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Associate Professor Melissa Day
Associate Professor

Melissa Day

+61 7 336 56421



I am an endorsed Clinical and Health Psychologist, and my main area of research interest is in optimising non-pharmacological treatment options for chronic pain. My program of research is primarily focused on implementing randomised controlled trials designed to evaluate the efficacy and mechanisms of cognitive-behavioural and mindfulness-based interventions for heterogeneous chronic pain conditions. My concurrent line of research aims to further our understanding of the experience of chronic pain via converging methodologies (including experimental pain paradigms and electroencephalogram), as well as advance our capacity to accurately assess its multidimensional nature. I have led the development, application, and evaluation of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for chronic pain, and I disseminated this treatment approach for research and clinical use via my sole-authored book, published by Wiley in 2017. My US-based collaborators and I have a number of on-going NIH and foundation funded treatment trials underway at the University of Washington, Seattle. I am also an Affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Washington.

As of 2021, I was elected the inaugural Chairperson of the Australian SHAPE Futures EMCR Network, which is in development with the support of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Australian Academy of the Social Sciences. The purpose of the Network is to ensure SHAPE disciplines (Social Sciences, Humanities, and the Arts for People and Environment) thrive and excel in Australia, by fostering an inclusive and diverse community that supports, empowers and promotes early and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) in Australia, within and beyond academia.


Associate Professor Melissa Day is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Science, The University of Alabama
  • Masters (Coursework), The University of Alabama
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Alabama

Research interests

  • Chronic pain

    Assessment and management of chronic pain

  • Pain

    Understanding the mechanisms of pain and its relief

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

    Efficacy and mechanisms for chronic pain management

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

    Efficacy and mechanisms for chronic pain management; adapting the literacy level of CBT for use in low-SES groups. We are currently piloting the use of Dr Beverly Thorn's literacy adapted CBT approach -- further adapted for the Australian context -- within a low-SES hospital in Logan.


Search Professor Melissa Day’s works on UQ eSpace

91 works between 2010 and 2024

21 - 40 of 91 works


Journal Article

Effects of hypnosis vs mindfulness meditation vs education on chronic pain intensity and secondary outcomes in veterans: a randomized clinical trial

Williams, Rhonda M., Day, Melissa A., Ehde, Dawn M., Turner, Aaron P., Ciol, Marcia A., Gertz, Kevin J., Patterson, David, Hakimian, Shahin, Suri, Pradeep and Jensen, Mark P. (2022). Effects of hypnosis vs mindfulness meditation vs education on chronic pain intensity and secondary outcomes in veterans: a randomized clinical trial. Pain, 163 (10), 1905-1918. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002586

Effects of hypnosis vs mindfulness meditation vs education on chronic pain intensity and secondary outcomes in veterans: a randomized clinical trial


Journal Article

How do placebo effects contribute to mindfulness-based analgesia? Probing acute pain effects and interactions using a randomized balanced placebo design

Davies, Jonathan N., Sharpe, Louise, Day, Melissa A. and Colagiuri, Ben (2022). How do placebo effects contribute to mindfulness-based analgesia? Probing acute pain effects and interactions using a randomized balanced placebo design. Pain, 163 (10), 1967-1977. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002593

How do placebo effects contribute to mindfulness-based analgesia? Probing acute pain effects and interactions using a randomized balanced placebo design


Book Chapter

Psychological interventions: A focus on cognitive-behavioral therapy

Day, Melissa A. and Thorn, Beverly E. (2022). Psychological interventions: A focus on cognitive-behavioral therapy. Clinical pain management: a practical guide. (pp. 272-281) edited by Mary E. Lynch, Kenneth D. Craig and Philip W. Peng. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781119701170.ch26

Psychological interventions: A focus on cognitive-behavioral therapy


Journal Article

Pain medication beliefs mediate the relationship between pain catastrophizing and opioid prescription use in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Elphinston, Rachel A., Sullivan, Michael J. L., Sterling, Michele, Connor, Jason. P., Baranoff, John A., Tan, Dylan and Day, Melissa A. (2022). Pain medication beliefs mediate the relationship between pain catastrophizing and opioid prescription use in patients with chronic non-cancer pain. Journal of Pain, 23 (3), 379-389. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2021.08.009

Pain medication beliefs mediate the relationship between pain catastrophizing and opioid prescription use in patients with chronic non-cancer pain


Journal Article

Understanding pain treatment mechanisms: a new direction in outcomes research

Day, Melissa A. and Jensen, Mark P. (2022). Understanding pain treatment mechanisms: a new direction in outcomes research. Pain, 163 (3), 406-407. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002373

Understanding pain treatment mechanisms: a new direction in outcomes research


Journal Article

Development of the Pain Responses Scale: a measure informed by the BIS‐BAS model of pain

Day, Melissa A., Ward, L. Charles, Vega, Rocio, Ehde, Dawn M. and Jensen, Mark P. (2021). Development of the Pain Responses Scale: a measure informed by the BIS‐BAS model of pain. European Journal of Pain, 26 (2), 505-521. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1877

Development of the Pain Responses Scale: a measure informed by the BIS‐BAS model of pain


Journal Article

Evaluation of a physical activity promotion intervention for adults with whiplash associated disorders: a single-case experimental design study

Ritchie, Carrie, Clanchy, Kelly, Sterling, Michele, Tate, Robyn, Smits, Esther J., Day, Melissa, Nikles, Jane, Liimatainen, Jenna and Tweedy, Sean M. (2021). Evaluation of a physical activity promotion intervention for adults with whiplash associated disorders: a single-case experimental design study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44 (23), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1989062

Evaluation of a physical activity promotion intervention for adults with whiplash associated disorders: a single-case experimental design study


Journal Article

A qualitative comparison of mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain

Cattanach, Brittany K., Thorn, Beverly E., Ehde, Dawn M., Jensen, Mark P. and Day, Melissa A. (2021). A qualitative comparison of mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain. Rehabilitation Psychology, 66 (3), 317-334. doi: 10.1037/rep0000344

A qualitative comparison of mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain


Journal Article

Prayer as a pain intervention: protocol of a systematic review of randomised controlled trials

Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra, Jarego, Margarida, Queiroz-Garcia, Inês, Pimenta, Filipa, Costa, Rui Miguel, Day, Melissa A., Pais-Ribeiro, José and Jensen, Mark P. (2021). Prayer as a pain intervention: protocol of a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open, 11 (7) e047580, 1-6. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047580

Prayer as a pain intervention: protocol of a systematic review of randomised controlled trials


Journal Article

Pain-related beliefs, cognitive processes, and electroencephalography band power as predictors and mediators of the effects of psychological chronic pain interventions

Jensen, Mark P., Hakimian, Shahin, Ehde, Dawn M., Day, Melissa A., Pettet, Mark W., Yoshino, Atsuo and Ciol, Marcia A. (2021). Pain-related beliefs, cognitive processes, and electroencephalography band power as predictors and mediators of the effects of psychological chronic pain interventions. Pain, 162 (7), 2036-2050. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002201

Pain-related beliefs, cognitive processes, and electroencephalography band power as predictors and mediators of the effects of psychological chronic pain interventions


Journal Article

Mindfulness-based analgesia or placebo effect? The development and evaluation of a sham mindfulness intervention for acute experimental pain

Davies, Jonathan N., Sharpe, Louise, Day, Melissa A. and Colagiuri, Ben (2021). Mindfulness-based analgesia or placebo effect? The development and evaluation of a sham mindfulness intervention for acute experimental pain. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83 (6), 557-565. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000886

Mindfulness-based analgesia or placebo effect? The development and evaluation of a sham mindfulness intervention for acute experimental pain


Journal Article

Response to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy differs between chronic and episodic migraine

Seng, Elizabeth K., Conway, Alexandra B., Grinberg, Amy S., Patel, Zarine S., Marzouk, Maya, Rosenberg, Lauren, Metts, Christopher, Day, Melissa A., Minen, Mia T., Buse, Dawn C. and Lipton, Richard B. (2021). Response to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy differs between chronic and episodic migraine. Neurology: Clinical Practice, 11 (3), 194-205. doi: 10.1212/CPJ.0000000000000984

Response to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy differs between chronic and episodic migraine


Journal Article

Large-scale replication of psychological outcomes in a community-based interdisciplinary pain management program

Oehlerich, Madeline L., Geffen, Gina, Geffen, Laurence, Craig, Nathan, Geffen, Saul, Lovai, Miriam, Hobson, Joshua and Day, Melissa A. (2021). Large-scale replication of psychological outcomes in a community-based interdisciplinary pain management program. Clinical Psychologist, 25 (1), 98-106. doi: 10.1080/13284207.2021.1900718

Large-scale replication of psychological outcomes in a community-based interdisciplinary pain management program


Journal Article

Transdiagnostic cognitive processes in chronic pain and comorbid PTSD and depression in veterans

Day, Melissa A., Williams, Rhonda M., Turner, Aaron P., Ehde, Dawn M. and Jensen, Mark P. (2021). Transdiagnostic cognitive processes in chronic pain and comorbid PTSD and depression in veterans. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56 (2), 1-11. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaab033

Transdiagnostic cognitive processes in chronic pain and comorbid PTSD and depression in veterans


Journal Article

Change in brain oscillations as a mechanism of mindfulness-meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain

Day, Melissa A., Matthews, Natasha, Mattingley, Jason B., Ehde, Dawn M., Turner, Aaron P., Williams, Rhonda M. and Jensen, Mark P. (2021). Change in brain oscillations as a mechanism of mindfulness-meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain. Pain Medicine, 22 (8), 1804-1813. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnab049

Change in brain oscillations as a mechanism of mindfulness-meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain


Journal Article

COPAHS Study: Protocol of a randomised experimental study comparing the effects of hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and spiritual practices on experimental pain in healthy adults

Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra, Pimenta, Filipa, Costa, Rui M., Day, Melissa A., Pais-Ribeiro, José and Jensen, Mark P. (2021). COPAHS Study: Protocol of a randomised experimental study comparing the effects of hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and spiritual practices on experimental pain in healthy adults. BMJ Open, 11 (2) e040068, e040068. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040068

COPAHS Study: Protocol of a randomised experimental study comparing the effects of hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and spiritual practices on experimental pain in healthy adults


Journal Article

An Experimental Investigation of the Effects and Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation Versus Self-Hypnosis Versus an Attention Control on Cold Pressor Outcomes

Grover, Michelle P., Jensen, Mark P., Ward, L. Charles, Ehde, Dawn M., Mattingley, Jason B., Thorn, Beverly E., Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra and Day, Melissa A. (2020). An Experimental Investigation of the Effects and Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation Versus Self-Hypnosis Versus an Attention Control on Cold Pressor Outcomes. Mindfulness, 12 (4), 923-935. doi: 10.1007/s12671-020-01556-7

An Experimental Investigation of the Effects and Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation Versus Self-Hypnosis Versus an Attention Control on Cold Pressor Outcomes


Journal Article

Mechanisms of mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain

Day, Melissa A., Ward, L Charles, Thorn, Beverly E., Burns, John, Ehde, Dawn M., Barnier, Amanda J., Mattingley, Jason B. and Jensen, Mark P. (2020). Mechanisms of mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 36 (10), 740-749. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000862

Mechanisms of mindfulness meditation, cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic low back pain


Journal Article

A randomized trial to examine the mechanisms of cognitive, behavioral and mindfulness-based psychosocial treatments for chronic pain: study protocol

Day, M. A., Ehde, D. M., Burns, J., Ward, L. C., Friedly, J. L., Thorn, B. E., Ciol, M. A., Mendoza, E., Chan, J. F., Battalio, S., Borckardt, J. and Jensen, M. P. (2020). A randomized trial to examine the mechanisms of cognitive, behavioral and mindfulness-based psychosocial treatments for chronic pain: study protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 93 106000, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2020.106000

A randomized trial to examine the mechanisms of cognitive, behavioral and mindfulness-based psychosocial treatments for chronic pain: study protocol


Journal Article

The roles of race, sex and cognitions in response to experimental pain

Day, Melissa A., Ward, L. Charles, Grover, Michelle P., Ehde, Dawn M., Illingworth, Oliver R. and Jensen, Mark P. (2020). The roles of race, sex and cognitions in response to experimental pain. European Journal of Pain, 24 (6) ejp.1552, 1072-1083. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1552

The roles of race, sex and cognitions in response to experimental pain


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2028
    DISCERN - Disciplinary Integration to Solve the Enigma of Chronic Pain: Evaluating Personalised Care and its Impact with Innovative Clinical Trials and Research in Neurobiology, Psychology and Society
    NHMRC Synergy Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2015 - 2018
    Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation, Cognitive Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Low Back Pain
    NHMRC Early Career Fellowships
    Open grant



Associate Professor Melissa Day is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Examining the effectiveness of two novel psychological treatments for the management of chronic pelvic pain

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Akwasi Amoako

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Psychology in the Intensive Care Unit: An Australian Context

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Elizabeth Ward

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Effectiveness of online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for chronic pain management

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Leanne Hides

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The effectiveness of mind-body interventions in increasing pain tolerance in athletes

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Paul Hodges



Contact Associate Professor Melissa Day directly for media enquiries about:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy
  • Coping
  • Mindfulness
  • Pain
  • Psychosocial Pain Management

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