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Dr Mehdi Azadi

Mehdi Azadi




After gainining his Bachelor and Master degrees in Chemical Engineering, Mehdi obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering, at The University of Queensland, Australia. He held one of Australia’s most prestigious scholarship for research higher degree (IPRS). With an extensive knowledgebase and multiple skills, he has forged a successful career that includes mining waste management, mineral processing, surface chemistry, particle technology, process engineering, separation technologies, and project management, all of which were developed and strengthened in the Academic, Resource Mining, and Oil & Gas sectors. As a highly competent research scientist and engineer in a multidisciplinary area, his work contributes to various industries by improving the traditional methods aiming for higher quality products and cleaner environment.


Dr Mehdi Azadi is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research impacts

Dr Azadi works on the recycling and utilisation of Coal Combustion Byproducts (CCBs) and mineral carbonation. Tons of waste materials are generated every year by burning coal in power stations, known as CCBs. Disposal of CCBs can be environmentally and economically adverse. However, they can be used for rehabilitation of mined land sites and other beneficial and environmental friendly purposes. Dr Azadi's research is also focused on mineral carbonation. The world's reliance on fossil fuel has led to a critical build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Carbonation is indeed a natural process which can be utilised to return carbon back to the earth in an environmental friendly and cost effective way.


Search Professor Mehdi Azadi’s works on UQ eSpace

17 works between 2010 and 2023

1 - 17 of 17 works


Journal Article

Perfluorocarbons: a perspective of theranostic applications and challenges

Kakaei, Nasrin, Amirian, Roshanak, Azadi, Mehdi, Mohammadi, Ghobad and Izadi, Zhila (2023). Perfluorocarbons: a perspective of theranostic applications and challenges. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11 1115254, 1-16. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1115254

Perfluorocarbons: a perspective of theranostic applications and challenges


Journal Article

Will global cobalt supply meet demand? The geological, mineral processing, production and geographic risk profile of cobalt

Savinova, E., Evans, C., Lèbre, É., Stringer, M., Azadi, M. and Valenta, R.K. (2023). Will global cobalt supply meet demand? The geological, mineral processing, production and geographic risk profile of cobalt. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190 106855, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106855

Will global cobalt supply meet demand? The geological, mineral processing, production and geographic risk profile of cobalt


Journal Article

Future of battery metals supply

Azadi, Mehdi, Lèbre, Éléonore, Ali, Saleem H., Steen, John and Wall, Frances (2022). Future of battery metals supply. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 182 106283, 106283. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106283

Future of battery metals supply


Journal Article

Direct dry carbonation of mining and industrial wastes in a fluidized bed for offsetting carbon emissions

Coppola, Antonio, Scala, Fabrizio and Azadi, Mehdi (2022). Direct dry carbonation of mining and industrial wastes in a fluidized bed for offsetting carbon emissions. Processes, 10 (3) 582, 582. doi: 10.3390/pr10030582

Direct dry carbonation of mining and industrial wastes in a fluidized bed for offsetting carbon emissions


Journal Article

Beyond the social license to operate: whole system approaches for a socially responsible mining industry

Verrier, Brunilde, Smith, Carl, Yahyaei, Mohsen, Ziemski, Marcin, Forbes, Gordon, Witt, Kathy and Azadi, Mehdi (2021). Beyond the social license to operate: whole system approaches for a socially responsible mining industry. Energy Research and Social Science, 83 102343, 102343. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102343

Beyond the social license to operate: whole system approaches for a socially responsible mining industry


Journal Article

The effect of dissolved gases on the short-range attractive force between hydrophobic surfaces in the absence of nanobubble bridging

Azadi, Mehdi, Nguyen, Anh V. and Yakubov, Gleb E. (2020). The effect of dissolved gases on the short-range attractive force between hydrophobic surfaces in the absence of nanobubble bridging. Langmuir, 36 (34) acs.langmuir.0c00117, 9987-9992. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00117

The effect of dissolved gases on the short-range attractive force between hydrophobic surfaces in the absence of nanobubble bridging


Journal Article

Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation

Azadi, Mehdi, Northey, Stephen A., Ali, Saleem H. and Edraki, Mansour (2020). Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation. Nature Geoscience, 13 (2), 100-104. doi: 10.1038/s41561-020-0531-3

Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation


Journal Article

Opportunities for Mineral Carbonation in Australia’s Mining Industry

Azadi, Mehdi , Edraki, Mansour , Farhang, Faezeh and Ahn, Jiwhan (2019). Opportunities for Mineral Carbonation in Australia’s Mining Industry. Sustainability, 11 (5) 1250, 1250. doi: 10.3390/su11051250

Opportunities for Mineral Carbonation in Australia’s Mining Industry


Other Outputs

Hydrophobic interactions in salt solutions

Azadi, Mehdi (2016). Hydrophobic interactions in salt solutions. PhD Thesis, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2016.1058

Hydrophobic interactions in salt solutions


Journal Article

Attractive forces between hydrophobic solid surfaces measured by AFM on the first approach in salt solutions and in the presence of dissolved gases

Azadi, Mehdi, Nguyen, Anh V. and Yakubov, Gleb E. (2015). Attractive forces between hydrophobic solid surfaces measured by AFM on the first approach in salt solutions and in the presence of dissolved gases. Langmuir, 31 (6), 1941-1949. doi: 10.1021/la504001z

Attractive forces between hydrophobic solid surfaces measured by AFM on the first approach in salt solutions and in the presence of dissolved gases


Journal Article

An analytical study of the effect of inlet velocity on the cyclone performance using mathematical models

Azadi, Mohsen and Azadi, Mehdi (2012). An analytical study of the effect of inlet velocity on the cyclone performance using mathematical models. Powder Technology, 217, 121-127. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2011.10.017

An analytical study of the effect of inlet velocity on the cyclone performance using mathematical models


Journal Article

A case study on suspended particles in a natural gas urban transmission and distribution network

Azadi, Mehdi, Mohebbi, Ali, Soltaninejad, Saeid and Scala, Fabrizio (2012). A case study on suspended particles in a natural gas urban transmission and distribution network. Fuel Processing Technology, 93 (1), 65-72. doi: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.09.014

A case study on suspended particles in a natural gas urban transmission and distribution network


Journal Article

Hydrodynamic modeling of the entrainment of Geldart A group particles in gas-solid fluidized bed: The effect of column diameter

Azadi, Mehdi (2011). Hydrodynamic modeling of the entrainment of Geldart A group particles in gas-solid fluidized bed: The effect of column diameter. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28 (7), 1599-1607. doi: 10.1007/s11814-011-0003-y

Hydrodynamic modeling of the entrainment of Geldart A group particles in gas-solid fluidized bed: The effect of column diameter


Journal Article

Multi-fluid Eulerian modeling of limestone particles' elutriation from a binary mixture in a gas-solid fluidized bed

Azadi, Mehdi (2011). Multi-fluid Eulerian modeling of limestone particles' elutriation from a binary mixture in a gas-solid fluidized bed. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17 (2), 229-236. doi: 10.1016/j.jiec.2011.02.011

Multi-fluid Eulerian modeling of limestone particles' elutriation from a binary mixture in a gas-solid fluidized bed


Journal Article

Experimental study of filtration system performance of natural gas in urban transmission and distribution network: A case study on the city of Kerman, Iran

Azadi, Mehdi, Mohebbi, Ali, Scala, Fabrizio and Soltaninejad, Saeid (2011). Experimental study of filtration system performance of natural gas in urban transmission and distribution network: A case study on the city of Kerman, Iran. Fuel, 90 (3), 1166-1171. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2010.10.009

Experimental study of filtration system performance of natural gas in urban transmission and distribution network: A case study on the city of Kerman, Iran


Journal Article

A CFD study of the effect of cyclone size on its performance parameters

Azadi, Mehdi, Azadi, Mohsen and Mohebbi, Ali (2010). A CFD study of the effect of cyclone size on its performance parameters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182 (1-3), 835-841. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.06.115

A CFD study of the effect of cyclone size on its performance parameters


Journal Article

Experimental study of methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solutions onto carbon nano tubes

Shahryari, Zohre, Goharrizi, Ataallah Soltani and Azadi, Mehdi (2010). Experimental study of methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solutions onto carbon nano tubes. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 2 (2) 932F91F1562, 16-28. doi: 10.5897/IJWREE

Experimental study of methylene blue adsorption from aqueous solutions onto carbon nano tubes


Past funding

  • 2020 - 2021
    Stage 1 - Beneficial reuse option for coal combustion products (Proof of Concept)
    Stanwell Corporation Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Tailings desulfurisation for progressive rehabilitation
    Mount Isa Mines Limited
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Unlocking the value of mining wastes at abandoned mines of Queensland
    Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2019
    Feasibility study on mineral carbonation-related appropriate technology for Australia/PNG (Carbon Mineralization Flagship Project)
    Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
    Open grant



Dr Mehdi Azadi is:
Available for supervision

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Available projects

  • Investigating the effectiveness of pit wall covers for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) control

    Masters or Honours Project:

    Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a common problem in the mining sector, which can potentially affect the environment. AMD is the outflow of acidic water from metal or coal mines, due to oxidation of sulfide-containing rocks in the presence of water and air. Spraying sealing materials to cover walls in open-pit mines is a method to control AMD. The development and selection of the right material require laboratory tests and field trials, with careful consideration of various parameters, which affect AMD generation. The project objective is to determine the long-term effectiveness of new types of cover sprayed onto potential acid forming pit wall exposures in preventing AMD. The project includes conducting a literature review, laboratory testing, potential field trials, and data analysis. The outcome of this project will have significant economic and environmental benefits. The successful candidate will work in a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the Centre of Mined Land Rehabilitation, Sustainable Minerals Institute.



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