2024 Conference Publication Public First Nations sport history projects: the cross-disciplinary value of the principles of co-designOsmond, Gary, Phillips, Murray G. and Wheeler, Kai (2024). Public First Nations sport history projects: the cross-disciplinary value of the principles of co-design. 2024 NASSH Pre-Conference Workshop: "Sport Studies as a Public Service: Popular Scholarship, Histories, and Activism", Denver, CO, United States, 23-24 May 2024. |
2023 Conference Publication Indigenous Public History: Cherbourg’s Marching GirlsOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray (2023). Indigenous Public History: Cherbourg’s Marching Girls. Public Sport History and Community Sport Symposium, Sydney, NSW Australia, 5 December 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication The double folds of racism and history: silences, concussion and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sportspeoplePhillips, Murray G., Wheeler, Keane and Osmond, Gary (2023). The double folds of racism and history: silences, concussion and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sportspeople. Remembering the Injured Brain in Sport History’ (North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) pre-conference workshop, Washington, DC, United States, 25 May 2023. |
2022 Conference Publication Torres Strait Islander history: sport, culture and identityOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2022). Torres Strait Islander history: sport, culture and identity. North American Society for Sport History (NASSH), Virtual, 27-30 May 2022. |
2021 Conference Publication Looking in the rear view mirror, out the side window, and through the windscreen: Examining the past, current, and emerging quality indicators of Health and Physical Education journalsSperka, Leigh and Phillips, Murray G. (2021). Looking in the rear view mirror, out the side window, and through the windscreen: Examining the past, current, and emerging quality indicators of Health and Physical Education journals. Australian Association for Research in Education, Online, 29 November - 2 December 2021. |
2015 Conference Publication ‘Taking a Walk on the Wild Side’: Distant and Close Reading in Sport HistoryPhillips, Murray G. and Osmond, Gary (2015). ‘Taking a Walk on the Wild Side’: Distant and Close Reading in Sport History. North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) 42nd Annual Conference, Glenwood Springs, Colorado United States, May 2014. University Park, PA United States: North American Society for Sport History. |
2014 Conference Publication Expecting too much? Can national sport policies and Indigenous sport programs in Australia deliver social outcomes?Rossi, T., Rynne, S. B., Phillips, M. and Macdonald, D. (2014). Expecting too much? Can national sport policies and Indigenous sport programs in Australia deliver social outcomes?. AIESEP World Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2014. |
2014 Conference Publication Re - Presenting The Black Power Salute: New Media and Sport HistoryOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2014). Re - Presenting The Black Power Salute: New Media and Sport History. North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) 41st Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 24-27 May 2013. University Park, PA United States: North American Society for Sport History. |
2010 Conference Publication Tensions, conflicts and exclusion: Sports medicine and sport science during the turbulent decades of the 1950s and 1960sPhillips, M. (2010). Tensions, conflicts and exclusion: Sports medicine and sport science during the turbulent decades of the 1950s and 1960s. Asics Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport (ACSMS) 2010, Port Douglas, QLD, Australia, 3-6 November 2010. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier Australia. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2010.10.462 |
2009 Conference Publication Enveloping the Past: Sport Stamps, Visuality and MuseumsOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2009). Enveloping the Past: Sport Stamps, Visuality and Museums. The Visual Turn in Sports History Conference, Bristol, England, 13-14 June 2009. |
2007 Conference Publication From print to screen: Cross currents in the narratives of Australia's swimming pastPhillips, M. (2007). From print to screen: Cross currents in the narratives of Australia's swimming past. 2007 North American Society for Sport History Conference, Lubbock, Texas, United States of America, 25-28 May 2007. Athens, GA, United States of America: Sadiki Publishing. |
2007 Conference Publication Sport history and public history : Intersecting narrativesPhillips, Murray (2007). Sport history and public history : Intersecting narratives. Australian Society for Sport History 16th Bi-Annual Conference, Canberra, Australia, 27-30 June, 2007. not found: not found. |
2006 Conference Publication An athletic clio on screen: Sport documentaries and approaches to the production of historyPhillips, M. (2006). An athletic clio on screen: Sport documentaries and approaches to the production of history. 34th Annual NASSH Conference, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, 19-22 May, 2006. Athens, GA: NASSH. |
2006 Conference Publication Towards the development of a talent identification and development program for coachesO'Keeffe, E. E., Auld, C., Phillips, M and Hooper, S. L. (2006). Towards the development of a talent identification and development program for coaches. 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference CISC2006, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 9-12 March, 2006. Jolimont, Vic, Australia: Sports Medicine Australia. |
2006 Conference Publication Duty of care initiatives for elite junior athletes' health and welfareHooper, S. L., Dudfield, O. and Phillips, M. (2006). Duty of care initiatives for elite junior athletes' health and welfare. 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference CISC2006, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 9-12 March, 2006. Jolimont, Vic, Australia: Sports Medicine Australia. |
2005 Conference Publication Performing sport history: Alternate readings of the sporting pastPhillips, M. (2005). Performing sport history: Alternate readings of the sporting past. Sporting Traditions XV, Melbourne, 11-14 July, 2005. Melbourne: ASSH. |
2004 Conference Publication The rise of sport science and the role of coaches in the Australian contextPhillips, M. (2004). The rise of sport science and the role of coaches in the Australian context. Exercise and Sports Science 2004 - From Research to Practice, Brisbane, 14-16 April 2004. Brisbane: AAESS. |
2004 Conference Publication Tunnel vision: The production of sport historyPhillips, Murray G. (2004). Tunnel vision: The production of sport history. 3rd Biannual Researching Sport, Physical and Health Education Conference, Wollongong, May 2003. Australia: University of Wollongong. |
2004 Conference Publication Sport Films, Documentaries and Social Memory: The Making of The Original MermaidPhillips, M. (2004). Sport Films, Documentaries and Social Memory: The Making of The Original Mermaid. 32nd Annual Conference of the North American Society for Sport History, Monterey, California, 28th - 31st May, 2004. United States: Sadiki Publishing. |
2004 Conference Publication A multi-disciplinary approach for protecting the health and welfare of young elite athletesHooper, S., Dudfield, O., Phillips, M. and Rynne, S. (2004). A multi-disciplinary approach for protecting the health and welfare of young elite athletes. 2004 Pre-Olympic Congress: Sport Science through the Ages, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-11 August, 2004. Thessaloniki, Greece: International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE). |