2023 Journal Article Relationships between hope, optimism, and conservation engagementDean, Angela J. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2023). Relationships between hope, optimism, and conservation engagement. Conservation Biology, 37 (2) e14009, e14009. doi: 10.1111/cobi.14020 |
2022 Journal Article Beyond proximity: how subjective perceptions of enablers and constraints influence patterns of blue space recreationDean, Angela J., Ross, Helen, Roiko, Anne, Fielding, Kelly S., Saeck, Emily, Johnston, Kim, Beatson, Amanda, Udy, James and Maxwell, Paul (2022). Beyond proximity: how subjective perceptions of enablers and constraints influence patterns of blue space recreation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 228 104557, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104557 |
2022 Journal Article Accelerating the adoption of water sensitive innovations: community perceptions of practices and technologies to mitigate urban stormwater pollutionDean, Angela J., Newton, Fiona J., Gulliver, Robyn E., Fielding, Kelly S. and Ross, Helen (2022). Accelerating the adoption of water sensitive innovations: community perceptions of practices and technologies to mitigate urban stormwater pollution. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 66 (4), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2021.2002279 |
2021 Journal Article Understanding the effectiveness of policy instruments to encourage adoption of farming practices to improve water quality for the Great Barrier ReefEberhard, Rachel, Coggan, Anthea, Jarvis, Diane, Hamman, Evan, Taylor, Bruce, Baresi, Umberto, Vella, Karen, Dean, Angela J., Deane, Felicity, Helmstedt, Kate and Mayfield, Helen (2021). Understanding the effectiveness of policy instruments to encourage adoption of farming practices to improve water quality for the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172 112793, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112793 |
2021 Journal Article 'Stickiness' of water-saving behaviours: what factors influence whether behaviours are maintained or given up?Dean, Angela J., Kneebone, Sarah, Tull, Fraser, Lauren, Nita and Smith, Liam D. G. (2021). 'Stickiness' of water-saving behaviours: what factors influence whether behaviours are maintained or given up?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 169 105531, 105531. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105531 |
2021 Journal Article Drivers of adoption and spread of wildlife management initiatives in MexicoRomero‐de‐Diego, Cristina, Dean, Angela, Jagadish, Arundhati, Witt, Bradd, Mascia, Michael B. and Mills, Morena (2021). Drivers of adoption and spread of wildlife management initiatives in Mexico. Conservation Science and Practice, 3 (7) e438. doi: 10.1111/csp2.438 |
2021 Journal Article Environmental management in the peri-urban region: psychological and contextual factors influencing private land conservation actionsUebel, Konrad, Rhodes, Jonathan, Wilson, Kerrie A. and Dean, Angela J. (2021). Environmental management in the peri-urban region: psychological and contextual factors influencing private land conservation actions. Environmental Management, 68 (2), 184-197. doi: 10.1007/s00267-021-01487-6 |
2020 Journal Article Landholder typologies illuminate pathways for social change in a deforestation hotspotSimmons, B. Alexander, Wilson, Kerrie A. and Dean, Angela J. (2020). Landholder typologies illuminate pathways for social change in a deforestation hotspot. Journal of Environmental Management, 254 109777, 109777. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109777 |
2020 Journal Article “Taking action for the Reef?”–Australians do not connect Reef conservation with individual climate-related actionsDean, Angela J., Gulliver, Robyn E. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2020). “Taking action for the Reef?”–Australians do not connect Reef conservation with individual climate-related actions. Conservation Letters, 14 (2) e12765, e12765. doi: 10.1111/conl.12765 |
2019 Journal Article Achieving conservation impact by shifting focus from human attitudes to behaviorsNilsson, Danielle, Fielding, Kelly and Dean, Angela (2019). Achieving conservation impact by shifting focus from human attitudes to behaviors. Conservation Biology, 34 (1) cobi.13363, 93-102. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13363 |
2019 Journal Article Beyond the ‘extinction of experience’ – novel pathways between nature experience and support for nature conservationDean, Angela J., Barnett, Adrian G., Wilson, Kerrie A. and Turrell, Gavin (2019). Beyond the ‘extinction of experience’ – novel pathways between nature experience and support for nature conservation. Global Environmental Change, 55, 48-57. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2019.02.002 |
2019 Journal Article Building community support for coastal management — What types of messages are most effective?Dean, Angela J., Fielding, Kelly S. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2019). Building community support for coastal management — What types of messages are most effective?. Environmental Science & Policy, 92, 161-169. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.11.026 |
2019 Journal Article Pathways between contrasting ecotourism experiences and conservation engagementMassingham, Emily, Fuller, Richard A. and Dean, Angela J. (2019). Pathways between contrasting ecotourism experiences and conservation engagement. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28 (4), 827-845. doi: 10.1007/s10531-018-01694-4 |
2018 Journal Article How do marine and coastal citizen science experiences foster environmental engagement?Dean, Angela J, Church, Emma K, Loder, Jenn, Fielding, Kelly S and Wilson, Kerrie A (2018). How do marine and coastal citizen science experiences foster environmental engagement?. Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 409-416. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.02.080 |
2016 Journal Article How social capital influences community support for alternative water sourcesDean, Angela J., Fielding, Kelly S., Lindsay, Jo, Newton, Fiona J. and Ross, Helen (2016). How social capital influences community support for alternative water sources. Sustainable Cities and Society, 27, 457-466. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2016.06.016 |
2016 Journal Article Responding to the Millennium drought: comparing domestic water cultures in three Australian citiesLindsay, Jo, Dean, Angela J. and Supski, Sian (2016). Responding to the Millennium drought: comparing domestic water cultures in three Australian cities. Regional Environmental Change, 17 (2), 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1048-6 |
2016 Journal Article Fostering water sensitive citizenship - community profiles of engagement in water-related issuesDean, Angela J., Lindsay, Jo, Fielding, Kelly S. and Smith, Liam D. G. (2016). Fostering water sensitive citizenship - community profiles of engagement in water-related issues. Environmental Science and Policy, 55, 238-247. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.10.016 |
2012 Journal Article CoralWatch: education, monitoring, and sustainability through citizen scienceMarshall, N. Justin, Kleine, Diana A. and Dean, Angela J. (2012). CoralWatch: education, monitoring, and sustainability through citizen science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10 (6), 332-334. doi: 10.1890/110266 |
2025 Journal Article From citizen science experiences to stewardship action: The importance of both nature and social experiencesChurch, Emma K., Wilson, Kerrie A., Loder, Jennifer and Dean, Angela J. (2025). From citizen science experiences to stewardship action: The importance of both nature and social experiences. Marine Policy, 173 106537, 106537. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106537 |
2024 Journal Article Eliciting diverse perspectives to prioritize community actions for biodiversity conservationDean, Angela J., Fielding, Kelly S., Smith, Liam D. G., Church, Emma K. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2024). Eliciting diverse perspectives to prioritize community actions for biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, e14372. doi: 10.1111/cobi.14372 |