My research interests cover a number of areas within history and philosophy of science and medicine, moral psychology, bioethics and medical ethics, health law, and medical education, with particular interests in philosophy of psychiatry, end-of-life care and decisions, reproductive medicine, medical professionalism, research ethics, evidence-based medicine and complementary medicine.
Areas of particular interest include:
- Conceptual research in bioethical methodology, particularly principlism and global bioethics
- Ethical aspects of the doctor-patient relationship
- End-of-life issues including euthanasia, mandatory psychiatric review of requests for assisted death, psychiatric medicalisation, withdrawal of treatment, causation of death, competence determination, end-of-life policy-making
- Reproductive issues including prenatal testing, posthumous conception and embryo research
- Human research ethics
- Changes in medical negligence and tort law
- Evidence-based medicine: implications for medical ethics and relations to clinical judgement
- Complementary and alternative medicine: scientific and ethical status, regulation, negligence, integration with orthodox medicine
- Education in medical ethics, medical and health law, professionalism, medical humanities
- Assessment of personal and professional behaviour of medical students
- Statutory regulation of clinical competence and professional conduct
- Emeritus Professor Malcolm Parker is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery and Medical Science, The University of Queensland
- Masters (Coursework), University of New England Australia
- Masters (Coursework), University of Melbourne
- Doctoral Diploma of Medicine, The University of Queensland
Research interests
List of interests
• Conceptual research in bioethical methodology, particularly principlism and global bioethics • Ethical aspects of the doctor-patient relationship • End-of-life issues including euthanasia, mandatory psychiatric review of requests for assisted death, psychiatric medicalisation, withdrawal of treatment, causation of death, competence determination, end-of-life policy-making • Reproductive issues including prenatal testing, posthumous conception and embryo research • Human research ethics • Changes in medical negligence and tort law • Evidence-based medicine: implications for medical ethics and relations to clinical judgement • Complementary and alternative medicine: scientific and ethical status, regulation, negligence, integration with orthodox medicine • Education in medical ethics, medical and health law, professionalism, medical humanities • Assessment of personal and professional behaviour of medical students • Statutory regulation of clinical competence and professional conduct
Research impacts
My research has had direct or indirect impact in the following areas:
- Management of impaired doctors and medical students - leader in development of curriculum, teaching and assessment of medical professionalism and student behaviour, via publications, research-based developments at UQ and invited national and international contributions.
- Medical education - improving and expanding medical ethics and law education in Australia, via publication and research-based development of curricum, teaching and assessment.
- Human research ethics - broadening the remit of the National Statement on Research Involving Humans beyond the medical categories, via collaborative contributions to the research literature.
Search Professor Malcolm Parker’s works on UQ eSpace
Other Outputs
Physicians and Voluntary Euthanasia
M Parker (1993, 09 01). Physicians and Voluntary Euthanasia AMAQ Bulletin 10.
Journal Article
Euthanasia and Conservative Values
Parker, Malcolm H. (1993). Euthanasia and Conservative Values. Quadrant, 88-92.
Journal Article
Physicians and Voluntary Euthanasia
Parker, Malcolm H. (1993). Physicians and Voluntary Euthanasia. AMAQ bulletin (10)
Conference Publication
Contemporary Bioethics, Medical Values, and the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Parker, Malcolm H. (1991). Contemporary Bioethics, Medical Values, and the Doctor-Patient Relationship. Australian Bioethics Association First National Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 5-7 April, 1991. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Bioethics Association.
Journal Article
Moral intuition, good deaths, and ordinary medical practitioners
Parker, M. (1990). Moral intuition, good deaths, and ordinary medical practitioners. Journal of Medical Ethics, 16 (1), 28-34. doi: 10.1136/jme.16.1.28
Journal Article
Inviting Clinicians to Kill...
Parker, M. H. (1990). Inviting Clinicians to Kill.... The Hastings Center report, 20 (2), 51-51. doi: 10.2307/3562623
Journal Article
Objective Basis for Ethical Issues: Response to Faunce
Parker, Malcolm H. (1988). Objective Basis for Ethical Issues: Response to Faunce. The Medical Journal of Australia, 149 (5), 288-288.
Journal Article
Morals and Medicines
Parker, Malcolm H. (1988). Morals and Medicines. Modern Medicine, 68
Journal Article
Reminder notices about cervical smears
Parker, M. H. (1988). Reminder notices about cervical smears. Australian Family Physician, 17 (3)
Journal Article
Dying: Rights and Responsibilities: Response to Pollard
Parker, Malcolm H. (1988). Dying: Rights and Responsibilities: Response to Pollard. Medical Journal of Australia, 149 (10), 565-566.
Journal Article
The ethics of coercion
Parker, Malcolm H. (1988). The ethics of coercion. Medical Journal of Australia, 148 (10), 540-542.
Journal Article
Response to Larry Osborne: The Allocation of Health Resources: A model based on giving priority to those in pain
Parker, Malcolm H. (1987). Response to Larry Osborne: The Allocation of Health Resources: A model based on giving priority to those in pain. Bioethics News, 43
- Emeritus Professor Malcolm Parker is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
General practice trainee help-seeking, and supervisor input, during trainee consultations with patients
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Capacity and Treatment Refusal: How Law Should Deal with the Case of Anorexia Nervosa
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tamara Walsh
Doctor Philosophy
Unpacking Affective Learning: A Longitudinal, Qualitative Study Exploring How Junior Doctors Learn To Be Compassionate Through Practice.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Di Eley, Dr Emma Bartle
Doctor Philosophy
Contested Concepts: The Salience of Metaphysics to Bioethical Debate.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor William Grey
Doctor Philosophy
Measuring Professional Behaviour of Medical Students, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC)
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
A contextual approach for ethical analysis in clinical genetics
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor William Grey
Contact Emeritus Professor Malcolm Parker directly for media enquiries about:
- Bioethics
- Biology and ethics
- Doctors - professional development
- Education - medicine
- Ethics - biology
- Ethics - medical
- Ethics and biology
- Health law
- History of medicine
- Law - health
- Law - medical
- Medical education
- Medical ethics
- Medical history
- Medical law
- Medicine - philosophy of
- Philosophy and medicine
- Professional development - medicine
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