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Associate Professor Nicole George
Associate Professor

Nicole George

+61 7 334 69368



Nicole’s research focuses on the gendered politics of conflict and peacebuilding, violence, security and participation. She has a strong interest in feminist institutional theory, as well as conceptual debates on regulatory pluralism and contested notions of (gendered) order as they are evident in local and global politics. Since the early 2000s, she has conducted research in the Pacific Islands region focusing on gender politics, gendered security and post conflict transition in Fiji, New Caledonia, Bougainville and Solomon Islands. She has worked in collaboration with women’s organisations, women decision-makers and women policy-makers in these settings to progress aspects of this work. She has led large, externally funded, comparative research projects examining how women's rights to security are institutionalised in Pacific Island countries (2013-2016) and where and how women participate in post-conflict transformation (as part of a broader collaborative ARC Linkage Project (2016-2020). Aside from the scholarly publications listed below, she has made influential contributions to national and regional intergovernmental policy forums on gender, security and development programs and is a regular contributor to national and regional on-line opinion editorial sites.


Associate Professor Nicole George is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Fields of research


  • Bachelor of Arts, Monash University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Australian National University

Research interests

  • Gender

  • Peace and Conflict

  • Pacific Islands

  • Peacebuilding

  • Women in Politics

  • Violence Against Women


Search Professor Nicole George’s works on UQ eSpace

60 works between 2002 and 2024

41 - 60 of 60 works


Other Outputs

"La Haine": A window on the Charlie Hebdo Attacks

George, Nicole (2015, 01 28). "La Haine": A window on the Charlie Hebdo Attacks Lowy Interpreter

"La Haine": A window on the Charlie Hebdo Attacks


Book Chapter

Women in politics: Pacific Islands and New Zealand

George, Nicole (2015). Women in politics: Pacific Islands and New Zealand. Women, policy and political leadership: regional perspectives in today's world. (pp. 79-86) Singapore, Singapore: Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung.

Women in politics: Pacific Islands and New Zealand


Journal Article

Promoting women, peace and security in the Pacific Islands: hot conflict/slow violence

George, Nicole (2014). Promoting women, peace and security in the Pacific Islands: hot conflict/slow violence. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 68 (3), 314-332. doi: 10.1080/10357718.2014.902032

Promoting women, peace and security in the Pacific Islands: hot conflict/slow violence


Book Chapter

In sickness and in health: evolving trends in gay rights advocacy in Fiji

George, Nicole (2014). In sickness and in health: evolving trends in gay rights advocacy in Fiji. Gender on the edge: transgender, gay and other Pacific Islanders. (pp. 293-322) edited by Niko Besnier and Kalissa Alexeyeff. Honolulu, United States: University of Hawaiʻi Press.

In sickness and in health: evolving trends in gay rights advocacy in Fiji


Book Chapter

Gender in the Pacific Islands

George, Nicole (2014). Gender in the Pacific Islands. The Globalization of World Politics: Case Studies from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific. (pp. 59-62) edited by Charles Hawkesly and Nichole Georgiou. South Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Oxford University Press.

Gender in the Pacific Islands


Other Outputs

Identifying and evaluating factors influencing community resilience in a crisis

Antrobus, Emma, Cheshire, Lynda, Connor, Meredith, George, Nicole, Madsen, Wendy, Ramirez, Suzanna, Shevellar, Lynda, Walters, Peter, Westoby, Peter and Wickes, Rebecca (2013). Identifying and evaluating factors influencing community resilience in a crisis.

Identifying and evaluating factors influencing community resilience in a crisis


Journal Article

'It was a town of friendship and mud': 'flood talk', community and resilience

George, Nicole (2013). 'It was a town of friendship and mud': 'flood talk', community and resilience. Australian Journal of Communication, 40 (1), 41-56.

'It was a town of friendship and mud': 'flood talk', community and resilience


Book Chapter

Beyond cultural constraint: gender, security and participation in the Pacific Islands

George, Nicole (2013). Beyond cultural constraint: gender, security and participation in the Pacific Islands. Responsibility to Protect and Women, Peace and Security: Aligning the Protection Agendas. (pp. 155-180) edited by Sara E. Davies, Zim Nworka, Eli Stamnes and Sarah Teitt. Leiden, Holland: Martinus Nijhof Publishers.

Beyond cultural constraint: gender, security and participation in the Pacific Islands



Situating women: gender politics and circumstance in Fiji

George, Nicole (2012). Situating women: gender politics and circumstance in Fiji. Canberra ACT, Australia: ANU Press. doi: 10.22459/sw.11.2012

Situating women: gender politics and circumstance in Fiji


Other Outputs

Women’s political participation in Asia and the Pacific: report for United Nations Department of Political Affairs

True, Jacqui, Niner, Sara, Parashar, Swati and George, Nicole (2012). Women’s political participation in Asia and the Pacific: report for United Nations Department of Political Affairs. West Brooklyn, NY, United States: SSRC (Social Science Research Council).

Women’s political participation in Asia and the Pacific: report for United Nations Department of Political Affairs


Journal Article

Jacqueline Leckie (ed.), "Development in an Insecure and Gendered World: The Relevance of the Millennium Goals"

George, Nicole (2011). Jacqueline Leckie (ed.), "Development in an Insecure and Gendered World: The Relevance of the Millennium Goals". Australian Journal of Political Science, 46 (1), 187-188. doi: 10.1080/10361146.2011.546322

Jacqueline Leckie (ed.), "Development in an Insecure and Gendered World: The Relevance of the Millennium Goals"


Journal Article

Pacific women building peace: A regional perspective

George, Nicole (2011). Pacific women building peace: A regional perspective. The Contemporary Pacific, 23 (1), 37-72. doi: 10.1353/cp.2011.0001

Pacific women building peace: A regional perspective


Journal Article

"Just like your mother?" The politics of feminism and maternity in the Pacific Islands

George, Nicole (2010). "Just like your mother?" The politics of feminism and maternity in the Pacific Islands. The Australian Feminist Law Journal, 32 (1), 77-96. doi: 10.1080/13200968.2010.10854438

"Just like your mother?" The politics of feminism and maternity in the Pacific Islands


Journal Article

Women's Human Rights: Seeking Gender Justice in a Globalising Age

George, Nicole (2010). Women's Human Rights: Seeking Gender Justice in a Globalising Age. Australian Journal of Political Science, 45 (4), 732-734. doi: 10.1080/10361146.2010.517185

Women's Human Rights: Seeking Gender Justice in a Globalising Age


Journal Article

'Situating' active citizenship: historical and contemporary perspectives of women's organising in the Pacific

George, N. (2009). 'Situating' active citizenship: historical and contemporary perspectives of women's organising in the Pacific. Development in Practice, 19 (8), 981-996. doi: 10.1080/09614520903220826

'Situating' active citizenship: historical and contemporary perspectives of women's organising in the Pacific


Book Chapter

Shifting Terrains of Transnational Engagement: Women's Organizing in Fiji

George, Nicole (2009). Shifting Terrains of Transnational Engagement: Women's Organizing in Fiji. Gender and Global Politics in the Asia-Pacific. (pp. 175-193) edited by D'Costa, Bina and Lee-Koo, Katrina. United States: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230617742

Shifting Terrains of Transnational Engagement: Women's Organizing in Fiji


Journal Article

Contending masculinities and the limits of tolerance: Sexual minorities in Fiji

George, Nicole (2008). Contending masculinities and the limits of tolerance: Sexual minorities in Fiji. Contemporary Pacific, 20 (1), 163-189. doi: 10.1353/cp.2008.0012

Contending masculinities and the limits of tolerance: Sexual minorities in Fiji


Book Chapter

Coup spells more trouble for long suffering Fijians

George, Nicole (2006). Coup spells more trouble for long suffering Fijians. Capturing the year 2007: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. (pp. 180-183) edited by Barbara Nelson and Robin Jeffrey. Canberra, ACT, Australia: ANU College of Asia and the Pacific.

Coup spells more trouble for long suffering Fijians


Journal Article

Women's re-visions of globalisation:'Level playing field' or 'Uphill battle'?

George, Nicole (2002). Women's re-visions of globalisation:'Level playing field' or 'Uphill battle'?. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 4 (2), 268-277. doi: 10.1080/14616740210132011

Women's re-visions of globalisation:'Level playing field' or 'Uphill battle'?


Book Chapter

French monopoly of the linguistic marketplace

George, Nicole (2002). French monopoly of the linguistic marketplace. Perspectives on Europe: Language Issues and Lanaguage Planning in Europe. (pp. 61-79) edited by Anthony J. Liddicoat and Karis Muller. Melbourne: Language Australia.

French monopoly of the linguistic marketplace


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2026
    Supporting Democratic Action in Myanmar (Global Affairs Canada grant administered by ActionAid International)
    ActionAid International
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2022
    Improving the policing of gender violence in the global south (ARC Discovery Project administered by Queensland University of Technology)
    Queensland University of Technology
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2020
    Toward Inclusive Peace: Mapping Gender Provisions in Peace Agreements (ARC Linkage Project administered by Monash University)
    Monash University
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2016
    Gender Violence, Women's Empowerment and Human Rights in Melanesia: Exploring the French Connection.
    ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2013
    Identifying and Evaluating Factors Influencing Community Resilience in a Crisis
    Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet
    Open grant



Associate Professor Nicole George is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Gender Peace and Security

  • Issues in Gender Politics

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    SPACE, RACE AND GENDER: Analyzing Counterterrorism Strategy in Kenya through a Feminist Geopolitical Lens

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Morgan Brigg

  • Doctor Philosophy

    SPACE, RACE AND GENDER: Analyzing Counterterrorism Strategy in Kenya through a Feminist Geopolitical Lens

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Morgan Brigg

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Jihadi Brides, Race, and their Return: Examining Government Responses in the United States (U.S.), Malaysia, and Germany

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Melissa Curley

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Become Worthy or Remain Neglected: A Gendered Analysis of the United Kingdom and Australia's Regulation of ISIS Women Returnees

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Melissa Curley

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Legal quotas, Islam and women's substantive representation: A case study of Indonesia

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Annie Pohlman

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Regulating love: Feminist institutionalist analysis of judicial rulings on choice-based relationships in India's constitutional courts

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Jennifer Corrin

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Regulating love: Feminist institutionalist analysis of judicial rulings on choice-based relationships in India's constitutional courts

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Jennifer Corrin

  • Doctor Philosophy

    SPACE, RACE AND GENDER: Analyzing Counterterrorism Strategy in Kenya through a Feminist Geopolitical Lens

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Morgan Brigg

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Regulating love: Feminist institutionalist analysis of judicial rulings on choice-based relationships in India's constitutional courts

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Jennifer Corrin

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Ethnolinguistic Discrimination and Majoritarian Politics: Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism in post-war Sri Lanka

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Heloise Weber

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Human security and climate migration: making sense of vulnerability to climate change in the Pacific

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Matt McDonald

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Human security and climate migration: making sense of vulnerability to climate change in the Pacific

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Matt McDonald

Completed supervision



Contact Associate Professor Nicole George directly for media enquiries about:

  • Bougainville
  • Fiji
  • Gender and Politics
  • Gender and Security
  • New Caledonia
  • Pacific Islands
  • Solomon Islands
  • Violence Against Women
  • Women in Politics

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