Dr. Lieske’s overarching research theme is spatial decision support. Topics include city analytics, the costs of sprawl, planning support system theory and implementation as well as regional environmental change. Additional areas of expertise include the effective use of geographic visualisation as a communication and decision support tool.
- Dr Scott Lieske is:
- Not available for supervision
Fields of research
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Sunshine Coast
Research interests
Using crowd sourced data to understand human movement through the built environment
Urban Form, Infrastructure and Public Services – the Costs of Sprawl and Challenges of Density
Geographical Visualization for Linking Scientific and Local Knowledge
Understanding the structure and dynamics of complex human and natural systems
This research uses geographical analysis and visual tools to develop and communicate spatially explicit models that synthesize existing biological, socio-economic, and other geographic data. Goals are to assess vulnerability and risk, as well as characterize resilience, mitigation and adaptation priorities.
Geographic Information Systems and Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Search Professor Scott Lieske’s works on UQ eSpace
Book Chapter
Transcending the exemplars of utility and implementation in planning support science
Lieske, Scott N. (2020). Transcending the exemplars of utility and implementation in planning support science. Handbook of Planning Support Science. (pp. 270-280) edited by Stan Geertman and John Stillwell. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781788971089.00027
Journal Article
Assessing geographical representativeness of crowdsourced urban mobility data: an empirical investigation of Australian bicycling
Lieske, Scott N., Leao, Simone Z., Conrow, Lindsey and Pettit, Chris (2019). Assessing geographical representativeness of crowdsourced urban mobility data: an empirical investigation of Australian bicycling. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48 (4), 239980831989433-792. doi: 10.1177/2399808319894334
Journal Article
Intertwining globality and locality: bibliometric analysis based on the top geography annual conferences in America and China
Zhuang, Liang, Ye, Chao and Lieske, Scott N. (2019). Intertwining globality and locality: bibliometric analysis based on the top geography annual conferences in America and China. Scientometrics, 122 (2), 1075-1096. doi: 10.1007/s11192-019-03325-3
Journal Article
Breaking down the silos through geodesign - envisioning Sydney's urban future
Pettit, Christopher J., Hawken, Scott, Ticzon, Carmela, Leao, Simone Z., Afrooz, Aida E., Lieske, Scott N., Canfield, Tess, Ballal, Hrishi and Steinitz, Carl (2019). Breaking down the silos through geodesign - envisioning Sydney's urban future. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46 (8), 1387-1404. doi: 10.1177/2399808318812887
Book Chapter
A fractal approach to explore Australian urban form and its impacting factors at neighbourhood scale
Jia, Mengyuan, Liu, Yan, Lieske, Scott N. and Chen, Tian (2019). A fractal approach to explore Australian urban form and its impacting factors at neighbourhood scale. The Mathematics of Urban Morphology. (pp. 123-144) edited by Luca D'Acci. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12381-9_6
Journal Article
A GIS based planning support system for assessing financial feasibility of urban redevelopment
Leao, Simone Z., Troy, Laurence, Lieske, Scott N., Randolph, Bill and Pettit, Chris (2018). A GIS based planning support system for assessing financial feasibility of urban redevelopment. GeoJournal, 83 (6), 1373-1392. doi: 10.1007/s10708-017-9843-2
Journal Article
Why do a PhD in geography? A sympathetic response to ‘the career aspirations and expectations of geography students’
Sigler, Thomas, Lieske, Scott N., Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2018). Why do a PhD in geography? A sympathetic response to ‘the career aspirations and expectations of geography students’. Geographical Research, 56 (4), 479-483. doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12307
Book Chapter
Modelling value uplift on future transport infrastructure
Lieske, Scott N., van den Nouwelant, Ryan, Han, Hoon and Pettit, Chris (2018). Modelling value uplift on future transport infrastructure. Real Estate and GIS. (pp. 80-98) edited by Richard Reed and Chris Pettit. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.1201/9781315642789-5
Journal Article
The socio-economic vulnerability of the Australian east coast grazing sector to the impacts of climate change
Smith, Erin F., Lieske, Scott N., Keys, Noni and Smith, Timothy F. (2018). The socio-economic vulnerability of the Australian east coast grazing sector to the impacts of climate change. Regional Environmental Change, 18 (4), 1185-1199. doi: 10.1007/s10113-017-1251-0
Journal Article
Planning support systems for smart cities
Pettit, Christopher, Bakelmun, Ashley, Lieske, Scott N., Glackin, Stephen, Hargroves, Karlson ‘Charlie’, Thomson, Giles, Shearer, Heather, Dia, Hussein and Newman, Peter (2018). Planning support systems for smart cities. City, Culture and Society, 12, 13-24. doi: 10.1016/j.ccs.2017.10.002
Book Chapter
Understanding the interaction between a protected destination system and conservation tourism through remote sensing
Miller, M. L., Lieske, S. N., Carter, R. W. and Walsh, S. J. (2018). Understanding the interaction between a protected destination system and conservation tourism through remote sensing. Comprehensive remote sensing. (pp. 123-143) edited by Shunlin Liang. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-409548-9.10418-x
Journal Article
Indigenous land management in peri-urban landscapes: an Australian example
Wilson, Rachele S., Pearce, Tristan, Jones, Kerry, Fleischfresser, Sean, Davis, Bridgette, Jones, Genevieve and Lieske, Scott (2018). Indigenous land management in peri-urban landscapes: an Australian example. Society and Natural Resources, 31 (3), 335-350. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2017.1383543
Journal Article
Validating crowdsourced bicycling mobility data for supporting city planning
Leao, Simone Z., Lieske, Scott N. and Pettit, Chris J. (2017). Validating crowdsourced bicycling mobility data for supporting city planning. Transportation Letters, 11 (9), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/19427867.2017.1401198
Journal Article
Building a national-longitudinal geospatial bicycling data collection from crowdsourcing
Leao, Simone Z., Lieske, Scott N. , Conrow, Lindsey, Doig, Jonathan, Mann, Vandana and Pettit, Chris J. (2017). Building a national-longitudinal geospatial bicycling data collection from crowdsourcing. Urban Science, 1 (3) 23, 23. doi: 10.3390/urbansci1030023
Conference Publication
Factors motivating bicycling in Sydney: analysing crowd-sourced data
Izadpanahi, Parisa, Leao, Simone Z., Lieske, Scott N. and Pettit, Christopher (2017). Factors motivating bicycling in Sydney: analysing crowd-sourced data. Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), Edinburgh, Scotland, 3-5 July 2017.
Conference Publication
Citydash: Visualising a Changing City using open data
Pettit, Christopher, Lieske, Scott N. and Jamal, Murad (2017). Citydash: Visualising a Changing City using open data. 15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 2017, Adelaide, South Australia, July 11-14, 2017. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-57819-4_19
Conference Publication
Factors motivating bicycling in Sydney: analysing crowd-sourced data
Izadpanahi, Parisa, Leao, Simone Z., Lieske, Scott N. and Pettit, Chris J. (2017). Factors motivating bicycling in Sydney: analysing crowd-sourced data. 33rd PLEA International Conference Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2-5 July 2017. Edinburgh, Scotland: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings.
Journal Article
Using the DPSIR framework for transdisciplinary training and knowledge elicitation in the Gulf of Thailand
Baldwin, Claudia, Lewison, Rebecca L., Lieske, Scott N., Beger, Maria, Hines, Ellen, Dearden, Phil, Rudd, Murray A., Jones, Christian, Satumanatpan, Suvaluck and Junchompoo, Chalatip (2016). Using the DPSIR framework for transdisciplinary training and knowledge elicitation in the Gulf of Thailand. Ocean and Coastal Management, 134, 163-172. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.09.005
Journal Article
The impact of residential development pattern on wildland fire suppression expenditures
Clark, Anna M. , Rashford, Benjamin S. , McLeod, Donald M., Lieske, Scott N. , Coupal, Roger H. and Albeke, Shannon E. (2016). The impact of residential development pattern on wildland fire suppression expenditures. Land Economics, 92 (4), 656-678. doi: 10.3368/le.92.4.656
Conference Publication
Big bicycle data processing: From personal data to urban applications
Pettit, C. J., Lieske, S. N. and Leao, S. Z. (2016). Big bicycle data processing: From personal data to urban applications. 23rd International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress, ISPRS 2016, Prague, , July 12, 2016-July 19, 2016. Goettingen, Germany: Copernicus GmbH. doi: 10.5194/isprs-annals-iii-2-173-2016
- Dr Scott Lieske is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Geographers, Geospatial Technology and Indigenous Knowledge
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Peter Earl
Doctor Philosophy
A model to estimate the total system cost of different power supply technologies
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Using Sustainability Criteria to Evaluate and Rank OECD Countries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr David Wadley
Doctor Philosophy
Transportation network modelling and simulation under disaster scenarios
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Modelling Human-Environment Interactions: Testing Irregular CA and 3D Urban Models
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jonathan Corcoran
Doctor Philosophy
Investigating the interconnections between community values, well-being as a function of liveability, and water management
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Yongping Wei
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding Vertical Urban Development by Incorporating Housing Preference: The Case in Brisbane, Australia
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding heterogeneous interregional migration trends in developed countries
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Aude Bernard
Doctor Philosophy
Epidemiology and prediction of stillbirth in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Sailesh Kumar, Honorary Professor Vicki Flenady
Doctor Philosophy
Closing the gap: Cycling dissonance in urban commuting
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Jonathan Corcoran
Doctor Philosophy
Integrating Urban Space and Water Systems in Growth Boundary Management: A Case Study of Tianjin
Associate Advisor
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