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Conference Publication

A decision-making tool to minimise environmental and public health risk of pesticide application

Dorr, G. J., Noller, B N, Hewitt, A J, Hanan, J S and Adkins, S W (2006). A decision-making tool to minimise environmental and public health risk of pesticide application. 6th Annual Health and Medical Research conference of Queensland, Hilton Hotel, Brisbane, 23-24 November 2006. Brisbane, QLD: Queensland Government.

A decision-making tool to minimise environmental and public health risk of pesticide application


Conference Publication

Discrete Physico-Chemical Processes that Characterise Pollution from Mining

Noller, B N (2006). Discrete Physico-Chemical Processes that Characterise Pollution from Mining. Interact 2006 air, water & earth, Perth WA, 24028 September 2006. Perth WA: Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.

Discrete Physico-Chemical Processes that Characterise Pollution from Mining


Conference Publication

Issues concerning the reliability Log P and Log KOC values of synthetic pyrethroids

Hasthorpe, A., Noller, B. N., Sadler, R. and Connell, D. (2006). Issues concerning the reliability Log P and Log KOC values of synthetic pyrethroids. Interact 2006 air, water & earth, Burswood, WA Australia, 24-28 September 2006.

Issues concerning the reliability Log P and Log KOC values of synthetic pyrethroids


Conference Publication

Safety Issues of Herbal Medicines

Noller, B. N. (2006). Safety Issues of Herbal Medicines. Development of Methodologies and Protocols on Documentation, Evaluation of Safety & Efficacy and Standardization of Herbal Medicine, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 6 - 9 June 2006.

Safety Issues of Herbal Medicines


Conference Publication

Discrete Physico-Chemical Processes that Characterise Water Pollution from Mining

Noller, B. N. (2006). Discrete Physico-Chemical Processes that Characterise Water Pollution from Mining. Kuwait Chemical Society Symposium on Application of Catalyst in the Industry (Fuel, Pollution and Drugs), Al-Ahmadi City, Kuwait, 9 December 2006.

Discrete Physico-Chemical Processes that Characterise Water Pollution from Mining


Conference Publication

Development of Monitoring Techniques to Assess Environmental and Health Risks from Pesticides in the Paddy Field Ecosystem of North-Eastern Thailand

Iwai, C., Sujira, H., Somparn, A., Komarova, T., Mueller, J. and Noller, B. N. (2006). Development of Monitoring Techniques to Assess Environmental and Health Risks from Pesticides in the Paddy Field Ecosystem of North-Eastern Thailand. Interact 2006 air, water and earth, Western Australia, 24-28 September. Perth Western Australia: Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.

Development of Monitoring Techniques to Assess Environmental and Health Risks from Pesticides in the Paddy Field Ecosystem of North-Eastern Thailand


Conference Publication

A study of termite foraging responses with protective barrier systems containing bifenthrin

Zalucki, M P, Stewart, A D, Truss, R W, Rajendran, S and Noller, B N (2006). A study of termite foraging responses with protective barrier systems containing bifenthrin. Interact 2006 air, water & earth, Burswood Entertainment Complex WA, 24-28 September 2006. Perth WA: Promaco CPonventions Pty Ltd.

A study of termite foraging responses with protective barrier systems containing bifenthrin


Conference Publication

Urban Australian cities under termite attack

Noller, Barry, Gilbert, Dale, Sadler, Ross, Truss, Rowan, Zalucki, Myron, Connell, Des, Chiswell, Barry, Stewart, Aaron, Rajendran, Sharad and Hasthorpe, Amanda (2006). Urban Australian cities under termite attack. 2nd State of Australian Cities National Conference 2005, Queensland Conservatiorium, Griffith University, Brisbane, 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2005. Brisbane, QLD: Griffith University.

Urban Australian cities under termite attack


Conference Publication

A probabilistic approach to public health risks from heavy metals and metalloids in Traditional Chinese Medicines

Cooper, K., Noller, B. N., Connell, D., Yu, J., Sadler, R., Olszowy, H., Golding, G. M., Tinggi, U., Moore, M. R., Myers, S. A. and Ricci, P. (2006). A probabilistic approach to public health risks from heavy metals and metalloids in Traditional Chinese Medicines. Challenges in Environmental Toxicology in Australasia, Monash University, 13 - 14 July 2006. Monash University.

A probabilistic approach to public health risks from heavy metals and metalloids in Traditional Chinese Medicines


Conference Publication

Sorption of Bifenthrin in soils of N.E. Thailand and its effect on invertebrates

Hasthorpe, Amanda, Boonthai, Iwai, Rattanapun, Yupadee and Noller, Barry N. (2006). Sorption of Bifenthrin in soils of N.E. Thailand and its effect on invertebrates. Interact 2006 air, water & earth, Perth WA, 24-28 September.

Sorption of Bifenthrin in soils of N.E. Thailand and its effect on invertebrates


Conference Publication

Application of X-ray absorption specroscopy to study arsenic oxidation state in minerals and mine wastes

Noller, B. N., Matanitobua, V. P., Chiswell, B., Huang, S., Ng, J. C., Bruce, S., Riley, M. J. and Harris (2006). Application of X-ray absorption specroscopy to study arsenic oxidation state in minerals and mine wastes. Australian X-ray Analytical Association (AXAA) National Seminar Series, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 10 April 2006.

Application of X-ray absorption specroscopy to study arsenic oxidation state in minerals and mine wastes


Conference Publication

A decision -making process to manage the impact of mine waste on aminal species following site rehabilitation to ensure ecosystem sustainability

Noller, B N, Bruce, S. L. and Ng, J C (2006). A decision -making process to manage the impact of mine waste on aminal species following site rehabilitation to ensure ecosystem sustainability. Sustainable Ecosystems, Townsville`, 30 June - 1 July. Kenmore Brisbane: Australian Centre for Minerals Extension and Research.

A decision -making process to manage the impact of mine waste on aminal species following site rehabilitation to ensure ecosystem sustainability


Conference Publication

Simulating spray deposition on plant canopies within a wind tunnel

Dorr, G. J., Hanan, J. S., Woods, N., Kleinmeulman, P. A., Adkins, S. W. and Noller, B. N. (2006). Simulating spray deposition on plant canopies within a wind tunnel. International Advances in Pesticide Application 2006 conference, Robinson Collee, Cambridge, England, 9-11 January, 2006. Warwick, United Kingdom: Association of Applied Biologists.

Simulating spray deposition on plant canopies within a wind tunnel


Conference Publication

The Development of Environmental Chemistry in Australia in the Last 20 years

Noller, B N (2006). The Development of Environmental Chemistry in Australia in the Last 20 years. Interact 2006 air, water & earth, Perth WA, 24 - 28 September 2006. Perth WA: Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.

The Development of Environmental Chemistry in Australia in the Last 20 years


Conference Publication

Arsenic distribution and speciation association with mining using synchrotron-induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Matanitobua, V. P., Chiswell, B., Ng, J. C., Bruce, S. L., Riley, M. J., Harris, H. and Noller, B. N. (2006). Arsenic distribution and speciation association with mining using synchrotron-induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Interact 2006 air, water & earth, Burswood Entertainment Complex WA, 24 - 28 September 2006.

Arsenic distribution and speciation association with mining using synchrotron-induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy


Conference Publication

Polymeric materials as barrier for wood against termite damage: Understanding termite micromechanics

Rajendran, S., Stewart, A., Noller, B. N., Zalucki, M.P. and Truss, R. W. (2006). Polymeric materials as barrier for wood against termite damage: Understanding termite micromechanics. 28th Australasian Polymer Symposium & Australasian Society for Biomaterials 16th Annual Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 5 - 9 February, 2006. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology.

Polymeric materials as barrier for wood against termite damage: Understanding termite micromechanics


Conference Publication

The study of the distribution and speciation of arsenic association with mining using synchrotron-induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Matanitobua, V., Chiswell, B., Huang, S., Ng, J. C., Bruce, S. L., Riley, M. J., Harris, H. and Noller, B. N. (2006). The study of the distribution and speciation of arsenic association with mining using synchrotron-induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy. FACS Symposium Asian Chemistry Symposium, Nihon University Funabashi Campus, 29 March, 2006. Japan: The Chemical Society of Japan.

The study of the distribution and speciation of arsenic association with mining using synchrotron-induced X-ray absorption spectroscopy


Conference Publication

The environmental toxicologist

Noller, B. N. (2006). The environmental toxicologist. The Missing Piece of Your Practice and Your Patients' Health, Sofitel Brisbane, 19-21 May 2006.

The environmental toxicologist


Conference Publication

A study of the variation in levels of toxic elements in chinese herbal medicines and their bioaccessibility

Tinggi, U., Cooper, K., Noller, B. N., Sadler, R., Connell, D., Golding, G. M., Ng, J. C., Seawright, A. A. and Yu, J. (2005). A study of the variation in levels of toxic elements in chinese herbal medicines and their bioaccessibility. 5th Annual Health and Medical Research Conference of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 3-4 November 2005. Brisbane, Queensland: Queensland Health.

A study of the variation in levels of toxic elements in chinese herbal medicines and their bioaccessibility


Conference Publication

Environmental and health risks from pesticides in the paddy field ecosystem in Northeast Thailand

Iwai, C.B. and Noller, B. N. (2005). Environmental and health risks from pesticides in the paddy field ecosystem in Northeast Thailand. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-20 December 2005. Tokyo, Japan: The Chemical Society of Japan.

Environmental and health risks from pesticides in the paddy field ecosystem in Northeast Thailand