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Professor Piers Dawes

Piers Dawes

+61 7 344 33769



My research concerns i) understanding causes and impacts of hearing impairment, particularly in the context of multimorbidity in older age, ii) prevention and treatment of hearing impairment, and iii) hearing service development and evaluation. My research involves epidemiological modelling with population data sets, clinical trials and hearing health policy. I have authored over130 publications in peer reviewed journals and books, and I frequently present invited and keynote addresses at international conferences. I have received the British Society of Audiology’s TS Littler prize for services to audiology and a prestigious US-UK Fulbright award.

I have been awarded 10 grants as principal investigator in the last 5 years totalling >AUD$14.5 million from competitive sources including the NHMRC, the NIHR, the Alzheimer’s Society UK, the European Commission, industry and charity funders. This funding includes an EU Horizon 2020 grant of €6.2 million (as joint PI for “Ears, Eyes and Mind: The “SENSE-Cog Project” to improve mental well-being for elderly Europeans with sensory impairment”), and two NHMRC Medical Research Future Fund awards ($1.2 million as CI for “SENSEcog aged care: Hearing and vision support to improve quality of life for people living with dementia in residential aged care”; AUD$1.3 million for "Home hearing and vision care to improve quality of life for people with dementia and carers"; and an AUD$0.9 million NHMRC targetted hearing research award (as CI for "Improving access to the hearing services program for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds"). I have strong links with hearing industry partners and have received research funding (total >AUD$500,000) from major hearing aid companies Starkey, Oticon, Phonak and the hearing industry research consortium. I have a position at the University of Manchester with on-going involvement (as CI and co-I) in projects funded by the NIHR, the ESRC, the Alzheimer’s Society and the RNID.


Professor Piers Dawes is:
Available for supervision

Research interests

  • Research interests

    hearing loss; tinnitus, vision loss; assessment; dementia; healthy ageing; psychosocial interventions; mental well-being; aged care; health policy and ageing; public health; dementia; health inequalities; hearing screening

Research impacts

My research is widely cited in national and international guidelines & policy, including the 2016 US National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine report ‘Hearing Health Care for Adults: Priorities for Improving Access and Affordability’; the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance ‘Hearing Loss in adults: Assessment and management’; the Australian Parliamentary report on hearing loss ‘Still waiting to be heard’; the 2020 Lancet report on dementia prevention and care; and the WHO guidelines ‘Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia’. My research has global impact, including authorship of the first international guidelines on assessment and management of hearing/vision impairment for people with dementia and development and publication of alternative versions of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (internationally the most used cognitive screening test) for people with hearing or vision impairment.

My work on developing European networks for consumer and community involvement (CCI) of older adults with lived experience of hearing/vision and cognitive difficulties to inform multi-centre health research was identified for a keynote presentation to open the 2018 INVOLVE (the UK NIHR CCI organization) CCI conference and is cited as a gold standard example by the European INTERDEM initiative to guide integrated biomedical and psychosocial dementia research.

I am on the editorial board of Ear and Hearing, the International Journal of Audiology, and the Journal of Audiology & Otology. I am a peer reviewer for >30 journals, as well as the NHMRC, the NIHR, the ESRC, the MRC and the RNID. I represent the University of Queensland on the Hearing Health Sector Alliance and I am the chair of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance's aged care working group. I am on the Research Committee of the Deafness Foundation.


Search Professor Piers Dawes’s works on UQ eSpace

139 works between 2007 and 2024

81 - 100 of 139 works


Journal Article

Hearing interventions to prevent dementia

Dawes, P. (2019). Hearing interventions to prevent dementia. HNO, 67 (3), 165-171. doi: 10.1007/s00106-019-0617-7

Hearing interventions to prevent dementia


Journal Article

Vision loss and 12-year risk of dementia in older adults: the 3C cohort study

Naël, Virginie, Pérès, Karine, Dartigues, Jean-François, Letenneur, Luc, Amieva, Hélène, Arleo, Angelo, Scherlen, Anne-Catherine, Tzourio, Christophe, Berr, Claudine, Carrière, Isabelle, Delcourt, Cécile, Helmer, Catherine, Bertelsen, Geir, Cosh, Suzanne, Cougnard-Grégoire, Audrey, Dawes, Piers, Constantinidou, Fofi, Arfan Ikram, M., Klaver, Caroline C. W., Leroi, Iracema, Maharani, Asri, Meester-Smor, Magda, Mutlu, Unal, Nael, Virginie, Pendleton, Neil, Schirmer, Henrik, Tampubolon, Gindo, Tiemeier, Henning and von Hanno, Therese (2019). Vision loss and 12-year risk of dementia in older adults: the 3C cohort study. European Journal of Epidemiology, 34 (2), 141-152. doi: 10.1007/s10654-018-00478-y

Vision loss and 12-year risk of dementia in older adults: the 3C cohort study


Journal Article

What do hearing healthcare professionals do to promote hearing aid use and benefit among adults? A systematic review

Ismail, Afzarini H., Munro, Kevin J., Armitage, Christopher J. and Dawes, Piers D. (2019). What do hearing healthcare professionals do to promote hearing aid use and benefit among adults? A systematic review. International Journal of Audiology, 58 (2), 63-76. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2018.1531154

What do hearing healthcare professionals do to promote hearing aid use and benefit among adults? A systematic review


Journal Article

Interventions for hearing and vision impairment to improve outcomes for people with dementia: A scoping review

Dawes, Piers, Wolski, Lucas, Himmelsbach, Ines, Regan, Jemma and Leroi, Iracema (2019). Interventions for hearing and vision impairment to improve outcomes for people with dementia: A scoping review. International Psychogeriatrics, 31 (2), 203-221. doi: 10.1017/S1041610218000728

Interventions for hearing and vision impairment to improve outcomes for people with dementia: A scoping review


Journal Article

Individualised sensory intervention to improve quality of life in people with dementia and their companions (SENSE-Cog trial): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Regan, Jemma, Frison, Eric, Collin, Fidéline, Dawes, Piers, Hann, Mark, Himmelsbach, Ines, Hooper, Emma, Reeves, David, Simkin, Zoe, Thodi, Chryssoula, Yang, Fan, Leroi, Iracema, Abrams, Harvey, Chaghil-Boissière, Nathalie, Charalambous, Pavlina, Constantinidou, Fofi, Gilbert, Camille, Helmer, Catherine, Jury, Francine, Kontogianni, Evangelia, Lawlor, Brian, Matard, Charly, Montecelo, Susana, Marie, Sarah, Politis, Antonios, Postea, Otilia, Renaud, David, Termote, Monique and Wolski, Lucas (2019). Individualised sensory intervention to improve quality of life in people with dementia and their companions (SENSE-Cog trial): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 20 (1) 80. doi: 10.1186/s13063-018-2973-0

Individualised sensory intervention to improve quality of life in people with dementia and their companions (SENSE-Cog trial): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Journal Article

Beyond motivation: identifying targets for intervention to increase hearing aid use in adults

Sawyer, Chelsea S., Munro, Kevin J., Dawes, Piers, O'Driscoll, Martin P. and Armitage, Christopher J. (2019). Beyond motivation: identifying targets for intervention to increase hearing aid use in adults. International Journal of Audiology, 58 (1), 53-58. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2018.1534007

Beyond motivation: identifying targets for intervention to increase hearing aid use in adults


Journal Article

Erratum: Author Correction: eHealth tools for the self-testing of visual acuity: a scoping review

Yeung, Wai Kent, Dawes, Piers, Pye, Annie, Charalambous, Anna-Pavlina, Neil, Malcolm, Aslam, Tariq, Dickinson, Christine and Leroi, Iracema (2019). Erratum: Author Correction: eHealth tools for the self-testing of visual acuity: a scoping review. n p j Digital Medicine, 2 (1) 117, 117. doi: 10.1038/s41746-019-0195-9

Erratum: Author Correction: eHealth tools for the self-testing of visual acuity: a scoping review


Journal Article

A protocol to evaluate the impact of involvement of older people with dementia and age-related hearing and/or vision impairment in a multi-site european research study

Miah, Jahanara, Dawes, Piers, Leroi, Iracema, Parsons, Suzanne and Starling, Bella (2018). A protocol to evaluate the impact of involvement of older people with dementia and age-related hearing and/or vision impairment in a multi-site european research study. Research Involvement and Engagement, 4 (1) 44. doi: 10.1186/s40900-018-0128-9

A protocol to evaluate the impact of involvement of older people with dementia and age-related hearing and/or vision impairment in a multi-site european research study


Journal Article

Cataract surgery and age-related cognitive decline: a 13-year follow-up of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

Maharani, Asri, Dawes, Piers, Nazroo, James, Tampubolon, Gindo and Pendleton, Neil (2018). Cataract surgery and age-related cognitive decline: a 13-year follow-up of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. PLoS ONE, 13 (10) e0204833, e0204833. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204833

Cataract surgery and age-related cognitive decline: a 13-year follow-up of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing


Journal Article

Visual and hearing impairments are associated with cognitive decline in older people

Maharani, Asri, Dawes, Piers, Nazroo, James, Tampubolon, Gindo and Pendleton, Neil (2018). Visual and hearing impairments are associated with cognitive decline in older people. Age and Ageing, 47 (4), 575-581. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy061

Visual and hearing impairments are associated with cognitive decline in older people


Journal Article

Bidirectional associations of vision and hearing loss with anxiety: Prospective findings from the Three-City Study

Cosh, Suzanne, Naël, V., Carrière, I., Daien, V., Amieva, H., Delcourt, C., Helmer, C., Bertelsen, Geir, Coshsq, S., Cougnard-Grégoire, Audrey, Dawes, Piers, Delcourt, Cécile, Constantinidou, Fofi, Helmer, Catherine, Arfan Ikram, M., Klaver, Caroline C.W., Leroi, Iracema, Maharani, Asri, Meester-Smor, Magda, Mutlu, Unal, Nael, Virginie, Pendleton, Neil, Schirmer, Henrik, Tampubolon, Gindo, Tiemeier, Henning and Von Hanno, Therese (2018). Bidirectional associations of vision and hearing loss with anxiety: Prospective findings from the Three-City Study. Age and Ageing, 47 (4), 582-589. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afy062

Bidirectional associations of vision and hearing loss with anxiety: Prospective findings from the Three-City Study


Journal Article

Longitudinal relationship between hearing aid use and cognitive function in older Americans

Maharani, Asri, Dawes, Piers, Nazroo, James, Tampubolon, Gindo, Pendleton, Neil, Bertelsen, Geir, Cosh, Suzanne, Cougnard-Grégoire, Audrey, Delcourt, Cécile, Constantinidou, Fofi, Helmer, Catherine, Ikram, M. Arfan, Klaver, Caroline C.W., Leroi, Iracema, Meester-Smor, Magda, Mutlu, Unal, Nael, Virginie, Schirmer, Henrik, Tiemeier, Henning and von Hanno, Therese (2018). Longitudinal relationship between hearing aid use and cognitive function in older Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 66 (6), 1130-1136. doi: 10.1111/jgs.15363

Longitudinal relationship between hearing aid use and cognitive function in older Americans


Journal Article

Hearing handicap and speech recognition correlate with self-reported listening effort and fatigue

Alhanbali, Sara, Dawes, Piers, Lloyd, Simon and Munro, Kevin J. (2018). Hearing handicap and speech recognition correlate with self-reported listening effort and fatigue. Ear and Hearing, 39 (3), 470-474. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000515

Hearing handicap and speech recognition correlate with self-reported listening effort and fatigue


Journal Article

Measurement tools of resource use and quality of life in clinical trials for dementia or cognitive impairment interventions: a systematically conducted narrative review

Yang, Fan, Dawes, Piers, Leroi, Iracema and Gannon, Brenda (2018). Measurement tools of resource use and quality of life in clinical trials for dementia or cognitive impairment interventions: a systematically conducted narrative review. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33 (2), e166-e176. doi: 10.1002/gps.4771

Measurement tools of resource use and quality of life in clinical trials for dementia or cognitive impairment interventions: a systematically conducted narrative review


Journal Article

Research protocol for a complex intervention to support hearing and vision function to improve the lives of people with dementia

Leroi, Iracema, Pye, Annie, Armitage, Christopher J., Charalambous, Anna Pavlina, Constantinidou, Fofi, Helmer, Catherine, Himmelsbach, Ines, Marié, Sarah, Miah, Jahanara, Parsons, Suzanne, Regan, Jemma, Thodi, Chryssoula, Wolski, Lucas, Yohannes, Abebaw Mengistu and Dawes, Piers (2017). Research protocol for a complex intervention to support hearing and vision function to improve the lives of people with dementia. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 3 (1) 38. doi: 10.1186/s40814-017-0176-1

Research protocol for a complex intervention to support hearing and vision function to improve the lives of people with dementia


Journal Article

Screening tools for the identification of dementia for adults with age-related acquired hearing or vision impairment: a scoping review

Pye, Annie, Charalambous, Anna Pavlina, Leroi, Iracema, Thodi, Chrysoulla and Dawes, Piers (2017). Screening tools for the identification of dementia for adults with age-related acquired hearing or vision impairment: a scoping review. International Psychogeriatrics, 29 (11), 1771-1784. doi: 10.1017/S104161021700120X

Screening tools for the identification of dementia for adults with age-related acquired hearing or vision impairment: a scoping review


Journal Article

Improving hearing and vision in dementia: protocol for a field trial of a new intervention

Regan, Jemma, Dawes, Piers, Pye, Annie, Armitage, Christopher J., Hann, Mark, Himmelsbach, Ines, Reeves, David, Simkin, Zoe, Yang, Fan and Leroi, Iracema (2017). Improving hearing and vision in dementia: protocol for a field trial of a new intervention. BMJ Open, 7 (11) 018744, e018744. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018744

Improving hearing and vision in dementia: protocol for a field trial of a new intervention


Journal Article

Measuring listening-related effort and fatigue in school-aged children using pupillometry

McGarrigle, Ronan, Dawes, Piers, Stewart, Andrew J., Kuchinsky, Stefanie E. and Munro, Kevin J. (2017). Measuring listening-related effort and fatigue in school-aged children using pupillometry. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 161, 95-112. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2017.04.006

Measuring listening-related effort and fatigue in school-aged children using pupillometry


Conference Publication

Sensory impairments and cognitive ageing among older Europeans: A longitudinal analysis

Maharani, Asri, Pendleton, Neil, Tampubolon, Gindo, Nazroo, James and Dawes, Piers (2017). Sensory impairments and cognitive ageing among older Europeans: A longitudinal analysis. Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2017, London, United Kingdom, 15-20 July 2017. Hoboken, NJ United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.07.176

Sensory impairments and cognitive ageing among older Europeans: A longitudinal analysis


Journal Article

A specific deficit of auditory processing in children with Rolandic Epilepsy and their relatives

Smith, Anna B., Dawes, Piers, Smith, Stuart and Pal, Deb K. (2017). A specific deficit of auditory processing in children with Rolandic Epilepsy and their relatives. Epilepsy and Behavior, 72, 135-139. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2017.04.043

A specific deficit of auditory processing in children with Rolandic Epilepsy and their relatives


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2026
    Home hearing and vision care to improve quality of life for people with dementia and carers
    NHMRC MRFF Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    Empowering adults with hearing loss by increasing informed choice, accessibility, and uptake of hearing healthcare (NHMRC Targeted Call administered by Curtin University)
    Curtin University
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    Improving access to the hearing services program for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
    NHMRC Targeted Research
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2025
    SENSEcog aged care: Hearing and vision support to improve quality of life for people living with dementia in residential aged care
    NHMRC MRFF Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2022
    Develop a HSP Service Pathway and Decision Support Tool
    Commonwealth Department of Health
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Hearing health information from primary care data: how to capture hearing aid uptake
    University of Manchester
    Open grant



Professor Piers Dawes is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Identifying hearing and vision impairment among people in residential aged care communities

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Hearing health inequalities in culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Asaduzzaman Khan, Dr Mansoureh Nickbakht

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Australian home care study: prevalence, recognition and treatment of hearing, vision and dementia among vulnerable older Australians

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Nancy Pachana

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Hearing Health Inequality in Australian Immigrants

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Nerina Scarinci

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Help-seeking for hearing impairment and hearing interventions uptake and outcomes among adults in Malaysia

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Barbra Timmer



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