2021 Book Chapter International human rights lawLiivoja, Rain (2021). International human rights law. Human rights of armed forces personnel: compendium of standards, good practices and recommendations. (pp. 37-56) Warsaw, Poland and Geneva, Switzerland: OSCE/ODIHR and DCAF. |
2021 Conference Publication Military or civilian justice: how should the decision be made?Duxbury, Alison and Liivoja, Rain (2021). Military or civilian justice: how should the decision be made?. International Military Justice Forum, Paris, France, 18–19 November 2021. |
2021 Book Chapter The role of commanders and individual accountabilityLiivoja, Rain (2021). The role of commanders and individual accountability. Human rights of armed forces personnel: compendium of standards, good practices and recommendations. (pp. 294-308) Warsaw, Poland and Geneva, Switzerland: OSCE/ODIHR and DCAF. |
2021 Journal Article EditorialBuchan, Russell, Crawford, Emily and Liivoja, Rain (2021). Editorial. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 12 (1), 1-3. doi: 10.1163/18781527-bja10030 |
2020 Journal Article International law in a time of pandemicBuchan, Russell, Crawford, Emily and Liivoja, Rain (2020). International law in a time of pandemic. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 11 (2), 187-191. doi: 10.1163/18781527-01102017 |
2020 Other Outputs Are autonomous weapons systems prohibited?Liivoja, Rain, Massingham, Eve, McFarland, Tim and McKenzie, Simon (2020, 09 09). Are autonomous weapons systems prohibited? GameChanger |
2020 Journal Article EditorialBuchan, Russell, Crawford, Emily and Liivoja, Rain (2020). Editorial. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 11 (1), 1-3. doi: 10.1163/18781527-01101004 |
2020 Other Outputs Submission to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Cyber and Critical Technology Engagement StrategyNabbs-Keller, Greta, Ko, Ryan, Axelsen, Michael, Bongiovanni, Ivano, Dowsett, Dallas, Liivoja, Rain, Maher, Ray, Massingham, Eve, McEwan, Chris, McKenzie, Simon, O’Quinn, Richard, Radke, Amelia and Williams, John (2020). Submission to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Cyber and Critical Technology Engagement Strategy. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2020 Journal Article Command in the age of autonomy–unanswered questions for military operationsMassingham, Eve, McKenzie, Simon and Liivoja, Rain (2020, 05 01). Command in the age of autonomy–unanswered questions for military operations Opinio Juris |
2020 Book Chapter Memory modification as treatment for PTSD: neuroscientific reality and ethical concernsLiivoja, Rain and Kroes, Marijn C. W. (2020). Memory modification as treatment for PTSD: neuroscientific reality and ethical concerns. Ethics of medical innovation, experimentation, and enhancement in military and humanitarian contexts. (pp. 211-234) edited by Daniel Messelken and David Winkler. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36319-2_13 |
2019 Journal Article Balancing the lopsided debate on autonomous weapon systemsJevglevskaja, Natalia and Liivoja, Rain (2019, 12 20). Balancing the lopsided debate on autonomous weapon systems The Strategist |
2019 Journal Article EditorialBuchan, Russell, Crawford, Emily and Liivoja, Rain (2019). Editorial. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 10 (2), 213-216. doi: 10.1163/18781527-01002005 |
2019 Journal Article Human rights of service personnelLiivoja, Rain and Duxbury, Alison (2019). Human rights of service personnel. Human Rights Defender, 28 (2), 13-15. |
2019 Journal Article EditorialBuchan, Russell, Crawford, Emily and Liivoja, Rain (2019). Editorial. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 10 (1), 3-5. doi: 10.1163/18781527-01001013 |
2019 Other Outputs Human Enhancement Technologies and the Law in War and PeaceLiivoja, Rain (2019, 05 08). Human Enhancement Technologies and the Law in War and Peace Opinio Juris |
2019 Journal Article Eradicating war memories: neuroscientific reality and ethical concernsKroes, Marijn C. W. and Liivoja, Rain (2019). Eradicating war memories: neuroscientific reality and ethical concerns. International Review of the Red Cross, 101 (910), 69-95. doi: 10.1017/s1816383118000437 |
2019 Other Outputs Status of medical personnel: Clear as mud?Liivoja, Rain (2019, 02 25). Status of medical personnel: Clear as mud? Humanitarian Law and Policy |
2019 Conference Publication Legal Limitations and the Limitations of LawLiivoja, Rain (2019). Legal Limitations and the Limitations of Law. Conference on Future Warfare, Canberra, Australia, 8 April 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication Human Rights in Military Health CareLiivoja, Rain (2019). Human Rights in Military Health Care. Conference on Respecting Military Law, Melbourne, Australia, 12–13 March 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication Human enhancement under the law of armed conflictLiivoja, Rain (2019). Human enhancement under the law of armed conflict. The Law of Armed Conflict 2040: Lieber Institute for Law and Land Warfare Workshop, West Point, NY, United States, 28–30 October 2019. |