2023 Book The Playmakers: The History of Basketball QueenslandTownsend, Stephen and Phillips, Murray G. (2023). The Playmakers: The History of Basketball Queensland. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Basketball Queensland. |
2022 Book Routledge handbook of sport historyMurray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams eds. (2022). Routledge handbook of sport history. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306 |
2015 Book Sport history in the digital eraGary Osmond and Murray G. Phillips eds. (2015). Sport history in the digital era. Champaign, IL, USA: University of Illinois Press. |
2013 Book Examining sport histories: power, paradigms, and reflexivityRichard Pringle and Murray Phillips eds. (2013). Examining sport histories: power, paradigms, and reflexivity. Morgantown, WV, USA: Fitness Information Technology. |
2012 Book Representing the Sporting Past in Museums and Halls of FamePhillips, Murray G. ed. (2012). Representing the Sporting Past in Museums and Halls of Fame. Routledge Research in Sports History, London, United Kingdom: Routledge. |
2008 Book Swimming Australia: One hundred yearsPhillips, Murray G. (2008). Swimming Australia: One hundred years. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales Press. |
2007 Book Junior sport matters: Briefing papers for Australian junior sportSue Hooper, Doune Macdonald and Murray G. Phillips eds. (2007). Junior sport matters: Briefing papers for Australian junior sport. Canberra, Australia: Australian Sports Commission. |
2006 Book Deconstructing sport history : A postmodern analysisPhillips, Murray G. ed. (2006). Deconstructing sport history : A postmodern analysis. SUNY series on sport, culture, and social relations, New York, U.S.A.: State University of New York Press. |
2000 Book From Sidelines to Centre Field: A History of Sport Coaching in AustraliaPhillips, Murray (2000). From Sidelines to Centre Field: A History of Sport Coaching in Australia. Sydney , Australia: University of NSW Press. |