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Other Outputs

Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit report, The Republic of the Philippines

ICCWC, Schloenhardt, Andreas and Amato, Salvatore (2023). Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit report, The Republic of the Philippines. Vienna, Austria: The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC).

Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit report, The Republic of the Philippines


Other Outputs

Wie geht's dem UN Migrationspakt?

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2021, 05 17). Wie geht's dem UN Migrationspakt? Der Standard 4-4.

Wie geht's dem UN Migrationspakt?


Other Outputs

International cooperation in criminal matters involving the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime as the legal basis

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2021). International cooperation in criminal matters involving the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime as the legal basis. Digest of cases Vienna, Austria: United Nations.

International cooperation in criminal matters involving the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime as the legal basis


Other Outputs

Pandemic creating conditions ripe for human trafficking

Schloenhardt, Andreas and Flynn, Gerry (2020, 06 05). Pandemic creating conditions ripe for human trafficking Southeast Asia Globe

Pandemic creating conditions ripe for human trafficking


Other Outputs

Facilitators of smuggling of migrants in Southeast Asia: fraudulent documents, money laundering, and corruption

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2019). Facilitators of smuggling of migrants in Southeast Asia: fraudulent documents, money laundering, and corruption. Bangkok, Thailand: UNODC.

Facilitators of smuggling of migrants in Southeast Asia: fraudulent documents, money laundering, and corruption


Other Outputs

The new drug highway: Pacific Islands at centre of cocaine trafficking boom

Lyons, Kate and Schloenhardt, Andreas (2019, 06 19). The new drug highway: Pacific Islands at centre of cocaine trafficking boom The Guardian (Australia)

The new drug highway: Pacific Islands at centre of cocaine trafficking boom


Other Outputs

Criminalisation Of Smuggling Of Migrants In ASEAN Member States

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2019). Criminalisation Of Smuggling Of Migrants In ASEAN Member States. Bangkok, Thailand: UNODC.

Criminalisation Of Smuggling Of Migrants In ASEAN Member States


Other Outputs

Mobilität schaffen statt Migration fuerchten

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2018, 11 16). Mobilität schaffen statt Migration fuerchten Der Standard 29-29.

Mobilität schaffen statt Migration fuerchten


Other Outputs

Das der Migrationspakt instrumentalisiert wird, war vorhersehbar

Schloenhardt, Andreas and Son Hoang, Kim (2018, 10 31). Das der Migrationspakt instrumentalisiert wird, war vorhersehbar Der Standard

Das der Migrationspakt instrumentalisiert wird, war vorhersehbar


Other Outputs

Mobilität schaffen statt Migration fürchten

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2018, 10 15). Mobilität schaffen statt Migration fürchten Der Standard

Mobilität schaffen statt Migration fürchten


Other Outputs

Irregular migration and smuggling of migrants along the Balkans Route 2011-2017

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2018). Irregular migration and smuggling of migrants along the Balkans Route 2011-2017. Budapest, Hungary: Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung.

Irregular migration and smuggling of migrants along the Balkans Route 2011-2017


Other Outputs

Trafficking in persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar to Thailand

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2017). Trafficking in persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar to Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ).

Trafficking in persons from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar to Thailand


Other Outputs

Identification of Technical Assistance Needs and Good Practices Relating to the Criminalization of Obstruction of Justice (article 23)

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2016). Identification of Technical Assistance Needs and Good Practices Relating to the Criminalization of Obstruction of Justice (article 23). Geneva, Switzerland: Working Group of Government Experts on Technical Assistance, United Nations.

Identification of Technical Assistance Needs and Good Practices Relating to the Criminalization of Obstruction of Justice (article 23)


Other Outputs

Smuggling of migrants from Pakistan: reasons, routes, and risk

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2016). Smuggling of migrants from Pakistan: reasons, routes, and risk. Islamabad, Pakistan: UNODC Country Office Pakistan.

Smuggling of migrants from Pakistan: reasons, routes, and risk


Other Outputs

Widerstand gegen "Pazifische Lösung" wächst

Schloenhardt, Andreas and Son Hoang, Kim (2016, 06 07). Widerstand gegen "Pazifische Lösung" wächst Der Standard

Widerstand gegen "Pazifische Lösung" wächst


Other Outputs

Asylsuchenden früher helfen

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2016, 02 18). Asylsuchenden früher helfen Neues Deutschland

Asylsuchenden früher helfen


Other Outputs

'Refugee Konvoi': Fluchthilfereaktionen haben strafrechtliche Folgen

Schloenhardt, Andreas and Sterkl, Maria (2015, 11 05). 'Refugee Konvoi': Fluchthilfereaktionen haben strafrechtliche Folgen Der Standard

'Refugee Konvoi': Fluchthilfereaktionen haben strafrechtliche Folgen


Other Outputs

Strafrechtsprofessor: Grenzzäune machen Schlepperei erst möglich

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2015, 10 12). Strafrechtsprofessor: Grenzzäune machen Schlepperei erst möglich Der Standard

Strafrechtsprofessor: Grenzzäune machen Schlepperei erst möglich


Other Outputs

Schlepper: Straftäter, Sündenbock oder Samariter?

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2015, 08 28). Schlepper: Straftäter, Sündenbock oder Samariter? Der Standard

Schlepper: Straftäter, Sündenbock oder Samariter?


Other Outputs

Assessment guide to the criminal justice response to the smuggling of migrants

Schloenhardt, Andreas (2012). Assessment guide to the criminal justice response to the smuggling of migrants. Vienna, Austria: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Assessment guide to the criminal justice response to the smuggling of migrants