Dr. Theresa Scott, Associate Professor and former NHMRC Dementia Research Development Fellow, specialises in researching functional outcomes for older people and people living, or caring for a person, with dementia in various settings. Her NHMRC fellowship focused on dementia-related driving issues, leading to the co-development of CarFreeMe, a driving cessation program delivering support to people with dementia, adapted for telehealth delivery through additional NHMRC funding.
Dr. Scott's recent NHMRC MRFF-funded project collaborates with stakeholders to create resources for driving safety assessment with persons with dementia in primary care settings, including an innovative video-based fitness to drive test. She is Chief Investigator (CIA Prof Barbara Masser) on an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant that is generating new knowledge in recruiting, retaining, and deferring older blood donors.
Her research spans qualitative and quantitative methods and emphasises participatory research, co-design, and the integration of lived experiences. Her mixed methods research aims to improve the mental health, emotional well-being, quality of life and quality of care of older Australians and people living with progressive brain diseases such as dementia and their family care partners, through innovative research and knowledge translation activities. Her work addresses ageism, dementia stigma, mental health outcomes of psychosocial interventions, for example the mental health benefits of nature connection, significantly impacting dementia care, and loneliness and isolation.
Research interests:
- Ageing
- Aged care
- Co-design
- Dementia and quality of life
- Driving cessation and driving safety assessment
- Mental health outcomes of psychosocial interventions
Research Projects:
- Video-based Medical Fitness to Drive assessment (MRFF) http://researchers.uq.edu.au/research-project/55955
- Driving cessation intervention for persons with dementia (NHMRC) http://researchers.uq.edu.au/research-project/32115
- Engaging the over 50s to ensure the sustainability of our blood supply (ARC) http://researchers.uq.edu.au/research-project/61705
- Associate Professor Theresa Scott is:
- Not available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Psychological Science, The University of Queensland
- Postgraduate Diploma in Research Methods, The University of Queensland
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Research interests
Quality of life; Mobility; Driving; Fitness to drive assessment; Social support; Stigma; Supporting communication within families; Engagement
Ageism; Stigma and Self-stereotypes; Mental health; Positive ageing; Psychosocial interventions to support ageing well
Evidence based therapies supporting mental health
Social and therapeutic horticulture; nature therapy; nature connection.
Search Professor Theresa Scott’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Managing the transition to non-driving in patients with dementia in primary care settings: facilitators and barriers reported by primary care physicians
Scott, T. L., Liddle, J., Pachana, N. A., Beattie, E. and Mitchell, G. K. (2019). Managing the transition to non-driving in patients with dementia in primary care settings: facilitators and barriers reported by primary care physicians. International Psychogeriatrics, 32 (12) PII S1041610218002326, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S1041610218002326
Other Outputs
How medical professional students view older people with dementia - Dataset
Scott, Theresa, Kugelman, Melissa and Tulloch, Kristen (2019). How medical professional students view older people with dementia - Dataset. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2019.781
Conference Publication
Residential aged care staff: quantitative insight into staff attitudes towards entering RAC themselves
Walker, N., Scott, T., Pachana, N. and Dissanayaka, N. N. (2019). Residential aged care staff: quantitative insight into staff attitudes towards entering RAC themselves. NHMRC National Institute for Dementia Research Australian Dementia Forum, Hobart, Tasmania, 13-14 June 2019.
Journal Article
Persisting use of physical restraint: knowledge translation vs. attitudes
Walker, Nicole, Scott, Theresa, Dissanayaka, Nadeeka N., Barlow, Fiona Kate and Pachana, Nancy A. (2018). Persisting use of physical restraint: knowledge translation vs. attitudes. International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, 5, 1-4. doi: 10.21035/ijcnmh.2018.5.1
Conference Publication
The Good Neighbour Program: An innovative social support/educational integrated intervention in residential aged-care
Walker, N., Scott, T., Barlow, F. K., Pachana, N. A. and Dissanayaka, N. N. W. (2018). The Good Neighbour Program: An innovative social support/educational integrated intervention in residential aged-care. International Dementia Conference: Mission Impossible - Truth and Lies in the Age of Choice, Sydney, Australia, 7-8 June 2018.
Conference Publication
Attitudes towards Residential Aged Care (RAC): A contact theory approach
Walker, N., Dissanayaka, N., Scott, T. and Pachana, N.A. (2018). Attitudes towards Residential Aged Care (RAC): A contact theory approach. 3rd Annual NHMRC National Institute for Dementia Research (NNIDR) Australian Dementia Forum, Sydney, NSW Australia, 4 - 5 June 2018.
Conference Publication
Living with dementia and adjusting to life without driving
Scott, Theresa L., Liddle, Jacki, Pachana, Nancy, Mitchell, Geoffrey, Chapman, Jessica and Gustafsson, Louise (2018). Living with dementia and adjusting to life without driving. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 22-26 July 2018. Elsevier BV. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2004
Conference Publication
Attitudes, contact theory and age
Walker, N., Dissanayaka, N.N., Scott, T. and Pachana, N.A. (2018). Attitudes, contact theory and age. International Dementia Conference: "Mission Impossible? Truth and Lies in the Age of Choice", Sydney, NSW Australia, 7-8 June 2018.
Conference Publication
Residential aged care: industry and education taking a contact theory approach
Walker, N., Barlow, F., Reutas, J., Scott, T., Pachana, N. and Dissanayaka, N. (2018). Residential aged care: industry and education taking a contact theory approach. NNIDR Australian Dementia Forum, Sydney, Australia, 4-5 June 2018.
Journal Article
Evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy training for psychologists working with people with multiple sclerosis
Pakenham, Kenneth I., Scott, Theresa and Uccelli, Michele Messmer (2018). Evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy training for psychologists working with people with multiple sclerosis. International Journal of MS Care, 20 (1), 44-48. doi: 10.7224/1537-2073.2016-080
Journal Article
Appreciating the work of nurses caring for adults with intellectual disability and mental health issues
Taua, Chris, Neville, Christine and Scott, Theresa (2017). Appreciating the work of nurses caring for adults with intellectual disability and mental health issues. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 26 (6), 629-638. doi: 10.1111/inm.12291
Conference Publication
The Good Neighbour Program
Walker, N., Dissanayaka, N.N., Scott, T. and Pachana, N.A. (2017). The Good Neighbour Program. NHMRC National Institute for Dementia Research (NNIDR) Australian Dementia Forum, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 15-17 October 2017.
Conference Publication
The Good Neighbour Program: An innovative social support/educational integrated intervention in residential aged-care
Walker, N., Scott, T., Barlow, F. K., Pachana, N. A. and Dissanayaka, N. N. W. (2017). The Good Neighbour Program: An innovative social support/educational integrated intervention in residential aged-care. Psychology & Ageing Interest Group National Conference - Empowering older adults through psychology, Brisbane, Australia, 6-7 October 2017.
Conference Publication
Positive ageing and gardening: development and testing of a gardening survey measuring benefits of leisure gardening
Scott, T. L., Masser, B. M. and Pachana, N. A. (2016). Positive ageing and gardening: development and testing of a gardening survey measuring benefits of leisure gardening. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 17-22 August 2014. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1121.1
Conference Publication
Navigating Driving Cessation: Developing An Education and Support Program for People with Dementia
Scott, T. L., Liddle, J., Pachana, N., Beattie, E. and Mitchell, G. (2016). Navigating Driving Cessation: Developing An Education and Support Program for People with Dementia. GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, 16-20 November 2016. Cary, NC, United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnw162.1329
Conference Publication
Using indoor plants and natural elements to positively impact occupants of residential aged-care facilities
Scott, T. L., Masser, B. M. and Pachana, N. A. (2016). Using indoor plants and natural elements to positively impact occupants of residential aged-care facilities. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 17-22 August 2014. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1121.2
Conference Publication
Shaping attitudes: the association between prior contact with residential aged care and resistance to enter residential aged care
Walker, N., Dissanayaka, N.N., Scott, T. and Pachana, N.A. (2016). Shaping attitudes: the association between prior contact with residential aged care and resistance to enter residential aged care. Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 2016, Louisiana, United States, 16-20 November 2016.
Book Chapter
Therapeutic gardens and expressive therapies
Scott, Theresa L. and Pachana, Nancy A. (2016). Therapeutic gardens and expressive therapies. Complementary, alternative, and integrative interventions for mental health and aging: research and practice. (pp. 529-546) New York , NY, United States: Oxford Univerisity Press.
Journal Article
Mental health inpatient experiences of adults with intellectual disability
Taua, Chris, Neville, Christine and Scott, Theresa (2015). Mental health inpatient experiences of adults with intellectual disability. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 24 (6), 507-518. doi: 10.1111/inm.12148
Journal Article
Clinical and Counseling Psychology Graduate Students’ Expectations for Future Work With Older Adults
Woodhead, Erin L., Emery-Tiburcio, Erin E., Pachana, Nancy A., Scott, Theresa L., Konnert, Candace A. and Edelstein, Barry A. (2015). Clinical and Counseling Psychology Graduate Students’ Expectations for Future Work With Older Adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 38 (5), 357-374. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2015.1067271
Current funding
Past funding
- Associate Professor Theresa Scott is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Closed veins: understanding the experiences and psychosocial impact of permanent deferral in older donors
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Barbara Masser
Doctor Philosophy
An evaluation of primary care management of driving and driving cessation for people living with dementia, with a development and assessment of an innovative model of care
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Andrew Hill
Doctor Philosophy
Mindful and compassionate nature connection to increase the well-being of family members caring for people living with dementia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor James Kirby
Doctor Philosophy
Mathematically modelling the process of managing fitness to drive for people living with dementia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Mark Horswill, Dr David Sewell
Doctor Philosophy
Mathematically modelling the process of managing fitness to drive for people living with dementia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Mark Horswill, Dr David Sewell
Doctor Philosophy
Co-residence with Children, Are Older People Happy?
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Occupational Therapy in the Residential Aged Care Setting: The Occupational Therapists Role and Service Delivery in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Sally Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Exploring the role of institutional logics and work design in the facilitation of anomie in residential aged care.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kirsten Way
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Exploring the role of institutional logics and work design in the facilitation of anomie in residential aged care.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kirsten Way
Doctor Philosophy
Twillight or dimlight? Attitudes towards residential aged care and implementation of an learning integrated intervention designed to shift attitudes.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Nadeeka Dissanayaka, Professor Nancy Pachana
Doctor Philosophy
A Social Constructionist Appreciation of the mental health inpatient nursing care for people with intellectual disability.
Associate Advisor
Contact Associate Professor Theresa Scott directly for media enquiries about:
- ageing positively
- Dementia and driving cessation
- nature connection
- social and therapeutic gardening to combat loneliness and isolation
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