2019 Conference Publication Autonomy, precautionary measures and constant careLiivoja, Rain (2019). Autonomy, precautionary measures and constant care. Workshop on the Ethics and Law of Trusted Autonomous Systems, Oxford, United Kingdom, 23-24 May 2019. |
2019 Other Outputs Autonomous cyber capabilities under international lawLiivoja, Rain, Naagel, Maarja and Väljataga, Ann (2019). Autonomous cyber capabilities under international law. Tallinn, Estonia: NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. |
2018 Other Outputs Machine autonomy and the constant care obligationJenks, Chris and Liivoja, Rain (2018, 12 11). Machine autonomy and the constant care obligation Humanitarian Law & Policy |
2018 Journal Article Why it’s so hard to reach an international agreement on killer robotsLiivoja, Rain (2018, 09 12). Why it’s so hard to reach an international agreement on killer robots The Conversation |
2018 Journal Article Biomedical enhancement of warfighters and the legal protection of military medical personnel in armed conflictLiivoja, Rain (2018). Biomedical enhancement of warfighters and the legal protection of military medical personnel in armed conflict. Medical Law Review, 26 (3), 421-448. doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwx046 |
2018 Journal Article Left of bang interventions in trauma: some legal implications of military medical prophylaxisLiivoja, Rain (2018). Left of bang interventions in trauma: some legal implications of military medical prophylaxis. Journal of Medical Ethics, 44 (7), 509-510. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2017-104584 |
2018 Conference Publication The military application of advances in human enhancement technologiesLiivoja, Rain (2018). The military application of advances in human enhancement technologies. Developing International Law in Challenging Times: 78th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, Sydney, Australia, 19–24 August 2018. |
2018 Conference Publication The application of international law to autonomous cyber capabilitiesLiivoja, Rain (2018). The application of international law to autonomous cyber capabilities. Silent Battle: 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), Tallinn, Estonia, 28–31 May 2019. |
2018 Conference Publication Regulating Emerging Military Technologies: Is There Anything New under the Sun?Liivoja, Rain (2018). Regulating Emerging Military Technologies: Is There Anything New under the Sun?. The Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies in Warfare: 8th Euro-ISME Annual Conference, Toledo, Spain, 13-16 May 2018. |
2018 Conference Publication "The Better Instincts of Humanity": humanitarian arguments in debates about arms controlLiivoja, Rain (2018). "The Better Instincts of Humanity": humanitarian arguments in debates about arms control. International Law: From the Local to the Global – 26th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, Wellington, New Zealand, 5–7 July 2018. |
2018 Conference Publication Memory Modification for the Treatment of PTSD in Service Members: Ethical and Legal Concerns RevisitedLiivoja, Rain (2018). Memory Modification for the Treatment of PTSD in Service Members: Ethical and Legal Concerns Revisited. Ethics of Military Medical Innovation, Experimentation, and Enhancement: 8th ICMM Workshop on Military Medical Ethics, Ermatingen, Switzerland, 3-5 May 2018. |
2018 Conference Publication Autonomous weapon systems: an overview of the legal issuesLiivoja, Rain (2018). Autonomous weapon systems: an overview of the legal issues. Autonomous Weapon Systems Workshop, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 3 April 2018. |
2018 Journal Article Are enhanced warfighters weapons, means, or methods of warfare?Liivoja, Rain and Chircop, Luke (2018). Are enhanced warfighters weapons, means, or methods of warfare?. International Law Studies, 94, 161-185. |
2018 Conference Publication Biomedical Enhancement of Warfighters: Law of Armed Conflict IssuesLiivoja, Rain (2018). Biomedical Enhancement of Warfighters: Law of Armed Conflict Issues. Peace, War and the Law: 21th Congress of International Society for Military Law and the Law of War, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-19 May 2018. |
2018 Conference Publication Contradictory appeals to humanity in the development of arms control lawLiivoja, Rain (2018). Contradictory appeals to humanity in the development of arms control law. Humanitarianism and the Remaking of International Law: History, Ideology, Practice, Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 31 May–2 June 2018. |
2018 Conference Publication Interpreting and Applying the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols in Light of Technological ChangeLiivoja, Rain (2018). Interpreting and Applying the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols in Light of Technological Change. Attorney-General’s Department’s 8th International Law Colloquium, Canberra, Australia, 30 November 2018. |
2017 Other Outputs Muggleton on the Law of Non-international Armed ConflictMuggleton, Paul, Burke, Róisín, Liivoja, Rain, McCormack, Tim, McLaughlin, Rob, Oswald, Bruce, Radin, Sasha and de Rochefort-Reynolds, Alan (2017). Muggleton on the Law of Non-international Armed Conflict. Melbourne Vic Australia: Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law. |
2017 Book Criminal jurisdiction over armed forces abroadLiivoja, Rain (2017). Criminal jurisdiction over armed forces abroad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781139600392 |
2016 Journal Article Technological change and the evolution of the law of warLiivoja, Rain (2016). Technological change and the evolution of the law of war. International Review of the Red Cross, 97 (900), 1157-1177. doi: 10.1017/S1816383116000424 |
2016 Journal Article Out of sight, out of mind, out of reach?Liivoja, Rain (2016). Out of sight, out of mind, out of reach?. International Humanitarian Law Magazine (1), 16-17. |