2020 Book Chapter Thorax and lungsLewis, Peter (2020). Thorax and lungs. In Peter Lewis and David Foley (Ed.), Health assessment in nursing 3rd ed. (pp. 350-377) Philadelphia, PA, United States: Wolters Kluwer. |
2020 Book Chapter Validating and documenting dataLewis, Peter and Fairhall, Robyn (2020). Validating and documenting data. Health assessment in nursing. (pp. 46-56) edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Philadelphia, PA United States: Wolters Kluwer. |
2019 Journal Article Health professionals’ knowledge of probiotics: an international surveyFijan, Sabina, Frauwallner, Anita, Varga, László, Langerholc, Tomaž, Rogelj, Irena, Lorber, Mateja, Lewis, Peter and Bržan, Petra Povalej (2019). Health professionals’ knowledge of probiotics: an international survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (17) 3128, 1-16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16173128 |
2018 Conference Publication Identifying and comparing signature pedagogies in the nursing and allied health disciplinesCrookes, P, Else, F and Lewis, P.A. (2018). Identifying and comparing signature pedagogies in the nursing and allied health disciplines. 7th International Nurse Education Conference (NETNEP), Banff, Canada, May 6-9, 2018. |
2018 Journal Article Collaborative facilitation of debrief after high-fidelity simulation and its implications for reflective thinking: student experiencesTutticci, Naomi, Ryan, Mary, Coyer, Fiona and Lewis, Peter A. (2018). Collaborative facilitation of debrief after high-fidelity simulation and its implications for reflective thinking: student experiences. Studies in Higher Education, 43 (9), 1654-1667. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2017.1281238 |
2017 Journal Article Student facilitation of simulation debrief: measuring reflective thinking and self-efficacyTutticci, Naomi, Coyer, Fiona, Lewis, Peter A. and Ryan, Mary (2017). Student facilitation of simulation debrief: measuring reflective thinking and self-efficacy. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 12 (2), 128-135. doi: 10.1016/j.teln.2016.11.005 |
2017 Journal Article Validation of a reflective thinking instrument for third-year undergraduate nursing students participating in high-fidelity simulationTutticci, Naomi, Coyer, Fiona, Lewis, Peter A. and Ryan, Mary (2017). Validation of a reflective thinking instrument for third-year undergraduate nursing students participating in high-fidelity simulation. Reflective Practice, 18 (2), 219-231. doi: 10.1080/14623943.2016.1268115 |
2016 Journal Article Implementation of pressure ulcer prevention bundle in the intensive careTayyib, Nahla, Coyer, Fiona and Lewis, Peter A. (2016). Implementation of pressure ulcer prevention bundle in the intensive care. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 37, 27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.iccn.2016.04.005 |
2016 Journal Article Flexible learning: evaluation of an international distance education programme designed to build the learning and teaching capacity of nurse academics in a developing countryLewis, Peter A., Tutticci, Naomi F., Douglas, Clint, Gray, Genevieve, Osborne, Yvonne, Evans, Katie and Nielson, Catherine M. (2016). Flexible learning: evaluation of an international distance education programme designed to build the learning and teaching capacity of nurse academics in a developing country. Nurse Education in Practice, 21, 59-65. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2016.10.001 |
2016 Journal Article High-fidelity simulation: descriptive analysis of student learning stylesTutticci, Naomi, Coyer, Fiona, Lewis, Peter A. and Ryan, Mary (2016). High-fidelity simulation: descriptive analysis of student learning styles. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12 (11), 511-521. doi: 10.1016/j.ecns.2016.07.008 |
2016 Journal Article Saudi Arabian adult intensive care unit pressure ulcer incidence and risk factors: a prospective cohort studyTayyib, Nahla, Coyer, Fiona and Lewis, Peter (2016). Saudi Arabian adult intensive care unit pressure ulcer incidence and risk factors: a prospective cohort study. International Wound Journal, 13 (5), 912-919. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12406 |
2016 Journal Article Pressure injury prevention in a Saudi Arabian Intensive Care Unit: registered nurse attitudes toward prevention strategies and perceived facilitators and barriers to evidence implementationTayyib, Nahla, Coyer, Fiona and Lewis, Peter (2016). Pressure injury prevention in a Saudi Arabian Intensive Care Unit: registered nurse attitudes toward prevention strategies and perceived facilitators and barriers to evidence implementation. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 43 (4), 369-374. doi: 10.1097/won.0000000000000245 |
2016 Journal Article Measuring third year undergraduate nursing students' reflective thinking skills and critical reflection self-efficacy following high fidelity simulation: a pilot studyTutticci, Naomi, Lewis, Peter A. and Coyer, Fiona (2016). Measuring third year undergraduate nursing students' reflective thinking skills and critical reflection self-efficacy following high fidelity simulation: a pilot study. Nurse Education in Practice, 18, 52-59. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2016.03.001 |
2016 Journal Article Standard instruction versus simulation: educating registered nurses in the early recognition of patient deterioration in paediatric critical careO'Leary, Jessica, Nash, Robyn and Lewis, Peter (2016). Standard instruction versus simulation: educating registered nurses in the early recognition of patient deterioration in paediatric critical care. Nurse Education Today, 36, 287-292. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.07.021 |
2016 Conference Publication Measuring third year undergraduate nursing students’ reflective thinking skills and critical reflection self-efficacy following high fidelity simulationTutticci, N., Coyer, F, Lewis, P. A. and Ryan, M. (2016). Measuring third year undergraduate nursing students’ reflective thinking skills and critical reflection self-efficacy following high fidelity simulation. 14th Hawaii International Conference on Education, Hawaii, United States, 3-6 January 2016. |
2016 Book Chapter Assessment of cardiovascular functionLewis, P. A. (2016). Assessment of cardiovascular function. Smeltzer & Bare's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Australian and New Zealand Edition). edited by Maureen Farrell. Broadway, NSW, Sydney: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2015 Journal Article Too much knowledge for a nurse? Use of physical assessment by final-semester nursing studentsDouglas, Clint, Windsor, Carol and Lewis, Peter (2015). Too much knowledge for a nurse? Use of physical assessment by final-semester nursing students. Nursing and Health Sciences, 17 (4), 492-499. doi: 10.1111/nhs.12223 |
2015 Journal Article High fidelity patient simulation as an educational tool in paediatric intensive care: a systematic reviewO'Leary, Jessica A., Nash, Robyn and Lewis, Peter A. (2015). High fidelity patient simulation as an educational tool in paediatric intensive care: a systematic review. Nurse Education Today, 35 (10), e8-e12. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.07.025 |
2015 Journal Article A two-arm cluster randomized control trial to determine the effectiveness of a pressure ulcer prevention bundle for critically ill patientsTayyib, Nahla, Coyer, Fiona and Lewis, Peter A. (2015). A two-arm cluster randomized control trial to determine the effectiveness of a pressure ulcer prevention bundle for critically ill patients. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47 (3), 237-247. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12136 |
2015 Conference Publication Testing the efficacy of a pressure ulcer prevention bundle to improve the skin integrity of ICU patientsTayyib N, Coyer, F and Lewis, P. A. (2015). Testing the efficacy of a pressure ulcer prevention bundle to improve the skin integrity of ICU patients. The 11th Emirates Critical Care Conference in conjunction with the 7th Asia Africa Conference of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, the 11th International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society Conference and the 2nd Middle East Surviving Sepsis Campaign Meeting, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 9-11 April 2015. |