2024 Conference Publication Matrix outlining legal and practical issues that could arise in the implementation of article 19 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime on joint investigationsSchloenhardt, Andreas (2024). Matrix outlining legal and practical issues that could arise in the implementation of article 19 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime on joint investigations. 12th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Vienna, Austria, 14-18 October 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication International Instruments against Smuggling of Migrants: a gaps and needs analysisSchloenhardt, Andreas (2024). International Instruments against Smuggling of Migrants: a gaps and needs analysis. Second Council of Europe Smuggling of Migrant Conference, Strasbourg, France, 10-11 September 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication Status of implementation of joint investigations under article 49 of the United Nations Convention against CorruptionSchloenhardt, Andreas (2024). Status of implementation of joint investigations under article 49 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Open-ended intergovernmental expert meeting to enhance international cooperation under the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Vienna, Austria, 12-14 June 2024. United Nations. |
2024 Conference Publication Joint Investigation Teams - a panacea against organised crime?Schloenhardt, Andreas (2024). Joint Investigation Teams - a panacea against organised crime?. 21st Asian Law Institute Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 29-30 May 2024. Singapore: ASLO. |
2024 Conference Publication Erfahrungen im International Classroom des Transnational Organised Crime ProgrammesSchloenhardt, Andreas (2024). Erfahrungen im International Classroom des Transnational Organised Crime Programmes. Bologna-Tag 2024 Förderung von fremdsprachigen Lehr- und Studienangeboten, Vienna, Austria, 20 March 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication Draft Report on the need for and feasibility of a possible Council of Europe Instrument on Smuggling of MigrantsSchloenhardt, Andreas and Ferrara, Calogero (2024). Draft Report on the need for and feasibility of a possible Council of Europe Instrument on Smuggling of Migrants. Council of Europe, 85th plenary meeting of the European Committee on Crime Problems, Strasbourg, France, 17-19 June 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication Report on the need for and feasibility of a possible new Council of Europe instrument on smuggling of migrants CDPC(2024)06Schloenhardt, Andreas and Ferrara, Calogero (2024). Report on the need for and feasibility of a possible new Council of Europe instrument on smuggling of migrants CDPC(2024)06. 86th plenary session of the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC), Strasbourg, France, 20-22 November 2024. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe. |
2022 Conference Publication Strengthen the transnational response to smuggling of migrantsSchloenhardt, Andreas (2022). Strengthen the transnational response to smuggling of migrants. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Progress, Challenges and the Way Forward to a Principled Implementation, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-25 November 2022. |
2020 Conference Publication Legal frameworks to combat organised crime in the Pacific IslandsSchloenhardt, Andreas (2020). Legal frameworks to combat organised crime in the Pacific Islands. In: 20 years after Palermo: Revisiting the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Online - hosted by University of Canterbury, (). 11 September 2020. |
2020 Conference Publication Wildlife trafficking: criminological, international law, and criminal law perspectivesSchloenhardt, Andreas and Ege, Gian (2020). Wildlife trafficking: criminological, international law, and criminal law perspectives. 16th Wissenschaftliche Fachtagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft - 16th Scientific Conference of the Criminological Society, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 September 2019. Moenchengladbach, Germany: Forum Verlag. |
2019 Conference Publication Wildlife, forest and fisheries crimeSchloenhardt, Andreas (2019). Wildlife, forest and fisheries crime. Educating for the Rule of Law: United Nations Education for Justice International High Level Conference, Vienna, Austria, 7-9 October 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication Irregular migration and smuggling of migrant along the Balkans Route 2011-2017Schloenhardt, Andreas (2019). Irregular migration and smuggling of migrant along the Balkans Route 2011-2017. Flucht und Migration entlang der Balkanroute, Vienna, Austria, 2 July 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication A short history of smuggling of migrants in international lawSchloenhardt, Andreas (2019). A short history of smuggling of migrants in international law. Histories of Transnational Criminal Law, Hanover, Germany, 15-18 October 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication Wildlife Trafficking: Criminological, International law and criminal law perspectivesSchloenhardt, Andreas (2019). Wildlife Trafficking: Criminological, International law and criminal law perspectives. 16. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 September 2019. |
2018 Conference Publication Outback, Offshore, Overseas: Internierung von Asylwerbern in AustralienSchloenhardt, Andreas (2018). Outback, Offshore, Overseas: Internierung von Asylwerbern in Australien. Lager als Rechtsfreier Raum, Vienna, Austria, 4 June 2018. |
2017 Conference Publication Migrant smuggling in South and Southeast AsiaSchloenhardt, Andreas (2017). Migrant smuggling in South and Southeast Asia. 5th Conference of the Law Enforcement Joint Management Group on People Smuggling, Palm Cove, Qld, Australia, 16 May 2017. |
2017 Conference Publication Preventing migrant smuggling: promoting safe migrationSchloenhardt, Andreas (2017). Preventing migrant smuggling: promoting safe migration. Worldbank KNOMAD Expert Group on the Global Compact on Migration,, Berlin, Germany, 8 June 2017. |
2017 Conference Publication 'Prevention'Schloenhardt, Andreas (2017). 'Prevention'. Conference on Smuggling of Migrants, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2017. |
2016 Conference Publication Smuggling of migrants from PakistanSchloenhardt, Andreas (2016). Smuggling of migrants from Pakistan. Regional Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening Capacities to Improve Joint Criminal Investigation and Prosecutions and to Disrupt Illicit Financial Flows from Smuggling of Migrants in South Eastern Europe, Belgrade, Serbia, 16 November 2016. |
2016 Conference Publication Smuggling of Migrants - Concepts, Criteria, Contemporary ChallengesSchloenhardt, Andreas (2016). Smuggling of Migrants - Concepts, Criteria, Contemporary Challenges. Migrant Smuggling, International Commission of Jurists, Bern, Switzerland, 3 June 2016. |