2010 Conference Publication Evaluating Complementary Medicines resources: Identifying the cream of the cropMcGuire, Treasure, Walters, Julie, Dean, Angela, Van Driel, Mieke, Del Mar, Christopher, Moses, Geraldine, Pache, David, Loadsman, Peter and Williamson, Margaret (2010). Evaluating Complementary Medicines resources: Identifying the cream of the crop. 2010 Primary Health Care (PHC) Research Conference, Darwin, Australia, 30 June-2 July 2010. Australia: Primary Health Care Research and Information Service. |
2010 Conference Publication A randomized controlled, trial of fish oil in the treatment of overt aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders - clinical and cognitive outcomesDean, A., Adam, K., Bor, W. and Bellgrove, M. (2010). A randomized controlled, trial of fish oil in the treatment of overt aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders - clinical and cognitive outcomes. 27th CINP Congress Meeting 2010, Hong Kong, China, 06-10 June 2010. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/S1461145710000635 |
2010 Conference Publication Evaluating complementary medicines resources: Sifting fact from fictionMcGuire, Treasure, Walters, Julie, Dean, Angela, Van Driel, Mieke, Del Mar, Christopher, Moses, Geraldine, Pache, David, Loadsman, Peter and Williamson, Margaret (2010). Evaluating complementary medicines resources: Sifting fact from fiction. 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 August 2010. Redondela, Spain: Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas. |
2007 Conference Publication Impact of aggression on staff in a child and adolescent inpatient unitScott, James, Dean, Angela, Gibbon, Peter, McDermott, Brett and Davidson, Tim (2007). Impact of aggression on staff in a child and adolescent inpatient unit. Unknown, Unknown, Unknown. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. |
2007 Conference Publication Aggressive incidents in children and adolescents admitted to a mental health inpatient unitScott, James, Dean, Angela, Duke, Suzanne and George, Michelle (2007). Aggressive incidents in children and adolescents admitted to a mental health inpatient unit. Unknown, Unknown, Unknown. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. |
2007 Conference Publication Behavioral management leads to reduction in aggression in a child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient unitScott, James, Dean, Angela, Duke, Suzanne and George, Michelle (2007). Behavioral management leads to reduction in aggression in a child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. |
2003 Conference Publication Finding Evidence for Complementary Medicine: Overcoming Problems and PitfallsWalters, J., McGuire, T., Dean, A. and Bicopoulos, D. (2003). Finding Evidence for Complementary Medicine: Overcoming Problems and Pitfalls. SHPA 26th Federal Conference, Canberra, 13-16 November 2003. Canberra: SHPA. |