan, D. and Noller, B. (2011). Visual MINTEQ copper speciation prediction in fresh water compared to in situ DGT measurement and laboratory measurement using ultra-filtration technique. ICOBTE 2011: 11th International Conference on Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Florence, Italy, 3-7 July 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Metal and metalloid contaminant bioavailability and bioaccessibility as key issues for mine site rehabilitationNoller, Barry N. (2011). Metal and metalloid contaminant bioavailability and bioaccessibility as key issues for mine site rehabilitation. Australian Mine Rehabilitation Workshop 2011, Adelaide, Australia, 17-19 August 2011. Brisbane, Australia: JKTech. |
2010 Conference Publication Development of site specific guidelines for future land use at the Woodcutters lead zinc mineDiacomanolis, Violet, Ng, Jack C., Haymont, Rory and Noller, Barry N. (2010). Development of site specific guidelines for future land use at the Woodcutters lead zinc mine. 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil Solutions for a Changing World, Brisbane, Qld., Australia, 1 - 6 August 2010. Brisbane Australia: International Union of Soil Sciences. |
2010 Conference Publication Arsenic absorption and desorption processes downstream of a Fijian gold MineMatanitobua, V., Ng, J., Chiswell, B., Harris, H., Aalbersberg W. and Noller, B. (2010). Arsenic absorption and desorption processes downstream of a Fijian gold Mine. The Third International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, 17-21 May 2010. United Kingdom: CRC Press. |
2010 Conference Publication Cadmium chemical form in mine waste materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopyDiacomanolis, V., Ng, J. C., Sadler, R., Harris, H. H., Nomura, M. and Noller, B. N. (2010). Cadmium chemical form in mine waste materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. SRI09: The 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 27 September-2 October 2009. Melville, NY, U.S.A.: Springer New York. doi: 10.1063/1.3463365 |
2010 Conference Publication The study of metals and metalloids pathways in pollution processes from source to receptor using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Poster presentationDiacomanolis, V, Harris H., Matanitobua, V. P, Ng, J. C and Noller, B. N (2010). The study of metals and metalloids pathways in pollution processes from source to receptor using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Poster presentation. Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s National Convention RACI 2010 Chemistry for a Sustainable World., Melbourne Australia., 4 -8 July 2010. Melbourne, Australia: Royal Australian Chemical Institute. |
2010 Conference Publication Direct examination of cadmium bonding in rat tissues dosed with mine wastes and cadmium-containing solutionsDiacomanolis, V., Ng, J. C., Sadler, R., Harris, H. H., Nomura, M. and Noller, B. N. (2010). Direct examination of cadmium bonding in rat tissues dosed with mine wastes and cadmium-containing solutions. SRI09: The 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, 27 September-2 October 2009, 28 September - 2 October 2009. College Park, MD, U.S.A.: Springer New York. doi: 10.1063/1.3463281 |
2010 Conference Publication Relationship of soluble major ions in creek water to redox process of iron from sandstonePhong, Pham, Mansour, Edraki and Barry, Noller (2010). Relationship of soluble major ions in creek water to redox process of iron from sandstone. Pacifichem 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 15-20 December 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Toxicity to Australian tropical freshwater species: amelioration by dissolved organic carbon & linking toxicity with intracellular oxidative stressTrenfield, M., Markich, S., Ng, J., Noller, B. and van Dam, R. U. (2010). Toxicity to Australian tropical freshwater species: amelioration by dissolved organic carbon & linking toxicity with intracellular oxidative stress. 31st Annual Meeting in North America of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Portland, Oregon, 7-11 November 2010. Pensacola, FL, United States: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). |
2010 Conference Publication Decision process for comparison of partial and complete XANES spectraZheng, Jiajia, Edraki, Mansour, Huynh, Trang T., Gasparon, Massimo, Ng, Jack C., Harris, Hugh H. and Noller, Barry N. (2010). Decision process for comparison of partial and complete XANES spectra. SRI09: The 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 27 September-2 October 2009. Melville, NY, U.S.A.: Springer New York. doi: 10.1063/1.3463283 |
2010 Conference Publication The nature and oxidation kinetics of iron precipitates in seepage from sandstone to an incised streamPham, Hoang P., Edraki, Mansour and Noller, Barry (2010). The nature and oxidation kinetics of iron precipitates in seepage from sandstone to an incised stream. Water in Mining - 2nd International Congress on Water Management in the Mining Industry (WIM 2010), Santiago, Chile, 9-11 June 2010. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin. |
2010 Conference Publication Identification of lead chemical form in mine waste materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopyTaga, Raijeli L., Zheng, Jiajia, Huynh, Trang, Ng, Jack, Harris, Hugh H. and Noller, Barry (2010). Identification of lead chemical form in mine waste materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. SRI09: The 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 27 September-2 October 2009. Melville, NY, U.S.A.: Springer New York. doi: 10.1063/1.3463374 |
2010 Conference Publication Assessment of sediment toxicity from heavy metals and metalloids in an ephemeral tropical river systemMatanitobua, V., Ng, J. and Noller, B. (2010). Assessment of sediment toxicity from heavy metals and metalloids in an ephemeral tropical river system. 2010 SETAC Asia/Pacific Meeting, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1-5 March, 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Ecotoxicological assessment of diffuse pollution using biomonitoring tool for sustainable land use in ThailandIwai, Chuleemas Boonthai and Noller, Barry (2010). Ecotoxicological assessment of diffuse pollution using biomonitoring tool for sustainable land use in Thailand. 13th IWA International Specialist Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Seoul, South Korea, 12-15 October 2009. Beijing, China: Science China Press. doi: 10.1016/S1001-0742(09)60189-3 |
2010 Conference Publication A study of arsenic chemical form downstream of a Fijian gold mine and significance of bioaccessibility and bioavailabilityMatanitobua, Vitukawalu, Ng, Jack, Chiswell, Barry, Aalbersberg, William and Noller, Barry (2010). A study of arsenic chemical form downstream of a Fijian gold mine and significance of bioaccessibility and bioavailability. VNCC5: Hội nghị Hóa học Toàn quốc lần thứ 5 [5th National Conference on Chemistry], Hà Nội, Việt Nam [Hanoi, Vietnam], 16-17 November 2010. Hà Nội, Việt Nam [Hanoi, Vietnam]: Hội hoá học Việt Nam [Chemical Society of Vietnam]. |