Dominique is an industry-funded Lives Lived Well Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, University of Queensland. Dominique completed a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Psychology at University of Queensland in 2000. She went on to complete Honours in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Griffith University in 2002. In October 2011, she was awarded a PhD in Criminology from Griffith University. Her thesis focused on the physical, social and environmental factors related to alcohol-driven crime, violence and injuries in Surfers Paradise entertainment district. Dominique has over 15 years of research experience in government and academic roles, with a heavy focus on the drivers and outcomes of substance misuse and offending behaviour in high risk (typically young) populations, and high risk settings; and the development and evaluation of individual and community-based interventions. She has extensive experience working with justice and health data, linking agency datasets together to conduct comprehensive and sophisticated analyses that respond to pressing, criminal justice and public health policy–relevant issues. In her current role, Dominique is assisting Lives Lived Well staff in developing evidence-based best practice drug and alcohol treatment models in residential and correctional settings.
- Dr Dominique De Andrade is:
- Not available for supervision
- Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), Griffith University
- Doctor of Philosophy, Griffith University
Research interests
Understanding the development and treatment of drug and alcohol misuse/dependence in justice-involved populations
Community and individual-based interventions to address problematic drug and alcohol use in the night-time economy
Data linkage to examine justice, health and welfare predictors and outcomes of drug and alcohol misuse
Research impacts
Dominique conducts applied research that has immediate policy impact. In her current role, she is assisting Lives Lived Well with the development of evidence-based community and custodial treatment models - having implications for policy and practice in the addiction field. Dominique's prior published work evaluating the effectiveness of the lockout at Surfers Paradise entertainment district has had a significant impact on Queensland alcohol policy. Dominique continues to contribute to the evidence-base in this area as part of the substantial multi-university research team conducting the QUANTEM project, evaluating the Queensland Government’s Tackling Alcohol-fuelled Violence Policy on alcohol-related harms and alcohol consumption patterns in Queensland. Specifically, Dominique is examining the impact of police banning orders and drug and alcohol referrals in the night-time economy.
Search Professor Dominique De Andrade’s works on UQ eSpace
Conference Publication
Relapse to smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland, Australia
Puljevic, Cheneal, De Andrade, Dominique, Coomber, Ross and Kinner, Stuart A. (2017). Relapse to smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland, Australia . Oceania Tobacco Control Conference, Hobart, TAS Australia, 17-19 October 2017.
Journal Article
Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (QUANTEM): a study protocol
Miller, Peter, Ferris, Jason, Coomber, Kerri, Zahnow, Renee, Carah, Nicholas, Jiang, Heng, Kypri, Kypros, Chikritzhs, Tanya, Clough, Alan, Livingston, Michael, de Andrade, Dominique, Room, Robin, Callinan, Sarah, Curtis, Ashlee, Mayshak, Richelle, Droste, Nicolas, Lloyd, Belinda, Matthews, Sharon, Taylor, Nicholas, Crane, Meredythe, Thorn, Michael and Najman, Jake (2017). Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (QUANTEM): a study protocol. BMC Public Health, 17 (789) 789, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4811-9
Journal Article
Use of prescribed smoking cessation pharmacotherapy following release from prison: a prospective data linkage study
Puljevic, Cheneal, de Andrade, Dominique, Carroll, Megan, Spittal, Matthew J. and Kinner, Stuart A. (2017). Use of prescribed smoking cessation pharmacotherapy following release from prison: a prospective data linkage study. Tobacco Control, 27 (4), 474-478. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-053743
Journal Article
Banning orders won’t solve alcohol-fuelled violence – but they can be part of the solution.
Zahnow, Renee, de Andrade, Dominique, Ferris, Jason, Coomber, Kerri and Miller, Peter (2017, 03 09). Banning orders won’t solve alcohol-fuelled violence – but they can be part of the solution.
Journal Article
Extending smoking abstinence after release from smoke-free prisons: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Puljevic, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart A. and de Andrade, Dominique (2017). Extending smoking abstinence after release from smoke-free prisons: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Health and Justice, 5 (1) 1, 1. doi: 10.1186/s40352-016-0046-6
Journal Article
Alcohol-related harms and street service care in entertainment districts
Quinn, Catherine A., Hides, Leanne, Harding, Anna, de Andrade, Dominique, Wilson, Hollie and Mergard, Lance (2017). Alcohol-related harms and street service care in entertainment districts. Journal of Criminological Research Policy and Practice, 3 (2), 142-152. doi: 10.1108/JCRPP-01-2017-0002
Conference Publication
Teabacco: diverted use of nicotine replacement therapy in Queensland's smoke-free prisons
Puljevic, Cheneal, Coomber, Ross, Kinner, Stuart A., De Andrade, Dominique, Mitchell, Courtney, White, Alan and Cresswell, Sarah (2017). Teabacco: diverted use of nicotine replacement therapy in Queensland's smoke-free prisons. APSAD 2017 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12–15 November 2017. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Conference Publication
Relapse to tobacco smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland
Puljevic, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart A., De Andrade, Dominique and Coomber, Ross (2017). Relapse to tobacco smoking following release from smoke-free correctional facilities in Queensland. APSAD 2017 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12–15 November 2017. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Conference Publication
Prescribed Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Following Release from Prison
Puljevic, Cheneal, De Andrade, Dominique, Carroll, Megan, Spittal, Matthew J. and Kinner, Stuart (2016). Prescribed Use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Following Release from Prison. Australia and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) conference, Hobart, TAS Australia, 29 November - 2 December 2016.
Journal Article
Systematic review of health and behavioural outcomes of smoking cessation interventions in prisons
de Andrade, Dominique and Kinner, Stuart A. (2016). Systematic review of health and behavioural outcomes of smoking cessation interventions in prisons. Tobacco Control, 26 (5), 495-501. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2016-053297
Journal Article
Trouble in paradise: the crime and health outcomes of the Surfers Paradise licensed venue lockout
de Andrade, Dominique, Homel, Ross and Townsley, Michael (2016). Trouble in paradise: the crime and health outcomes of the Surfers Paradise licensed venue lockout. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35 (5), 564-572. doi: 10.1111/dar.12384
Journal Article
Boozy nights and violent fights: perceptions of environmental cues to violence and crime in licensed venues
de Andrade, Dominique, Homel, Ross and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2016). Boozy nights and violent fights: perceptions of environmental cues to violence and crime in licensed venues. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34 (9), 1820-1842. doi: 10.1177/0886260516657910
Conference Publication
Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners
Puljević, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart and De Andrade, Dominique (2016). Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners . Applied Research in Crime and Justice Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 18-19 February 2016.
Conference Publication
Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners
Puljevic, Cheneal, Kinner, Stuart and De Andrade, Dominique (2015). Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Queensland Prisons Aiming to Extend Smoking Abstinence among Released Prisoners. ACSO International Criminal Justice Conference, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 21-23 October 2015.
Journal Article
Unpacking social exclusion in Western Sydney: exploring the role of place and tenure
Randolph, Bill, Ruming, Kristian and Murray, Dominique (2010). Unpacking social exclusion in Western Sydney: exploring the role of place and tenure. Geographical Research, 48 (2), 197-214. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2009.00619.x
Journal Article
Suicidal behavior by motor vehicle collision
Murray, Dominique and De Leo, Diego (2007). Suicidal behavior by motor vehicle collision. Traffic Injury Prevention, 8 (3), 244-247. doi: 10.1080/15389580701329351
Journal Article
Defining social exclusion: the contrasting experience of public and private housing
Randolph, B. and Murray, D. (2005). Defining social exclusion: the contrasting experience of public and private housing. Parity: The publication of the Council to the Homeless Persons, 18 (1), 52.
Past funding
- Dr Dominique De Andrade is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Utilisation of data linkage to determine the long-term health and substance use outcomes of residential substance use treatment
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Leanne Hides, Associate Professor Janni Leung
For media enquiries about Dr Dominique De Andrade's areas of expertise, story ideas and help finding experts, contact our Media team: