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Journal Article

Assessment of the TRPM8 inhibitor AMTB in breast cancer cells and its identification as an inhibitor of voltage gated sodium channels

Yapa, Kunsala T. D. S., Deuis, Jennifer, Peters, Amelia A., Kenny, Paraic A., Roberts-Thomson, Sarah J., Vetter, Irina and Monteith, Gregory R. (2018). Assessment of the TRPM8 inhibitor AMTB in breast cancer cells and its identification as an inhibitor of voltage gated sodium channels. Life Sciences, 198, 128-135. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2018.02.030

Assessment of the TRPM8 inhibitor AMTB in breast cancer cells and its identification as an inhibitor of voltage gated sodium channels


Journal Article

Role of complement anaphylatoxin receptors in a mouse model of acute burn-induced pain

Morgan, Michael, Deuis, Jennifer R., Woodruff, Trent M., Lewis, Richard J. and Vetter, Irina (2018). Role of complement anaphylatoxin receptors in a mouse model of acute burn-induced pain. Molecular Immunology, 94, 68-74. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2017.12.016

Role of complement anaphylatoxin receptors in a mouse model of acute burn-induced pain


Journal Article

The E15R Point Mutation in Scorpion Toxin Cn2 Uncouples Its Depressant and Excitatory Activities on Human NaV1.6

Israel, Mathilde R., Thongyoo, Panumart, Deuis, Jennifer R., Craik, David J., Vetter, Irina and Durek, Thomas (2018). The E15R Point Mutation in Scorpion Toxin Cn2 Uncouples Its Depressant and Excitatory Activities on Human NaV1.6. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 61 (4), 1730-1736. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01609

The E15R Point Mutation in Scorpion Toxin Cn2 Uncouples Its Depressant and Excitatory Activities on Human NaV1.6


Conference Publication

Jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca venom, induces mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia through TRPV1 channel activation

Ferraz, C. R., Cardos, F. C., Clissa, P. B., Vetter, I., Verri Jr, W. A. and Lewis, R. J. (2018). Jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca venom, induces mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia through TRPV1 channel activation. Brisbane Pain Research: Multidisciplinary Perspectives & Therapeutics 2018, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 7 December 2018.

Jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca venom, induces mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia through TRPV1 channel activation


Conference Publication

The use of peptide-membrane interactions in the design of selective and potent sodium channel inhibitors

Schroeder, Christina, Agwa, Akello, Mueller, Alexander, Chow, Chun Yuen, Peigneur, Steve, Lawrence, Nicole, Deplazes, Evelyne, Mark, Alan, Craik, David, Tytgat, Jan, King, Glenn, Vetter, Irina and Henriques, Sonia Troeira (2018). The use of peptide-membrane interactions in the design of selective and potent sodium channel inhibitors. 35th European Peptide Symposium, Dublin City University, Ireland, 26-31 August 2018. Oxford, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons.

The use of peptide-membrane interactions in the design of selective and potent sodium channel inhibitors


Journal Article

Pain-causing venom peptides: insights into sensory neuron pharmacology

Jami, Sina, Erickson, Andelain, Brierley, Stuart M and Vetter, Irina (2018). Pain-causing venom peptides: insights into sensory neuron pharmacology. Toxins, 10 (1) ARTN 15, 15. doi: 10.3390/toxins10010015

Pain-causing venom peptides: insights into sensory neuron pharmacology


Journal Article

Subtle modifications to oxytocin produce ligands that retain potency and improved selectivity across species

Muttenthaler, Markus, Andersson, Asa, Vetter, Irina, Menon, Rohit, Busnelli, Marta, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Bergmayr, Christian, Arrowsmith, Sarah, Deuis, Jennifer R., Chiu, Han Sheng, Palpant, Nathan J., O'Brien, Margaret, Smith, Terry J., Wray, Susan, Neumann, Inga D., Gruber, Christian W., Lewis, Richard J. and Alewood, Paul F. (2017). Subtle modifications to oxytocin produce ligands that retain potency and improved selectivity across species. Science Signaling, 10 (508) eaan3398, 1-13. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aan3398

Subtle modifications to oxytocin produce ligands that retain potency and improved selectivity across species


Journal Article

Conotoxin Φ-MiXXVIIA from the superfamily G2 employs a novel cysteine framework that mimics granulin and displays anti-apoptotic activity

Jin, Ai-Hua, Dekan, Zoltan, Smout, Michael J., Wilson, David, Dutertre, Sébastien, Vetter, Irina, Lewis, Richard J., Loukas, Alex, Daly, Norelle L. and Alewood, Paul F. (2017). Conotoxin Φ-MiXXVIIA from the superfamily G2 employs a novel cysteine framework that mimics granulin and displays anti-apoptotic activity. Angewandte Chemie, 129 (47), 15169-15172. doi: 10.1002/ange.201708927

Conotoxin Φ-MiXXVIIA from the superfamily G2 employs a novel cysteine framework that mimics granulin and displays anti-apoptotic activity


Journal Article

Toxins in neurobiology: new tools from old molecules

Vetter, Irina (2017). Toxins in neurobiology: new tools from old molecules. Neuroscience Letters, 679, 1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.11.002

Toxins in neurobiology: new tools from old molecules


Journal Article

Conotoxin Φ-MiXXVIIA from the Superfamily G2 Employs a Novel Cysteine Framework that Mimics Granulin and Displays Anti-Apoptotic Activity

Jin, Ai-Hua, Dekan, Zoltan, Smout, Michael J., Wilson, David, Dutertre, Sébastien, Vetter, Irina, Lewis, Richard J., Loukas, Alex, Daly, Norelle L. and Alewood, Paul F. (2017). Conotoxin Φ-MiXXVIIA from the Superfamily G2 Employs a Novel Cysteine Framework that Mimics Granulin and Displays Anti-Apoptotic Activity. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), 56 (47), 14973-14976. doi: 10.1002/anie.201708927

Conotoxin Φ-MiXXVIIA from the Superfamily G2 Employs a Novel Cysteine Framework that Mimics Granulin and Displays Anti-Apoptotic Activity


Journal Article

Burn pain: a systematic and critical review of epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment

Morgan, Michael, Deuis, Jennifer R., Frøsig-Jørgensen, Majbrit, Lewis, Richard J., Cabot, Peter J., Gray, Paul D. and Vetter, Irina (2017). Burn pain: a systematic and critical review of epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment. Pain Medicine, 19 (4), 708-734. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx228

Burn pain: a systematic and critical review of epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment


Journal Article

Discovery and mode of action of a novel analgesic β-toxin from the African spider Ceratogyrus darlingi

Sousa, Silmara R., Wingerd, Joshua S., Brust, Andreas, Bladen, Christopher, Ragnarsson, Lotten, Herzig, Volker, Deuis, Jennifer R., Dutertre, Sebastien, Vetter, Irina, Zamponi, Gerald W., King, Glenn F., Alewood, Paul F. and Lewis, Richard J. (2017). Discovery and mode of action of a novel analgesic β-toxin from the African spider Ceratogyrus darlingi. PLoS One, 12 (9) e0182848, e0182848. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182848

Discovery and mode of action of a novel analgesic β-toxin from the African spider Ceratogyrus darlingi


Journal Article

Methods used to evaluate pain behaviors in rodents

Deuis, Jennifer R., Dvorakova, Lucie S. and Vetter, Irina (2017). Methods used to evaluate pain behaviors in rodents. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10 284, 284. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00284

Methods used to evaluate pain behaviors in rodents


Journal Article

Optimization and in vivo profiling of a refined rat model of Walker 256 breast cancer cell-induced bone pain using behavioral, radiological, histological, immunohistochemical and pharmacological methods

Shenoy, Priyank, Kuo, Andy, Vetter, Irina and Smith, Maree T. (2017). Optimization and in vivo profiling of a refined rat model of Walker 256 breast cancer cell-induced bone pain using behavioral, radiological, histological, immunohistochemical and pharmacological methods. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8 (JUL) 442, 442. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00442

Optimization and in vivo profiling of a refined rat model of Walker 256 breast cancer cell-induced bone pain using behavioral, radiological, histological, immunohistochemical and pharmacological methods


Journal Article

Δ-Myrtoxin-Mp1a is a helical heterodimer from the venom of the jack jumper ant that has antimicrobial, membrane-disrupting, and nociceptive activities

Dekan, Zoltan, Headey, Stephen J., Scanlon, Martin, Baldo, Brian A., Lee, Tzong-Hsien, Aguilar, Marie-Isabel, Deuis, Jennifer R., Vetter, Irina, Elliott, Alysha G., Amado, Maite, Cooper, Matthew A., Alewood, Dianne and Alewood, Paul F. (2017). Δ-Myrtoxin-Mp1a is a helical heterodimer from the venom of the jack jumper ant that has antimicrobial, membrane-disrupting, and nociceptive activities. Angewandte Chemie, 56 (29), 8495-8499. doi: 10.1002/anie.201703360

Δ-Myrtoxin-Mp1a is a helical heterodimer from the venom of the jack jumper ant that has antimicrobial, membrane-disrupting, and nociceptive activities


Journal Article

Pathophysiology of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

Starobova, Hana and Vetter, Irina (2017). Pathophysiology of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10 174. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00174

Pathophysiology of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy


Journal Article

Corrigendum: Pharmacological characterisation of the highly Na v 1.7 selective spider venom peptide Pn3a (Scientific Reports (2017) 7 (40883)

Deuis, Jennifer R., Dekan, Zoltan, Wingerd, Joshua S., Smith, Jennifer J., Munasinghe, Nehan R., Bhola, Rebecca F., Imlach, Wendy L., Herzig, Volker, Armstrong, David A., Rosengren, K. Johan, Bosmans, Frank, Waxman, Stephen G., Dib-Hajj, Sulayman D., Escoubas, Pierre, Minett, Michael S., Christie, Macdonald J., King, Glenn F., Alewood, Paul F., Lewis, Richard J., Wood, John N. and Vetter, Irina (2017). Corrigendum: Pharmacological characterisation of the highly Na v 1.7 selective spider venom peptide Pn3a (Scientific Reports (2017) 7 (40883). Scientific Reports, 7 (1) 46816, 46816. doi: 10.1038/srep46816

Corrigendum: Pharmacological characterisation of the highly Na v 1.7 selective spider venom peptide Pn3a (Scientific Reports (2017) 7 (40883)


Journal Article

Modulatory features of the novel spider toxin μ-TRTX-Df1a isolated from the venom of the spider Davus fasciatus

Cardoso, Fernanda Caldas, Dekan, Zoltan, Smith, Jennifer J., Deuis, Jennifer R., Vetter, Irina, Herzig, Volker, Alewood, Paul F., King, Glenn F and Lewis, Richard J. (2017). Modulatory features of the novel spider toxin μ-TRTX-Df1a isolated from the venom of the spider Davus fasciatus. British Journal of Pharmacology, 174 (15), 2528-2544. doi: 10.1111/bph.13865

Modulatory features of the novel spider toxin μ-TRTX-Df1a isolated from the venom of the spider Davus fasciatus


Journal Article

The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes (vol 27, pg 1184, 2017)

Casewell, Nicholas R., Visser, Jeroen C., Baumann, Kate, Dobson, James, Han, Han, Kuruppu, Sanjaya, Morgan, Michael, Romilio, Anthony, Weisbecker, Vera, Mardon, Karine, Ali, Syed A., Debono, Jordan, Koludarov, Ivan, Que, Ivo, Bird, Gregory C., Cooke, Gavan M., Nouwens, Amanda, Hodgson, Wayne C., Wagstaff, Simon C., Cheney, Karen L., Vetter, Irina, van der Weerd, Louise, Richardson, Michael K. and Fry, Bryan G. (2017). The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes (vol 27, pg 1184, 2017). Current Biology, 27 (10), 1549-1550. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.05.009

The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes (vol 27, pg 1184, 2017)


Journal Article

The pharmacology of voltage-gated sodium channel activators

Deuis, Jennifer R., Mueller, Alexander, Israel, Mathilde R. and Vetter, Irina (2017). The pharmacology of voltage-gated sodium channel activators. Neuropharmacology, 127, 87-108. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.04.014

The pharmacology of voltage-gated sodium channel activators