2013 Journal Article A prospective observational study of patient positioning in a Saudi intensive care unitTayyib, Nahla, Lewis, Peter and Coyer, Fiona (2013). A prospective observational study of patient positioning in a Saudi intensive care unit. Middle East Journal of Nursing, 7 (1), 26-34. doi: 10.5742/mejn.2013.71219 |
2013 Journal Article A learning and teaching resource on patient self-management of chronic painSmith, Lorraine, Brown, Lin, Bundy, Anita, Ronaldson, Sue, McKenzie, Heather, Lewis, Peter and Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia (2013). A learning and teaching resource on patient self-management of chronic pain. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77 (2) 35, 35. doi: 10.5688/ajpe77235 |
2012 Journal Article Nurses' willingness to report medication administration errors in Saudi ArabiaAlmutary, Hayfa H. and Lewis, Peter A. (2012). Nurses' willingness to report medication administration errors in Saudi Arabia. Quality Management in Health Care, 21 (3), 119-126. doi: 10.1097/QMH.0b013e31825e86c8 |
2012 Journal Article A randomized controlled pilot study comparing aqueous cream with a beeswax and herbal oil cream in the provision of relief from postburn pruritisLewis, Peter A., Wright, Kay, Webster, Anne, Steer, Matthew, Rudd, Michael, Doubrovsky, Anna and Gardner, Glenn (2012). A randomized controlled pilot study comparing aqueous cream with a beeswax and herbal oil cream in the provision of relief from postburn pruritis. Journal of Burn Care and Research, 33 (4), e195-e200. doi: 10.1097/bcr.0b013e31825042e2 |
2012 Journal Article How children's rights are constructed in family-centred care: A review of the literatureKelly, Margaret, Jones, Susan, Wilson, Val and Lewis, Peter (2012). How children's rights are constructed in family-centred care: A review of the literature. Journal of Child Health Care, 16 (2), 190-205. doi: 10.1177/1367493511426421 |
2012 Journal Article Bilingual asynchronous online discussion groups: design and delivery of an eLearning distance study module for nurse academics in a developing countryLewis, Peter A., Van Anh Thi Mai and Gray, Genevieve (2012). Bilingual asynchronous online discussion groups: design and delivery of an eLearning distance study module for nurse academics in a developing country. Nurse Education Today, 32 (3), 315-319. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2011.02.011 |
2012 Conference Publication Life Enhancing Activities for Family Caregivers (LEAF): an international collaborationO'Reilly, M., Beattie, E., Dowling, G., Hodges, J., Hee, L., Lewis, P., Mastick, J., Merrilees, J., Mioshi, E. and Moskowitz, J. (2012). Life Enhancing Activities for Family Caregivers (LEAF): an international collaboration. Australian Association of Gerontology, 45th National Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 20–23 November, 2012. Richmond, VIC, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6612.2012.00655.x |
2012 Journal Article Design and delivery of a distance education programme: educating Vietnamese nurse academics from AustraliaLewis, Peter A., Osborne, Yvonne, Gray, Genevieve and Lacaze, Anne-Marie (2012). Design and delivery of a distance education programme: educating Vietnamese nurse academics from Australia. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, 1462-1468. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.843 |
2011 Journal Article The oral health of critically ill children: an observational cohort studyUllman, Amanda, Long, Debbie and Lewis, Peter (2011). The oral health of critically ill children: an observational cohort study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (21-22), 3070-3080. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03797.x |
2011 Journal Article The oral health of critically ill children: an observational cohort study: the oral health of critically ill childrenUllman, Amanda, Long, Debbie and Lewis, Peter (2011). The oral health of critically ill children: an observational cohort study: the oral health of critically ill children. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (21-22), 3070-3080. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03797.x |
2011 Journal Article Engaging undergraduate nursing students in face-to-face tutorialsElder, Ruth L., Lewis, Peter A., Windsor, Carol A., Wheeler, Margaret, Forster, Elizabeth, Foster, Joanne and Chapman, Helen (2011). Engaging undergraduate nursing students in face-to-face tutorials. Nurse Education in Practice, 11 (5), 314-319. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2011.02.003 |
2011 Journal Article A prospective pilot study evaluating the 'cardiac decompensation score' in the setting of intraaortic balloon counterpulsationLewis, Peter A., Bartlett, Harry, Townsend, Shane, Courtney, Mary D., Mullany, Daniel V. and Coyer, Fiona M. (2011). A prospective pilot study evaluating the 'cardiac decompensation score' in the setting of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 27 (1), 31-36. doi: 10.1016/j.iccn.2010.10.001 |
2011 Book Chapter Thorax and lungsLewis, P. A. and Coyer, F. (2011). Thorax and lungs. Weber and Kelley’s Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian version). (pp. *-*) edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2011 Book Chapter Heart and neck vesselsLewis, P. A. (2011). Heart and neck vessels. Weber and Kelley’s Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian version). edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2011 Book Weber and Kelley's Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian edition)Lewis, Peter and Foley, David (2011). Weber and Kelley's Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian edition). Philadelphia, PA, United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2011 Book Chapter Female genitaliaLewis, P. A. and Seib, C. (2011). Female genitalia. Weber and Kelley’s Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian version). edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2011 Book Chapter Analysing data using critical thinking skillsLewis, P. A. and Douglas, C. (2011). Analysing data using critical thinking skills. Weber and Kelley’s Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian version). edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2011 Book Chapter Validating and documenting dataLewis, P. A. and Fairhall, R. (2011). Validating and documenting data. Weber and Kelley’s Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian version). edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2011 Book Chapter EarsLewis, P. A. (2011). Ears. Weber and Kelley’s Health Assessment in Nursing (Australasian version). edited by Peter Lewis and David Foley. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
2010 Book Chapter Assessment of cardiovascular functionLewis, P.A. (2010). Assessment of cardiovascular function. Smeltzer & Bare's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. edited by Maureen Farrell and Jennifer Dempsey. Broadway, NSW, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |