2001 Conference Publication Development of a risk assessment tool to minimise the impact of arsenic and lead from mine tailingsBruce, S. L., Noller, B. N., Grigg, A., Mullen, B. F., Mulligan, D. R., Ritchie, P. J., Currey, N. A., Moore, M. and Ng, J. C. (2001). Development of a risk assessment tool to minimise the impact of arsenic and lead from mine tailings. IXth International Congress of Toxicology, Brisbane, Australia, 8 -12 July, 2001. Amsterdam: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/S0300-483X(01)00386-9 |
2001 Conference Publication Safe use of mined land through toxicological evaluationNoller, B. N., Bruce, S. L. and Ng, J. C. (2001). Safe use of mined land through toxicological evaluation. Reg Conf on NatResources and Environmental Management 2001, Kuching, Sarawak, 18-20 October 2001. Canberra: Minerals Council of Australia. |
2001 Conference Publication Laternula elliptica as a biomonitor for metal pollutants from waste disposal sites in the antarcticKratzmann, S., Noller, B. N., Duquesne, S. and Riddle, M. (2001). Laternula elliptica as a biomonitor for metal pollutants from waste disposal sites in the antarctic. 3rd International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicy, Hong Kong, 10-14 June 2001. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong. |
2001 Conference Publication Risk Research on the Impact of Arsenic and Lead from Mine Tailings following Closure to Provide Demonstrated Public Health SafetyBruce, S. L., Noller, B. N., Grigg, A., Mullen, B. F., Mulligan, D. R., Marshall, I., Moore, M., Olszowy, H., O'Brien, G., Dreyer, M. L., Zhou, J., Ritchie, P. J., Currey, N. A., Eaglen, P. L., Bell, K.N. and Ng, J. C. (2001). Risk Research on the Impact of Arsenic and Lead from Mine Tailings following Closure to Provide Demonstrated Public Health Safety. Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 4 December 2001. Brisbane: Queensland Health. |
2001 Other Outputs Ethylene Glycol - Summary of PropertiesNoller, B. N. (2001). Ethylene Glycol - Summary of Properties. Brisbane, Australia: NRCET. |
2001 Conference Publication Environmental markers of water pollution based on anionic speciationNoller, B. N. (2001). Environmental markers of water pollution based on anionic speciation. World Chemistry Congress, Brisbane, 1-6 July 2001. Australia: The Royal Australian Chemical Institute. |
2001 Conference Publication Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environment Targeted research on the impact of arsenic and lead from mine tailings to develop quantitative indicators for mine closureBruce, S. L., Noller, B. N., Grigg, A., Mullen, B.F., Mulligan, D. R., Marshall, I., Moore, M., Olszowy, H., O'Brien, G., Dreyer, M. L., Zhou, J., Ritchie, P.J., Currey, N. A., Eaglen, P. L., Bell, K. N. and Ng, J. C. (2001). Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environment Targeted research on the impact of arsenic and lead from mine tailings to develop quantitative indicators for mine closure. 26th Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environment Workshop, Adelaide, 14th - 17th October, 2001. Canberra: Minerals Council of Australia. |
2001 Conference Publication Global forum on safety of herbal and traditional medicine: July 7, 2001, Gold Coast, AustraliaNoller B.N., Myers S., Abegaz B., Singh M.M., Kronenberg F. and Bodeker G. (2001). Global forum on safety of herbal and traditional medicine: July 7, 2001, Gold Coast, Australia. Global Forum on Safety of Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Gold Coast, Australia, July 7, 2001. New Rochelle, NY, United States: Mary Ann Liebert. doi: 10.1089/10755530152639828 |
2001 Conference Publication Our Environmental Future: The Global EnvironmentNoller, B. N. (2001). Our Environmental Future: The Global Environment. Reg Conf on NatResources and Environmental Management 2001, Kuching, Sarawak, 18-20 October 2001. Canberra: Minerals Council of Australia. |
2001 Journal Article Nitric oxide in cadmium and endotoxin toxicity in female BALB/c miceUrbenjapol, S, Satarug, S, Esumi, H, Noller, B and Moore, MR (2001). Nitric oxide in cadmium and endotoxin toxicity in female BALB/c mice. Toxicology, 164 (1-3), 196-197. |
2001 Other Outputs Reviewers Comments on Feasibility of Remediating Mt Lyell Acid Drainage from the National Research Centre for Environmental toxicologyNoller, B. N. (2001). Reviewers Comments on Feasibility of Remediating Mt Lyell Acid Drainage from the National Research Centre for Environmental toxicology. Brisbane, Australia: NRCET. |
2001 Conference Publication The use of Laternula eliptica to monitor metal pollution from human activity in AntarcticaKratzmann, S., Noller, B. N., Duquesne, S. and Riddle, M. (2001). The use of Laternula eliptica to monitor metal pollution from human activity in Antarctica. World Chemistry Congress, Brisbane, 1-6 July 2001. Australia: The Royal Australian Chemical Institute. |
2001 Conference Publication Porphyrins as early warning biomarkers for chronic arsenic exposure in humansLiu, F. F., Moore, M., Noller, B. N., Qi, L., Wang, J. and Zheng, B. (2001). Porphyrins as early warning biomarkers for chronic arsenic exposure in humans. EUROTOX 2001, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-16 September 2001. Oxford, UK: Elsevier. |
2001 Other Outputs Possible Impacts to the Environment from Timbarra Gold MineNoller, B. N. (2001). Possible Impacts to the Environment from Timbarra Gold Mine. Brisbane, Australia: NRCET. |
2001 Other Outputs Environmental Site Assessment, 29 May 2001 - Report on Incitec Lease of State Rail Land - Walcha RoadNoller, B. N. (2001). Environmental Site Assessment, 29 May 2001 - Report on Incitec Lease of State Rail Land - Walcha Road. Brsibane, Australia: NRCET. |
2001 Other Outputs Environmental Site Assessment, 28 May 2001 - Report on Incitec Lease Railway Street, Glen InnesNoller, B. N. (2001). Environmental Site Assessment, 28 May 2001 - Report on Incitec Lease Railway Street, Glen Innes. Brisbane, Australia: NRCET. |
2001 Conference Publication Quantitative measurements of the impact of arsenic and lead from mine tailingsBruce, S. L., Noller, B. N., Ng, J. C., Grigg, A., Mullen, B. F., Mulligan, D. R., Marshall, I., Moore, M., Olszowy, H., Dreyer, M. L., Zhou, J., Ritchie, P.J., Currey, N. A., Eaglen, P. L. and Bell, L. C. (2001). Quantitative measurements of the impact of arsenic and lead from mine tailings. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 38th Congress/ World Chemistry Congress, Brisbane, 1st - 6th July, 2001. Australia: The Royal Australian Chemical Institute. |
2001 Conference Publication Management and discharge of mine tailings dam water subsequent to flooding of the Mary River, Gympie, QueenslandChapman, H., Greenway, M., Noller, B. N., Xlevy, I. and Bertoldi, D. (2001). Management and discharge of mine tailings dam water subsequent to flooding of the Mary River, Gympie, Queensland. EnviroTox 2001, Canberra, 12-14 February 2001. Canberra: Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology. |
2001 Other Outputs Environmental Site Assessment, 28 May 2001 - Report on Incitec Lease - GuyraNoller, B. N. (2001). Environmental Site Assessment, 28 May 2001 - Report on Incitec Lease - Guyra. Brisbane, Australia: NRCET. |
2001 Other Outputs Report of the Expert Committee to Examine Balkan Veteran Expsoure to Depleted UraniumMoore, M., Noller, B. N., Donald, K. J., Raphael, B., Duggan, J., Kearsley, J. and Kaldor, J. (2001). Report of the Expert Committee to Examine Balkan Veteran Expsoure to Depleted Uranium. Brisbane, Australia: NRCET. |