Dr Kïrsten Way is an Associate Professor and Program Director at the Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology at UQ where she conducts research on safety regulation, work-related mental health, work design, human factors, and occupational health. Her work focusses on psychosocial hazards both systemically and focally (investigating specific hazards such as conflict, bullying, fatigue, and sexual harassment). Dr. Way is an Organisational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Certified Professional Ergonomist. She has significant industry expertise having worked as the Director of a private consultancy specialising in WHS and organisational psychology and having held positions for Australian and UK WHS regulatory authorities, including Principal Inspector (Ergonomics), Manager Psychosocial Strategy Unit, and Manager WHS Policy Branch. She has provided expertise to the Australian and UK Governments and, for example, has assisted in the development of the Safe Work Australia Handbook Principles of Good Work Design, NSW’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces Benchmarking Tool and The Mentally Healthy Workplaces Strategy 2018-2022, as well as numerous WHS jurisdictions’ Psychosocial Regulations and Managing the Risk of Psychosocial Hazards at Work Codes of Practice.
- Associate Professor Kirsten Way is:
- Not available for supervision
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, The University of Queensland
- Bachelor of Arts, The University of Queensland
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
- Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Australian Catholic University
Research interests
Psychosocial Hazards, Workgroup Conflict; Bullying, Sexual Harassment
Work Health and Safety, Regulation, Policy, and Justice
Work-related Mental Health; Work Stress and Wellbeing;
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Search Professor Kirsten Way’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
The evolution of regulation to prevent psychosocial harm in Australia
Johnstone, Richard and Way, Kirsten A. (2024). The evolution of regulation to prevent psychosocial harm in Australia. Australian Journal of Labour Law, 37 (3), 271-294.
Other Outputs
Decision making about psychosocial hazards and risk in workplaces: a scoping review
Firth, Ian, Way, Kirsten and Li, Yiqiong (2024). Decision making about psychosocial hazards and risk in workplaces: a scoping review. Middletown, DE, United States: INPLASY: International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols. doi: 10.37766/inplasy2024.11.0057
Journal Article
Psychosocial hazards affecting mental health in the construction industry: a qualitative study in Australia
Hon, Carol K.H., Sun, Chenjunyan, Way, Kïrsten A., Jimmieson, Nerina L., Xia, Bo and Biggs, Herbert C. (2024). Psychosocial hazards affecting mental health in the construction industry: a qualitative study in Australia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31 (8), 3165-3192. doi: 10.1108/ECAM-07-2022-0617
Book Chapter
Stress management
Neall, Annabelle and Way, Kirsten (2024). Stress management. Elgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology. (pp. 182-185) Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781035313389.ch55
Book Chapter
Psychosocial risk management
Way, Kïrsten A. and Neall, Annabelle M. (2024). Psychosocial risk management. Elgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology. (pp. 153-156) Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781035313389.ch47
Journal Article
Fatigue management in mining: current practices and future directions
Horberry, Tim, Harris, Jill, Cliff, David, Dodshon, Philippa, Lee, Joanna, Lim, Nigel and Way, Kïrsten (2024). Fatigue management in mining: current practices and future directions. Journal of Work Health and Safety Regulation 23-004. doi: 10.57523/jaohlev.oa.23-004
Journal Article
When Is Legitimating Legitimate? An Exploration of Health and Safety Professionals’ Use of the ‘Legitimating’ Tactic When Attempting to Influence Work Health and Safety
Madigan, Cassandra, Johnstone, Kelly, Way, Kirsten A. and Capra, Mike (2024). When Is Legitimating Legitimate? An Exploration of Health and Safety Professionals’ Use of the ‘Legitimating’ Tactic When Attempting to Influence Work Health and Safety. Journal of Work Health and Safety Regulation, 1-19. doi: 10.57523/jaohlev.oa.23-001
Journal Article
Need for recovery among site-based construction practitioners in Australia: a latent class analysis and multinomial logistic regression
Sun, Chenjunyan, Hon, Carol K. H., Way, Kïrsten A., Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Xia, Bo (2024). Need for recovery among site-based construction practitioners in Australia: a latent class analysis and multinomial logistic regression. Journal of Management in Engineering, 40 (1) 04023048, 1-10. doi: 10.1061/jmenea.meeng-5594
Journal Article
Does context count? The association between quality of care and job characteristics in residential aged care and hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hodroj, Batoul, Way, Kïrsten Agnes, Scott, Theresa L., Wright, April L. and Manchha, Asmita (2023). Does context count? The association between quality of care and job characteristics in residential aged care and hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Gerontologist, 63 (6), 1012-1027. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnac039
Journal Article
Reconceptualizing stigmas in aged care: a typology of stigmatizing discourses in the aged-care context
Manchha, Asmita V., Tann, Ken, Way, Kïrsten A. and Thai, Michael (2023). Reconceptualizing stigmas in aged care: a typology of stigmatizing discourses in the aged-care context. The Gerontologist, 63 (6), 1000-1011. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnac192
Conference Publication
Planning for the Aged Care Workforce of the Future- Implications of Stigma on Health Professionals’ Intentions to Work in Aged Care
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2023). Planning for the Aged Care Workforce of the Future- Implications of Stigma on Health Professionals’ Intentions to Work in Aged Care. Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Meeting, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 10-12 May 2023.
Journal Article
A Bayesian network model for the impacts of psychosocial hazards on the mental health of site-based construction practitioners
Sun, Chenjunyan, Hon, Carol K. H., Way, Kïrsten A., Jimmieson, Nerina L., Xia, Bo and Wu, Paul Pao-Yen (2023). A Bayesian network model for the impacts of psychosocial hazards on the mental health of site-based construction practitioners. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149 (3) 04022184, 1-14. doi: 10.1061/jcemd4.coeng-12905
Other Outputs
Fatigue management in the Queensland mining industry and its relationship with mental health: final report to Office of the Commissioner Resources Safety and Health
Horberry, T. , Harris, J. , Way, K. , Hill, A. , Lim, N. , Dodshon, P. , Lee, J. and Cliff, D. (2023). Fatigue management in the Queensland mining industry and its relationship with mental health: final report to Office of the Commissioner Resources Safety and Health. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Government.
Journal Article
Shared perceptions of fatigue management in workgroups: a cross-level moderator of the negative impact of work spillover on custodial officer outcomes
Way, Kïrsten A., Jimmieson, Nerina L., Manchha, Asmita and D’allura, Louise (2023). Shared perceptions of fatigue management in workgroups: a cross-level moderator of the negative impact of work spillover on custodial officer outcomes. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 50 (4), 009385482211435-577. doi: 10.1177/00938548221143532
Journal Article
“The Stigma is what you do”: Examining the relationship between occupational stigma and worker outcomes in the aged care context
Manchha, Asmita V., Way, Kïrsten A., Thai, Michael and Tann, Ken (2023). “The Stigma is what you do”: Examining the relationship between occupational stigma and worker outcomes in the aged care context. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 42 (2), 221-230. doi: 10.1177/07334648221129849
Conference Publication
Choosing to challenge occupational stigma: implications for workers’ mental health
Manchha, A., Tann, K., Way, K. and Thai, M. (2022). Choosing to challenge occupational stigma: implications for workers’ mental health. 35th ANZAM Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 5-7 December 2022. Gold Coast, QLD Australia:
Conference Publication
Understanding stigma in the context of working in aged care.
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2022). Understanding stigma in the context of working in aged care.. National Conference of Emerging Researchers in Ageing, Online, 10 November 2022.
Conference Publication
Understanding internalised stigma in aged care workers: negative psychological and job outcomes
Manchha, Asmita, Way, Kirsten, Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2022). Understanding internalised stigma in aged care workers: negative psychological and job outcomes. Australian Association of Gerontology conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, November 2022.
Conference Publication
Stigmatising discourses in the context of the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care
Manchha, Asmita, Tann, Ken, Way, Kirsten and Thai, Michael (2022). Stigmatising discourses in the context of the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care. Australian Association of Gerontology conference, Online, November 2022.
Journal Article
The social construction of stigma in aged-care work: implications for health professionals’ work intentions
Manchha, Asmita V., Way, Kïrsten A., Tann, Ken and Thai, Michael (2022). The social construction of stigma in aged-care work: implications for health professionals’ work intentions. The Gerontologist, 62 (7), 994-1005. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnac002
Current funding
Past funding
- Associate Professor Kirsten Way is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Work-related injury and illness experience of trade apprentices in Australia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kelly Johnstone
Doctor Philosophy
The complexity of regulating mental health at work: a general systems theory approach for understanding large scale uplifts for worker mental health
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Exploring the role of institutional logics and work design in the facilitation of anomie in residential aged care.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Theresa Scott
Doctor Philosophy
The complexity of regulating mental health at work: a general systems theory approach for understanding large scale uplifts for worker mental health
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The Regulation of Psychosocial Hazards in Australian Workplaces.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Yiqiong Li
Doctor Philosophy
Managing ethical transgressions in military personnel in novel situations: a tame solution to a wicked problem?
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Alex Haslam
Doctor Philosophy
Senior leaders' cognitions regarding psychosocial risk management
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Managing ethical transgressions in military personnel in novel situations: a tame solution to a wicked problem?
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Alex Haslam
Doctor Philosophy
Gap Analysis of Return to Work for Mine Dust Lung Disease Affected Workers in the Mining and Artificial Stone Industries
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kelly Johnstone, Associate Professor Margaret Cook
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Exploring the role of institutional logics and work design in the facilitation of anomie in residential aged care.
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Theresa Scott
Doctor Philosophy
Deeply discrediting: The stigma of working in aged care
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Michael Thai, Dr Ken Tann
Doctor Philosophy
Advancing the conceptualisation and operationalisation of workability in later career workers
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Shaun O'Leary
Doctor Philosophy
Employee responses to jerks at work: Understanding the underlying motives of justice repair following workplace transgressions
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tyler Okimoto
Doctor Philosophy
Influencing occupational health and safety outcomes: How occupational health and safety professionals influence
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kelly Johnstone
Doctor Philosophy
When to work: The influence of enrichment, boundaries, and recovery on working parents and their children
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Stacey Parker
For media enquiries about Associate Professor Kirsten Way's areas of expertise, story ideas and help finding experts, contact our Media team: