2012 Book Chapter Enveloping the past: sport stamps, visuality and museumsOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2012). Enveloping the past: sport stamps, visuality and museums. The visual in sport. (pp. 52-69) edited by Mike Huggins and Mike O'Mahony. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. |
2010 Book Chapter SourcesOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray (2010). Sources. Routledge companion to sports history. (pp. 34-50) edited by S. W. Pope and John Nauright. Abingdon, Oxon, U.K. ; New York, U.S.A.: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203885413-10 |
2010 Book Chapter Losing control of the ball: The political economy of football and the media in AustraliaPhillips, Murray and Hutchins, Brett (2010). Losing control of the ball: The political economy of football and the media in Australia. Sport, Power, and Society: Institutions and Practices: A Reader. (pp. 95-108) New York, NY United States: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429497216 |
2008 Book Chapter Sport in AustraliaPhillips, Murray and Magdalinski, Tara (2008). Sport in Australia. Sport and Society: A Student Introduction. (pp. 492-512) Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: SAGE Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781446278833.n22 |
2007 Book Chapter Health and welfare of junior sport participantsHooper, S., Trost, S. and Phillips, M. (2007). Health and welfare of junior sport participants. Junior sport matters: Briefing papers for Australian junior sport. (pp. 41-48) edited by Hooper, S., Macdonald, D. and Phillips, M.. Belconnen, ACT: Australian Sports Commission. |
2007 Book Chapter Historical, cultural and social perspectives of junior sportPhillips, M., Macdonald, D. and Hanrahan, S. J. (2007). Historical, cultural and social perspectives of junior sport. Junior sport matters: Briefing papers for Australian junior sport. (pp. 1-7) edited by Hooper, S., Macdonald, D. and Phillips, M.. Belconnen, ACT: Australian Sports Commission. |
2006 Book Chapter ConclusionPhillips, Murray G. (2006). Conclusion. Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis. (pp. 245-253) State University of New York Press. |
2006 Book Chapter ConclusionPhillips, M (2006). Conclusion. Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis. (pp. 245-253) edited by M.G. Phillips. New York: SUNY Press. |
2006 Book Chapter History of physical educationPhillips, M. and Roper, A. P. (2006). History of physical education. The handbook of physical education. (pp. 123-140) edited by D. Kirk, D. Macdonald and M. O'Sullivan. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781848608009.n8 |
2006 Book Chapter Introduction: Sport history and postmodernismPhillips, Murray G. (2006). Introduction: Sport history and postmodernism. Deconstructing sport history: A postmodern analysis. (pp. 1-24) edited by M.G. Phillips. New York, United States: SUNY Press. |
2006 Book Chapter Dissension and challenges in surf lifesaving: Amateurism and professionalismPhillips, Murray G. (2006). Dissension and challenges in surf lifesaving: Amateurism and professionalism. Between the flags: One hundred summers of Australian surf lifesaving. (pp. 165-188) edited by Ed Jaggard. Sydney, Australia: UNSW Press. |
2005 Book Chapter The media sport cultural complex: Football and fan resistance in AustraliaPhillips, M., Hutchins, B. and Stewart, B. (2005). The media sport cultural complex: Football and fan resistance in Australia. The Political Economy of Sport. (pp. 85-103) edited by J. Nauright and K.S. Schimmel. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2003 Book Chapter Sport in AustraliaPhillips, M. and Magdalinski, T. (2003). Sport in Australia. Sport and Society: A Student Introduction. (pp. 312-329) edited by B. Houlihan. London: Sage Publications. |
1999 Book Chapter The global union: Globalization and the Rugby World CupHutchins, B. and Phillips, M. (1999). The global union: Globalization and the Rugby World Cup. Making the Rugby World: Race, Gender, Commerce. (pp. 149-164) edited by T. J. L. Chandler and J. Nauright. London: Frank Cass. |