2018 Book Chapter A case study of domain-based post-closure water quality monitoring in wet-dry climatesPham, P., Edraki, M., Noller, B. and Golding, S. (2018). A case study of domain-based post-closure water quality monitoring in wet-dry climates. From start to finish: a life-of-mine perspective. (pp. 217-222) Carlton South, VIC Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM). |
2007 Book Chapter Safety : Issues and PolicyGilbert, S., Noller, B. N. and Burford, G. (2007). Safety : Issues and Policy. Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Policy and Public Health Perspectives. (pp. 83-98) edited by Bodeker, G. and Burford, G.. London, UK: Imperial College Press. |
2007 Book Chapter Monitoring Pesticides in the Paddy Field Ecosystem of North-Eastern Thailand for Environmental and Health RisksIwai, C. B., Sujira, H., Somparn, A., Komarova, T., Mueller, J. M. and Noller, B. N. (2007). Monitoring Pesticides in the Paddy Field Ecosystem of North-Eastern Thailand for Environmental and Health Risks. Rational Environmental Management of Agrochemicals : Risk Assessment, Monitoring, and Remedial Action. (pp. 259-273) edited by Ivan R. Kennedy, Keith R. Solomon, Shirley J. Gee, Angus N. Crossan, Shuo Wang and Francisco Sanchez-Bayo. United States of America: Oxford University Press. |
2006 Book Chapter Safety: Issues and policyShia, Gilbert, Noller, Barry and Burford, Gemma (2006). Safety: Issues and policy. Traditional, complementary and alternative medicine: policy and public health perspectives. (pp. 83-100) London, United Kingdom: Imperial College Press. doi: 10.1142/9781860949135_0005 |
2004 Book Chapter Human Health Risk AssessmentPriestly, B., Moore, M. R., Noller, B. N. and Ng, J. C. (2004). Human Health Risk Assessment. Investigation of the Potable Water Contamination Incident at Ranger Mine March 2004. (pp. 107-172) edited by Dr Arthur Johnston. Darwin, NT: Uniprint NT. |
2004 Book Chapter ArsenicNg, J. C. and Noller, B. N. (2004). Arsenic. TEAM NT: Technologies for the environmental advancement of mining in the Northern Territory: Toolkit. (pp. 39-46) edited by David R. Jones and Michael Fawcett. Darwin, Australia: Northern Territory Minerals Council and the Mines and Petroleum Management Division of the Northern Territory Government. |
2003 Book Chapter Analysis of inorganic parametersRayment, G., Sadler, R., Craig, A., Noller, B. N. and Chiswell, B. (2003). Analysis of inorganic parameters. Chemical Analysis of Contaminated Land. (pp. 99-128) edited by K Clive Thompson and C. Paul Nathanail. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
2003 Book Chapter Laboratory and field evaluation of potential arsenic exposure from mine tailings to grazing cattleNg, J. C., Bruce, S. L. and Noller, B. N. (2003). Laboratory and field evaluation of potential arsenic exposure from mine tailings to grazing cattle. Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects V. (pp. 181-195) edited by Willard R. Chappell, Charles O. Abernathy, Rebecca L. Calderon and David J. Thomas. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. |
1999 Book Chapter Protecting the Mining Environment: The Role of Optimisation of Water Release at Tropical Locations to Minimise ImpactsNoller, B. N., Parker, G. and Gao, G. H. (1999). Protecting the Mining Environment: The Role of Optimisation of Water Release at Tropical Locations to Minimise Impacts. Australian Chemistry Resource Book. (pp. 63-71) edited by C. L. Fogliani. Bathurst, NSW Australia: Chemical and Scientific Aid Centre, Charles Sturt University. |