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Associate Professor Yiqiong Li
Associate Professor

Yiqiong Li

+61 7 334 68078



Yiqiong specializes in research within the domains of HRM and organizational behavior, with a particular focus on workplace bullying prevention. Her research agenda explores how organizational and job factors influence work-related well-being and seeks to translate this knowledge into strategies that enhance employee health and safety. Yiqiong works closely with organisations, unions, and peak work health and safety bodies to ensure that the findings of her research are translated into workplaces effectively. Her work has informed workplace practices and provided practical resources that support system-wide changes that not only prevent bullying but also promote the overall well-being of all employees.


Associate Professor Yiqiong Li is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales


Search Professor Yiqiong Li’s works on UQ eSpace

48 works between 2010 and 2025

1 - 20 of 48 works


Journal Article

Organizational formalization neutralizes the effect of leader trait anger and vision on follower trust in the leader

Collins, Michael, Li, Yiqiong, Brienza, Justin P. and Restubog, Simon (2025). Organizational formalization neutralizes the effect of leader trait anger and vision on follower trust in the leader. Personnel Review, 54 (1), 199-219. doi: 10.1108/pr-01-2023-0042

Organizational formalization neutralizes the effect of leader trait anger and vision on follower trust in the leader


Journal Article

Green finance and environmental pollution: Evidence from China

Zhang, Yongji, Bawuerjiang, Reziya, Lu, Meiting, Li, Yiqiong and Wang, Ke (2024). Green finance and environmental pollution: Evidence from China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 84, 98-110. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2024.08.022

Green finance and environmental pollution: Evidence from China


Other Outputs

Decision making about psychosocial hazards and risk in workplaces: a scoping review

Firth, Ian, Way, Kirsten and Li, Yiqiong (2024). Decision making about psychosocial hazards and risk in workplaces: a scoping review. Middletown, DE, United States: INPLASY: International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols. doi: 10.37766/inplasy2024.11.0057

Decision making about psychosocial hazards and risk in workplaces: a scoping review


Journal Article

Family intergenerational stress: Concept exploration and development via coping and identity management

Dai, Guangsong, Zhang, Lanxia, Kay, Adam A., Li, Yiqiong, Mao, Mengyu and Zhang, Qingqiang (2024). Family intergenerational stress: Concept exploration and development via coping and identity management. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 29 (5), 359-372. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000388

Family intergenerational stress: Concept exploration and development via coping and identity management


Conference Publication

Innovating for Inclusion: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements on LGBT Issues in Organizations

Pichler, Shaun Michael, Restubog, Simon Lloyd D., Fletcher, Luke, Chandrasekaran, Lakshmi, Ozbilgin, Mustafa, Cruz, Mateo, Sawyer, Katina, Pervez, Adam, Webster, Jennica R., Gabriel, Kelly, Li, Yiqiong, Schilpzand, Pauline, He, Yaqing, Nerona, Randolfh, Roberson, Quinetta M. and Thoroughgood, Christian Noble (2024). Innovating for Inclusion: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements on LGBT Issues in Organizations. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.17459symposium

Innovating for Inclusion: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements on LGBT Issues in Organizations


Book Chapter

Organizational climate and culture

Li, Yiqiong and Anderson, Vicki L. (2024). Organizational climate and culture. Elgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology. (pp. 122-125) Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781035313389.ch38

Organizational climate and culture


Journal Article

Job characteristics and employee outcomes: criterion validity of the US Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job analysis database in the Australian context

Li, Yiqiong, Tuckey, Michelle R., Chen, Peter Y. and Dollard, Maureen F. (2024). Job characteristics and employee outcomes: criterion validity of the US Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job analysis database in the Australian context. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33 (3), 325-339. doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2024.2314923

Job characteristics and employee outcomes: criterion validity of the US Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job analysis database in the Australian context


Journal Article

Exploring the enablers, motivators, and triggers of upwards bullying

Tuckey, Michelle R., Oppert, Michelle, Neall, Annabelle M., Li, Yiqiong and Selby, Helen (2024). Exploring the enablers, motivators, and triggers of upwards bullying. Work and Stress, 38 (3), 321-347. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2024.2308826

Exploring the enablers, motivators, and triggers of upwards bullying


Conference Publication

Out of control: how trait impulsiveness and intelligence influence abusive supervision and leader effectiveness

Collins, Michael, Li, Yiqiong and Restubog, Simon (2023). Out of control: how trait impulsiveness and intelligence influence abusive supervision and leader effectiveness. European Academy of Management, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023.

Out of control: how trait impulsiveness and intelligence influence abusive supervision and leader effectiveness


Journal Article

Arousing employee pro‐environmental behavior: A synergy effect of environmentally specific transformational leadership and green human resource management

Tu, Yu, Li, Yiqiong and Zuo, Wenchao (2023). Arousing employee pro‐environmental behavior: A synergy effect of environmentally specific transformational leadership and green human resource management. Human Resource Management, 62 (2), 159-179. doi: 10.1002/hrm.22138

Arousing employee pro‐environmental behavior: A synergy effect of environmentally specific transformational leadership and green human resource management


Journal Article

Changing the underlying conditions relevant to workplace bullying through organisational redesign

Li, Yiqiong, Tuckey, Michelle R., Neall, Annabelle M., Rose, Alice and Wilson, Lauren (2023). Changing the underlying conditions relevant to workplace bullying through organisational redesign. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5) 4373, 1-27. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20054373

Changing the underlying conditions relevant to workplace bullying through organisational redesign


Book Chapter

Impacts of stress and well-being on organizations and societies: a global perspective

Chen, Peter Y., Li, Yiqiong and Wu, Haibo (2023). Impacts of stress and well-being on organizations and societies: a global perspective. Organizational stress and well-being. (pp. 30-64) edited by Laurent M. Lapierre and Sir Cary Cooper. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009268332.004

Impacts of stress and well-being on organizations and societies: a global perspective


Journal Article

The effects of job autonomy and customer service self-efficacy on negative mood following customer aggression: a trajectory perspective

Li, Yiqiong and Tuckey, Michelle R. (2023). The effects of job autonomy and customer service self-efficacy on negative mood following customer aggression: a trajectory perspective. International Journal of Stress Management, 30 (3), 287-297. doi: 10.1037/str0000290

The effects of job autonomy and customer service self-efficacy on negative mood following customer aggression: a trajectory perspective


Journal Article

An experience sampling study of employees’ reactions to noise in the open-plan office

Ayoko, Oluremi B., Ashkanasy, Neal M., Li, Yiqiong, Dorris, Alana and Jehn, Karen A. (2023). An experience sampling study of employees’ reactions to noise in the open-plan office. Journal of Business Research, 155 113445, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113445

An experience sampling study of employees’ reactions to noise in the open-plan office


Journal Article

Exploring the relationship between workplace bullying and objective cognitive performance

Tuckey, Michelle R., Li, Yiqiong, Huisy, Gina, Bryan, Janet, de Wit, Adele and Bond, Stephanie (2023). Exploring the relationship between workplace bullying and objective cognitive performance. Work and Stress, 38 (2), 1-22. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2023.2251126

Exploring the relationship between workplace bullying and objective cognitive performance


Journal Article

Workplace bullying as an organizational problem: Spotlight on people management practices

Tuckey, Michelle R., Li, Yiqiong, Neall, Annabelle M., Chen, Peter Y., Dollard, Maureen F., McLinton, Sarven S., Rogers, Alex and Mattiske, Joshua (2022). Workplace bullying as an organizational problem: Spotlight on people management practices. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27 (6), 544-565. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000335

Workplace bullying as an organizational problem: Spotlight on people management practices


Journal Article

Is primary appraisal a mechanism of daily mindfulness at work?

Jamieson, Stephanie D., Tuckey, Michelle R., Li, Yiqiong and Hutchinson, Amanda D. (2022). Is primary appraisal a mechanism of daily mindfulness at work?. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27 (4), 377-391. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000324

Is primary appraisal a mechanism of daily mindfulness at work?


Conference Publication

Mind(fulness) over matter: mechanisms of mindfulness to facilitate work functioning

Gupta, Alisha, Reina, Chris, Choi, Ellen, Gupta, Alisha, Kay, Adam Austen, Lyddy, Christopher James, Town, Sophia, Arnold, Kara Anne, Carleton, Erica, Goh, Zen, Good, Darren Jason, Hancock, Amanda J., Keller, Josh, Kudesia, Ravi S., Lange, Donald A., Li, Yiqiong, Ortynsky, Mikaila, Reina, Chris, Steffens, Niklas, Vogus, Timothy J. and Walsh, Megan Marie (2022). Mind(fulness) over matter: mechanisms of mindfulness to facilitate work functioning. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Unknown, Unknown. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2022.13546symposium

Mind(fulness) over matter: mechanisms of mindfulness to facilitate work functioning


Journal Article

Leader–follower interpersonal behaviors, emotional regulation and LMX quality

Ayoko, Oluremi B., Tan, Pao P. and Li, Yiqiong (2022). Leader–follower interpersonal behaviors, emotional regulation and LMX quality. Journal of Management & Organization, 29 (3) PII S1833367222000268, 1-18. doi: 10.1017/jmo.2022.26

Leader–follower interpersonal behaviors, emotional regulation and LMX quality


Book Chapter

I-deals: Not ideal for employee diversity?

Perera, Sanjeewa and Li, Yiqiong (2022). I-deals: Not ideal for employee diversity?. Idiosyncratic deals at work. (pp. 211-235) edited by Smriti Anand and Yasin Rofcanin. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-88516-8_10

I-deals: Not ideal for employee diversity?


Current funding

  • 2025 - 2028
    Cultivating Systemic Safety to Prevent Workplace Sexual Harassment (ARC Linkage Project administered by University of South Australia)
    University of South Australia
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2024
    QLD Police Service diversity and inclusion review
    Queensland Human Rights Commission
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2021
    Preventing Bullying at Work by Improving the Underlying Risk Contexts
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant



Associate Professor Yiqiong Li is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



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