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Professor Alison Mudge

Alison Mudge




Professor Alison Mudge is a clinician researcher based in the large Department of Internal Medicine and Aged Care at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. Her applied research focused on understanding and improving inpatient and post-hospital care for frail older Australians through coordinated multidiscipinary approaches. This has involved research and improvement collaborations with multiple healthcare disciplines (e.g. nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition and dietetics, occupational therapy, exercise science) and medical subspecialties (e.g. geriatrics, rehabilitation medicine, cardiology, vascular surgery, palliative care, anaesthetics, gastroenterology).

Alison was inaugural Clinical Director of the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI) where she advocated strongly for the importance of implementation science approaches, and she has led numerous workshops and mentoring sessions in implementation science and practice including a seminar series within the Queensland Healthcare Improvement Fellowship program. She has been a Metro North Clinician Research Fellow and led competitive grants from NHMRC and MRFF. She advocates for clinician scientists and for authentic consumer engagement in research and service improvement, and is a highly respected undergraduate and gradute educator. She has served on the steering committee for leading Queensland clinical networks inlcuding the Statewide Older Persons's Health Clinical Network and Queensland Dementia, Ageing and Frailty Network, advocating successfully for changes to policy and practice to improve health and wellbeing of older Queenslanders.


Professor Alison Mudge is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Research impacts

Professor Mudge's research has had impact on clinical practice and health policy. Her PhD research demonstrating clinical improvement in outcomes with introduction of a structured multidisciplinary team model in general medicine led to a permanent change in the model of care that has been emulated in other sites. Her multi-site EJECTION-HF study demonstrated the safety of early cardiac rehabilitation following acute heart failure. With her multidisicpinary team she has led the development, evaluation and scale-up up the Eat Walk Engage delirium prevention program, now preventing thousands of cases of delirium throughout Queensland. The project she led through the Statewide Older Persons Health Clinical Network on "How older-person friendly are Queesnland hospitals?" informed the Health Minister's Priority Frail Older Persons' Program, investing an additional $30 million per annum in acute care for older Queenslanders.


Search Professor Alison Mudge’s works on UQ eSpace

129 works between 2001 and 2024

121 - 129 of 129 works


Journal Article

Old bugs new populations: An unusual presentation of pericarditis

Martin, J. H., Woods, M. and Mudge, A. (2009). Old bugs new populations: An unusual presentation of pericarditis. Internal Medicine Journal, 39 (12), 850-851. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2009.02079.x

Old bugs new populations: An unusual presentation of pericarditis


Journal Article

Prescribing exercise

Mudge, Alison, Mullins, Robert and Adsett, Julie (2009). Prescribing exercise. Geriatrics and Aging, 12 (1), 21-25.

Prescribing exercise


Journal Article

Should geriatric medicine remain a specialty?

Flicker, Leon, Denaro, C. P. and Mudge, A. (2008). Should geriatric medicine remain a specialty?. BMJ, 337 (7661), 78-79.

Should geriatric medicine remain a specialty?


Journal Article

Should geriatric medicine remain a specialty? No

Denaro, C. P. and Mudge, A. (2008). Should geriatric medicine remain a specialty? No. British Medical Journal, 337 (jun30 1), a515-a515. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39533.696076.AD

Should geriatric medicine remain a specialty? No


Journal Article

Exercising body and mind: An integrated approach to functional independence in hospitalised older people

Mudge, A M, Giebel, A J and Cutler, A J (2008). Exercising body and mind: An integrated approach to functional independence in hospitalised older people. The American Geriatrics Society, 56 (4), 630-635. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2007.01607.x

Exercising body and mind: An integrated approach to functional independence in hospitalised older people


Journal Article

Controlled trial of multidisciplinary care teams for acutely ill medical inpatients: enhanced multidisciplinary care

Mudge, A., Laracy, S., Richter, K. and Denaro, C. (2006). Controlled trial of multidisciplinary care teams for acutely ill medical inpatients: enhanced multidisciplinary care. Internal Medicine Journal, 36 (9), 558-563. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2006.01135.x

Controlled trial of multidisciplinary care teams for acutely ill medical inpatients: enhanced multidisciplinary care


Conference Publication

Impact of a quality improvement program targeting in-hospital and post-hospital care of patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes or congestive heart failure

Scott, I., Denaro, C., Bennett, C., Hickey, A.C., Mudge, A. M., Flores, J. L., Sanders, D.C.J., Thiele, J.M., Wenck, B. and Jones, M. C. (2004). Impact of a quality improvement program targeting in-hospital and post-hospital care of patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes or congestive heart failure. Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting 2004, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 7-11 August 2004. Carlton South, Vic. Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2004.05.001

Impact of a quality improvement program targeting in-hospital and post-hospital care of patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndromes or congestive heart failure


Journal Article

Achieving better in-hospital and after-hospital care of patients with acute cardiac disease

Scott, I. A., Denaro, C. P., Bennett, C. J., Hickey, A. C., Mudge, A. M., Flores, J. L., Sanders, D. C. J., Thiele, J. M., Wenck, B., Bennett, J. W. and Jones, M. A. (2004). Achieving better in-hospital and after-hospital care of patients with acute cardiac disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 180 (10; Suppl.), S83-S88. doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2004.tb06076.x

Achieving better in-hospital and after-hospital care of patients with acute cardiac disease


Journal Article

Lipid-lowering therapy following major cardiac events: progress and deficits

Mudge, A. M., Brockett, R., Foxcroft, K. F. and Denaro, C. P. (2001). Lipid-lowering therapy following major cardiac events: progress and deficits. Medical Journal of Australia, 175 (3), 138-140.

Lipid-lowering therapy following major cardiac events: progress and deficits



Professor Alison Mudge is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Alison Mudge directly for media enquiries about:

  • ageism
  • delirium
  • frailty

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