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Journal Article

The molecular genetics of executive function: Role of monoamine system genes

Barnes, Jessica J. M., Dean, Angela J., Nandam, L. Sanjay, O'Connell, Redmond G. and Bellgrove, Mark A. (2011). The molecular genetics of executive function: Role of monoamine system genes. Biological Psychiatry, 69 (12), e127-e143. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2010.12.040

The molecular genetics of executive function: Role of monoamine system genes


Journal Article

Predictors of medication adherence in children receiving psychotropic medication

Dean, Angela J., Wragg, Jillian, Draper, Judith and McDermott, Brett M. (2011). Predictors of medication adherence in children receiving psychotropic medication. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 47 (6), 350-355. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2010.01985.x

Predictors of medication adherence in children receiving psychotropic medication


Journal Article

Methylphenidate but not atomoxetine or citalopram modulates inhibitory control and response time variability

Nandam, L. Sanjay, Hester, Robert, Wagner, Joe, Cummins, Tarrant D. R., Garner, Kelly, Dean, Angela J., Kim, Bung Nyun, Nathan, Pradeep J., Mattingley, Jason B. and Bellgrove, Mark A. (2011). Methylphenidate but not atomoxetine or citalopram modulates inhibitory control and response time variability. Biological Psychiatry, 69 (9), 902-904. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2010.11.014

Methylphenidate but not atomoxetine or citalopram modulates inhibitory control and response time variability


Journal Article

Antisocial behaviour across the life course: An examination of the effects of early onset desistence and early onset persistent antisocial behaviour in adulthood

McGee, Tara Renae, Hayatbakhsh, Mohammad R., Bor, William, Cerruto, Michael, Dean, Angela, Alati, Rosa, Mills, Ryan, Williams, Gail M., O'Callaghan, Michael and Najman, Jake M. (2011). Antisocial behaviour across the life course: An examination of the effects of early onset desistence and early onset persistent antisocial behaviour in adulthood. Australian Journal of Psychology, 63 (1), 44-55. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-9536.2011.00006.x

Antisocial behaviour across the life course: An examination of the effects of early onset desistence and early onset persistent antisocial behaviour in adulthood


Journal Article

My tummy aches

Dean, A. (2011). My tummy aches. Pharmacy News (AUGUST), 25-29.

My tummy aches


Journal Article

Air supply

Dean, A. (2011). Air supply. Pharmacy News (February), 26-28.

Air supply


Journal Article

Sick to the stomach

Dean, A. (2011). Sick to the stomach. Pharmacy News (JUNE), 27-30.

Sick to the stomach


Journal Article

Heroin use, dependence, and attitudes to treatment in non-treatment-seeking heroin users: A pilot study

Dean, Angela J., Saunders, John B. and Bell, James (2011). Heroin use, dependence, and attitudes to treatment in non-treatment-seeking heroin users: A pilot study. Substance Use and Misuse, 46 (4), 417-425. doi: 10.3109/10826084.2010.501655

Heroin use, dependence, and attitudes to treatment in non-treatment-seeking heroin users: A pilot study


Journal Article

Toilet trouble

Dean, A. (2011). Toilet trouble. Pharmacy News (March), 33-37.

Toilet trouble


Journal Article

Blind optimism

Moses, Geraldine and Dean, Angela (2010). Blind optimism. Pharmacy News (October), 29-34.

Blind optimism


Journal Article

A systematic review of interventions to enhance medication adherence in children and adolescents with chronic illness

Dean, AJ, Walters, J and Hall, A (2010). A systematic review of interventions to enhance medication adherence in children and adolescents with chronic illness. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 95 (9), 717-723. doi: 10.1136/adc.2009.175125

A systematic review of interventions to enhance medication adherence in children and adolescents with chronic illness


Journal Article

Do antisocial females exhibit poor outcomes in adulthood?: An Australian cohort study

Bor, William, McGee, Tara Renae, Hayatbakhsh, Reza, Dean, Angela and Najman, Jake M. (2010). Do antisocial females exhibit poor outcomes in adulthood?: An Australian cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44 (7), 648-657. doi: 10.3109/00048671003631159

Do antisocial females exhibit poor outcomes in adulthood?: An Australian cohort study


Journal Article

In from the cold

Dean, Angela (2010). In from the cold. Pharmacy News (JULY), 41-46.

In from the cold


Journal Article

Gender differences in adolescents attending a drug and alcohol withdrawal service

Dean, Angela J., McBride, Michelle, Macdonald, Elspeth M., Connolly, Yvonne and McDermott, Brett M. (2010). Gender differences in adolescents attending a drug and alcohol withdrawal service. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29 (3), 278-285. doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3362.2009.00152.x

Gender differences in adolescents attending a drug and alcohol withdrawal service


Journal Article

Exposure to aggression and the impact on staff in a child and adolescent inpatient unit

Dean, Angela J., Gibbon, Peter, McDermott, Brett M., Davidson, Tim and Scott, James (2010). Exposure to aggression and the impact on staff in a child and adolescent inpatient unit. Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing, 24 (1), 15-26. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2009.01.002

Exposure to aggression and the impact on staff in a child and adolescent inpatient unit


Conference Publication

Evaluating complementary medicines resources: Sifting fact from fiction

McGuire, Treasure, Walters, Julie, Dean, Angela, Van Driel, Mieke, Del Mar, Christopher, Moses, Geraldine, Pache, David, Loadsman, Peter and Williamson, Margaret (2010). Evaluating complementary medicines resources: Sifting fact from fiction. 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 August 2010. Redondela, Spain: Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas.

Evaluating complementary medicines resources: Sifting fact from fiction


Conference Publication

A randomized controlled, trial of fish oil in the treatment of overt aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders - clinical and cognitive outcomes

Dean, A., Adam, K., Bor, W. and Bellgrove, M. (2010). A randomized controlled, trial of fish oil in the treatment of overt aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders - clinical and cognitive outcomes. 27th CINP Congress Meeting 2010, Hong Kong, China, 06-10 June 2010. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/S1461145710000635

A randomized controlled, trial of fish oil in the treatment of overt aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders - clinical and cognitive outcomes


Conference Publication

Evaluating Complementary Medicines resources: Identifying the cream of the crop

McGuire, Treasure, Walters, Julie, Dean, Angela, Van Driel, Mieke, Del Mar, Christopher, Moses, Geraldine, Pache, David, Loadsman, Peter and Williamson, Margaret (2010). Evaluating Complementary Medicines resources: Identifying the cream of the crop. 2010 Primary Health Care (PHC) Research Conference, Darwin, Australia, 30 June-2 July 2010. Australia: Primary Health Care Research and Information Service.

Evaluating Complementary Medicines resources: Identifying the cream of the crop


Journal Article

Determination of risperidone and 9-Hydroxyrisperidone using HPLC, in plasma of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders

Jones, Tanya, Breda, Karin Van, Charles, Bruce, Dean, Angela J., McDermott, Brett M. and Norris, Ross (2009). Determination of risperidone and 9-Hydroxyrisperidone using HPLC, in plasma of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders. Biomedical Chromatography, 23 (9), 929-934. doi: 10.1002/bmc.1204

Determination of risperidone and 9-Hydroxyrisperidone using HPLC, in plasma of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders


Journal Article

Mother's milk

Dean, Angela (2009). Mother's milk. Pharmacy News (AUG.), 17-20.

Mother's milk