2015 Book Criminalizing the smuggling of migrants in International, European, and Austrian LawSchloenhardt, Andreas (2015). Criminalizing the smuggling of migrants in International, European, and Austrian Law. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag fuer Polizeiwissenschaft. |
2013 Book Queensland criminal lawSchloenhardt, Andreas (2013). Queensland criminal law. 3rd ed. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Oxford University Press. |
2011 Book Queensland criminal lawSchloenhardt, Andreas (2011). Queensland criminal law. 2nd ed. South Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Oxford University Press. |
2010 Book Palermo in the Pacific: Organised crime offences in the Asia Pacific regionSchloenhardt, Andreas (2010). Palermo in the Pacific: Organised crime offences in the Asia Pacific region. Boston, Mass, U.S.A.: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004180451.i-430 |
2009 Book Palermo on the Pacific Rim: Organised Crime Offences in the Asia Pacific RegionAndreas Schloenhardt (2009). Palermo on the Pacific Rim: Organised Crime Offences in the Asia Pacific Region. 1st ed. Bangkok: Study Report. |
2008 Book Queensland Criminal LawSchloenhardt, Andreas (2008). Queensland Criminal Law. 3rd rev. ed. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press. |
2008 Book The Illegal Trade in Timber and Timber Products in the Asia Pacific RegionSchloenhardt, Andreas (2008). The Illegal Trade in Timber and Timber Products in the Asia Pacific Region. 1st ed. Canberra ACT, Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology. |
2007 Book Queensland Criminal Law: Critical PerspectivesSchloenhardt, Andreas (2007). Queensland Criminal Law: Critical Perspectives. 2nd ed. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. |
2007 Book The Market for Amphetamine-type Stimulants and Their Precursors in OceaniaSchloenhardt, Andreas (2007). The Market for Amphetamine-type Stimulants and Their Precursors in Oceania. 1st ed. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. |
2006 Book Queensland Criminal Law: Critical PerspectivesSchloenhardt, Andreas (2006). Queensland Criminal Law: Critical Perspectives. 1st ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. |
2003 Book Migrant smuggling: Illegal migration and organised crime in Australia and the Asia Pacific RegionSchloenhardt, A. (2003). Migrant smuggling: Illegal migration and organised crime in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region. Leiden; Boston: M. Nijhoff Publishers. |
2002 Book Organised Crime and Migrant Trafficking: Australia and the Asia PacificSchloenhardt, Andreas (2002). Organised Crime and Migrant Trafficking: Australia and the Asia Pacific. Australian Institute of Criminology Research and Public Policy Series No. 44 ed. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. |