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Conference Publication

Evaluation of the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic from mine waste materials using the physiologically-based extraction test (PBET)

Bruce, S. L., Ng, J. C. and Noller, B. N. (2004). Evaluation of the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic from mine waste materials using the physiologically-based extraction test (PBET). 3rd International Workshop on Chemical Bioavailabililty in the Terrestrial Environment, Adelaide, SA, 12-18 September 2004. Adelaide: The University of South Australia.

Evaluation of the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic from mine waste materials using the physiologically-based extraction test (PBET)


Conference Publication

The evaluation of human health risk following cyanide loss in flight to Tolukuma gold mine

Noller, B. N. and Saulep, G. (2004). The evaluation of human health risk following cyanide loss in flight to Tolukuma gold mine. 4th Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2004. Brisbane: Queensland Health.

The evaluation of human health risk following cyanide loss in flight to Tolukuma gold mine


Conference Publication

Minimising environmental and public health risk of pesticide application through understanding the droplet-canopy interface

Dorr, G. J., Kleinmeulman, P. A., Noller, B. N., Woods, N., Hanan, J. S. and Adkins, S. W. (2004). Minimising environmental and public health risk of pesticide application through understanding the droplet-canopy interface. 4th Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane/Convention and Exhibition Centre, 30 November - 1 December 2004. Brisbane: Qld Government.

Minimising environmental and public health risk of pesticide application through understanding the droplet-canopy interface


Conference Publication

Health and Environmental Issues as Key Considerations for National Development

Noller, B. N. (2004). Health and Environmental Issues as Key Considerations for National Development. 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee Conference, Hotel Trans Asia, Ceylon, 29-30 April 2004. Ceylon: Institute of Chemistry.

Health and Environmental Issues as Key Considerations for National Development


Journal Article

Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma (Papua New Guinea) Gold Mine

Noller, B. N. and Saulep, G. (2004). Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma (Papua New Guinea) Gold Mine. European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, 4 (1), 49-61.

Evaluation of cleanup following loss of cyanide in flight to Tolukuma (Papua New Guinea) Gold Mine


Conference Publication

The role of organic matter in retaining heavy metals and arsenic in soils

Noller, B. N. (2004). The role of organic matter in retaining heavy metals and arsenic in soils. Organic matter: Interfaces and Interactions, Blue Mountains, NSW, 16-19 February 2004. North Ryde, NSW: CSIRO Petroleum.

The role of organic matter in retaining heavy metals and arsenic in soils


Conference Publication

Development of experimental procedure for determining susceptibility of various materials to termite attack

Stewart, A. K., Zalucki, M. P., Truss, R. and Noller, B. (2004). Development of experimental procedure for determining susceptibility of various materials to termite attack. XXII International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, 15th - 21st August, 2004. Australia: Carillon Conference Management Pty Ltd.

Development of experimental procedure for determining susceptibility of various materials to termite attack


Conference Publication

Determining the relationship between a spray-drift exposure event and the bioavailable fraction of pesticide in an aquatic environment

Tripodi, N., Chapman, H., Woods, N., Noller, B. N., Hughes, P, Sadler, R., Connell, D., Shaw, G. R., Moore, M. R. and Hughes, J. M (2003). Determining the relationship between a spray-drift exposure event and the bioavailable fraction of pesticide in an aquatic environment. Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, 25-26 November 2003. Brisbane: NRCET.

Determining the relationship between a spray-drift exposure event and the bioavailable fraction of pesticide in an aquatic environment


Conference Publication

The significance of the environmental fate and toxicology of arsenic - invited lecture

Noller, B. N. (2003). The significance of the environmental fate and toxicology of arsenic - invited lecture. Minerals Council Environmental Workshop, Canberra, 25 September 2003. Canberra: Minerals Council of Australia.

The significance of the environmental fate and toxicology of arsenic - invited lecture


Conference Publication

Developing a risk assessment tool to evaluate the impact of heavy metals from mine waste title soil, sediments, water and energy

Bruce, S. L., Noller, B. N., Ng, J. C., Grigg, A., Mullen, B. F., Mulligan, D. R., Ritchie, P. J. and Currey, N. A. (2003). Developing a risk assessment tool to evaluate the impact of heavy metals from mine waste title soil, sediments, water and energy. The Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 20-23 October, 2003. Amherst, Massachusetts, USA: The University of Massachusetts.

Developing a risk assessment tool to evaluate the impact of heavy metals from mine waste title soil, sediments, water and energy


Journal Article

Metal and solute transportation through a wetland at a Lead Zinc Mine, Northern Territory, Australia

Noller, B. N., Parker, G. and Gao, G.H. (2003). Metal and solute transportation through a wetland at a Lead Zinc Mine, Northern Territory, Australia. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, 3 (1), 15-35.

Metal and solute transportation through a wetland at a Lead Zinc Mine, Northern Territory, Australia


Conference Publication

A proposal to evaluate environmental and health risks associated with arsenic from mining in Fiji

Matanitobua, V., Noller, B. N., Chiswell, B., Aalbersberg, B. and Feresi, J. (2003). A proposal to evaluate environmental and health risks associated with arsenic from mining in Fiji. QHSS Science Week, Brisbane, 18-22 August, 2003. Brisbane: NRCET.

A proposal to evaluate environmental and health risks associated with arsenic from mining in Fiji



Long-term consequences of the Vietnam War - Public health

Quynh, H.T., Constable, J.D., Dung, N.L., Noller, B. N., Phong, D.N. and Hay, A.W.M. (2003). Long-term consequences of the Vietnam War - Public health. Sweden: Foreningen Levande Framtid.

Long-term consequences of the Vietnam War - Public health


Conference Publication

Laboratory and field evaluation of potential arsenic exposure from mine tailings to grazing cattle

Ng, Jack C., Bruce, Scott L. and Noller, Barry N. (2003). Laboratory and field evaluation of potential arsenic exposure from mine tailings to grazing cattle. 5th International Conference on Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects, San Diego, CA, United States, 14-18 July 2001. New York, NY, United States: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-044451441-7/50015-4

Laboratory and field evaluation of potential arsenic exposure from mine tailings to grazing cattle


Other Outputs

An Evaulation of Atomic Radiation Exposure in Australian Service Personnel from Consumption of Seafood at Hiroshima following the Bomb Explosion on 6 August 1945

Noller, B. N., Moore, M. R. and Kleinschmidt, R (2003). An Evaulation of Atomic Radiation Exposure in Australian Service Personnel from Consumption of Seafood at Hiroshima following the Bomb Explosion on 6 August 1945. Brisbane: NRCET.

An Evaulation of Atomic Radiation Exposure in Australian Service Personnel from Consumption of Seafood at Hiroshima following the Bomb Explosion on 6 August 1945


Conference Publication

Public Health Risks of Traditional Chinese Medicines in Queensland

Cooper, K., Noller, B. N., Connell, D., Sadler, R., Rutherford, S., Olszowy, H., Golding, G. M., Tinggi, U. and Moore, M. R. (2003). Public Health Risks of Traditional Chinese Medicines in Queensland. General Practice & Primary Health Care Research Conference, Canberra, 18-20 June 2003. Canberra: Primary Health Care Research.

Public Health Risks of Traditional Chinese Medicines in Queensland


Conference Publication

Case studies in competitive grants and the role of partner organizations - oral presentation

Noller, B. N. (2003). Case studies in competitive grants and the role of partner organizations - oral presentation. QHSS Science Week, Brisbane, 18-22 August 2003. Brisbane: NRCET.

Case studies in competitive grants and the role of partner organizations - oral presentation


Conference Publication

Development of a risk assessment tool to minimize mixed metal toxicities from mine tailings

Huston, S. H., Noller, B. N., Sadler, R. and Ng, J. C. (2003). Development of a risk assessment tool to minimize mixed metal toxicities from mine tailings. Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 25-26 November, 2003. Brisbane: NRCET.

Development of a risk assessment tool to minimize mixed metal toxicities from mine tailings


Conference Publication

Bioavailability of metals and arsenic at contaminated sites from cattle dips, mined land and naturally occurring mineralisation origins

Ng, J. C., Noller, B. N., Bruce, S. L. and Moore, M. (2003). Bioavailability of metals and arsenic at contaminated sites from cattle dips, mined land and naturally occurring mineralisation origins. 5th National Workshop on the Assessment of Site Contamination, Adelaide, South Australia, May, 2002. Adelaide, South Australia: NEPC Service Corporation.

Bioavailability of metals and arsenic at contaminated sites from cattle dips, mined land and naturally occurring mineralisation origins


Journal Article

Silica reduces the toxicity of aluminium to a tropical freshwater fish (Mogurnda mogurnda)

Camilleri, C, Markich, SJ, Noller, BN, Turley, CJ, Parker, G and van Dam, RA (2003). Silica reduces the toxicity of aluminium to a tropical freshwater fish (Mogurnda mogurnda). Chemosphere, 50 (3), 355-364. doi: 10.1016/S0045-6535(02)00286-2

Silica reduces the toxicity of aluminium to a tropical freshwater fish (Mogurnda mogurnda)