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Dr Ravinder Sidhu

Ravinder Sidhu

+61 7 336 56649



My research interest may be seen to lie within one or more of the following areas

· Postcolonial sociologies of education

· Critical governmentality studies

· Student mobilities.

· Studies of globalization and transnationalism in relation to education institutions, policies and practices

· International higher education governance

· Development and education

These interests probably have something to do with my personal biography. I am a first generation ‘education migrant’ whose parents migrated to Australia at the tail end of the 1970s, their postcolonial dream unraveled by the cultural politics of new nationhood. We came to live in Western Australia at the end of one mining boom (this one was Japan driven), and the start of a major economic restructuring project that would transform the Australia economy, and the lifestyles and livelihoods of many of its citizens. I finished high school and then majored in Microbiology at the University of Western Australia, before working for two years in a genetics laboratory on the molecular aspects of change in anaerobic bacteria. I subsequently moved disciplines to the social sciences, completed a degree in Social Work, and worked for a decade in a number of areas ranging from child protection and juvenile justice to ‘educational development assistance’, multicultural counselling, refugee settlement and international student advising. In 1999, I commenced my PhD studies. My thesis investigated the workings of the education export industry using postcolonial and poststructuralist frameworks. It critically appraised the concept of globalisation and its use to govern international education. Through this work, I developed an interest in the different actors in the cast of globalization - international students, transnational scientists, and refugees and asylum seekers.

My more recent research has focused on emerging education hubs in Singapore and Malaysia and the transnational mobilities of ‘knowledge workers’ recruited to these emerging knowledge spatialities. I am also investigating the temporal reach and recontextualisation of colonial knowledges and practices on assembling ‘postcolonial’ subjectivities in the context of Southeast Asia. I have a strong interest in empirical work and welcome enquires from students who are interested in deep and substantive engagement with theoretical frameworks. Being a cultural, professional and disciplinary hybrid, I am keen to work across disciplines.

I am actively involved in three research projects at present, all concerned variously with investigations of mobility:

  • Globalising Universities and International Student Mobilities in East Asia, Funded by the Ministry of Education, Government of Singapore
  • Transnational Knowledge Workers in the Life-and Technosciences, Funded by the University of Queensland
  • Inbound and Outbound Student Mobility, Funded by the University of Queensland.


Dr Ravinder Sidhu is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Science, University of Western Australia
  • Bachelor (Honours), The University of Queensland
  • Masters (Coursework) of Education, Queensland University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


Search Professor Ravinder Sidhu’s works on UQ eSpace

69 works between 2000 and 2024

21 - 40 of 69 works


Journal Article

Governmental assemblages of internationalising universities: Mediating circulation and containment in East Asia

Sidhu, Ravinder, Collins, Francis, Lewis, Nicolas and Yeoh, Brenda (2016). Governmental assemblages of internationalising universities: Mediating circulation and containment in East Asia. Environment and Planning A, 48 (8), 1493-1513. doi: 10.1177/0308518X16644255

Governmental assemblages of internationalising universities: Mediating circulation and containment in East Asia


Journal Article

Beyond neoliberalism: universities and the public good

Sidhu, Ravinder (2015). Beyond neoliberalism: universities and the public good. Australian Review of Public Affairs.

Beyond neoliberalism: universities and the public good


Journal Article

Australian undergraduate students on the move: experiencing outbound mobility

Dall'Alba, Gloria and Sidhu, Ravinder (2015). Australian undergraduate students on the move: experiencing outbound mobility. Studies In Higher Education, 40 (4), 721-744. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.842212

Australian undergraduate students on the move: experiencing outbound mobility


Conference Publication

Learning and working with bodies in skilful performance.

Dall'Alba, G., Sandberg, J. and Sidhu, R. K. (2015). Learning and working with bodies in skilful performance.. European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest Hungary, 8-11 September 2015.

Learning and working with bodies in skilful performance.


Journal Article

Using postcolonial scholarship to address equity in transnational higher education

Sidhu, Ravinder (2015). Using postcolonial scholarship to address equity in transnational higher education. Learning and Teaching, 8 (1), 73-94. doi: 10.3167/latiss.2015.080105

Using postcolonial scholarship to address equity in transnational higher education


Journal Article

Making space for an international branch campus: Monash University Malaysia

Sidhu, Ravinder and Christie, Pam (2014). Making space for an international branch campus: Monash University Malaysia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 55 (2), 182-195. doi: 10.1111/apv.12052

Making space for an international branch campus: Monash University Malaysia


Journal Article

Mobility and desire: international students and Asian regionalism in aspirational Singapore

Collins, Francis L., Sidhu, Ravinder, Lewis, Nick and Yeoh, Brenda S. A. (2014). Mobility and desire: international students and Asian regionalism in aspirational Singapore. Discourse (Abingdon): Studies in the cultural politics of education, 35 (5), 661-676. doi: 10.1080/01596306.2014.921996

Mobility and desire: international students and Asian regionalism in aspirational Singapore


Journal Article

A situated analysis of global knowledge networks: capital accumulation strategies of transnationally mobile scientists in Singapore

Sidhu, Ravinder, Yeoh, Brenda and Chang, Sushila (2014). A situated analysis of global knowledge networks: capital accumulation strategies of transnationally mobile scientists in Singapore. Higher Education, 69 (1), 79-101. doi: 10.1007/s10734-014-9762-9

A situated analysis of global knowledge networks: capital accumulation strategies of transnationally mobile scientists in Singapore


Journal Article

Transnational higher education as a hybrid global/local space: a case study of a Malaysian-Australian joint venture

Sidhu, Ravinder and Christie, Pam (2014). Transnational higher education as a hybrid global/local space: a case study of a Malaysian-Australian joint venture. Journal of Sociology, 51 (2), 299-316. doi: 10.1177/1440783314521882

Transnational higher education as a hybrid global/local space: a case study of a Malaysian-Australian joint venture


Book Chapter

Singapore: building a knowledge and education hub

Sidhu, Ravinder, Ho, Kong-Chong and Yeoh, Brenda S. A. (2014). Singapore: building a knowledge and education hub. International Education Hubs: Student, Talent, Knowledge-Innovation Models. (pp. 121-143) edited by Jane Knight. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-7025-6_8

Singapore: building a knowledge and education hub


Conference Publication

Undergraduate students on the move: academic staff perceptions of short term mobility programmes

Dall’Alba, Gloria and Sidhu, Ravinder (2013). Undergraduate students on the move: academic staff perceptions of short term mobility programmes. AARE 2013: Australian Association for Research in Education Annual International Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 1-5 December, 2013. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education.

Undergraduate students on the move: academic staff perceptions of short term mobility programmes


Journal Article

International education and (dis)embodied cosmopolitanisms

Sidhu, Ravinder Kaur and Dall'Alba, Gloria (2012). International education and (dis)embodied cosmopolitanisms. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44 (4), 413-431. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-5812.2010.00722.x

International education and (dis)embodied cosmopolitanisms


Conference Publication

Undergraduate students on the move: a comparative analysis of inbound an doutbound mobility programmes

Dall'Alba, G. and Sidhu, R. (2012). Undergraduate students on the move: a comparative analysis of inbound an doutbound mobility programmes. AARE-APERA 2012, Sydney, Australia, 2-6 December 2012. Sydney, Australia: AARE-APERA 2012.

Undergraduate students on the move: a comparative analysis of inbound an doutbound mobility programmes


Journal Article

Supporting refugee students in schools: What constitutes inclusive education?

Sidhu, Ravinder and Taylor, Sandra (2012). Supporting refugee students in schools: What constitutes inclusive education?. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16 (1), 39-56. doi: 10.1080/13603110903560085

Supporting refugee students in schools: What constitutes inclusive education?


Conference Publication

Undergraduate students on the move: short term mobility programmes 'down under'

Dall'Alba, G. and Sidhu, R. (2012). Undergraduate students on the move: short term mobility programmes 'down under'. European Conference on Educational Research 2012 (ECER 2012), Cadiz, Spain, 18-21 September 2012.

Undergraduate students on the move: short term mobility programmes 'down under'


Journal Article

Emerging education hubs: The case of Singapore

Sidhu, Ravinder, Ho, K.-C. and Yeoh, Brenda (2011). Emerging education hubs: The case of Singapore. Higher Education, 61 (1), 23-40. doi: 10.1007/s10734-010-9323-9

Emerging education hubs: The case of Singapore


Journal Article

Schooling and refugees: engaging with the complex trajectories of globalisation

Sidhu, Ravinder, Taylor, Sandra and Christie, Pam (2011). Schooling and refugees: engaging with the complex trajectories of globalisation. Global Studies of Childhood, 1 (2), 92-103. doi: 10.2304/gsch.2011.1.2.92

Schooling and refugees: engaging with the complex trajectories of globalisation


Book Chapter

The global schoolhouse: Governing Singapore's knowledge economy aspirations

Sidhu, Ravinder, Chong, Ho Kong and Yeoh, Brenda (2011). The global schoolhouse: Governing Singapore's knowledge economy aspirations. Higher education in the Asia-Pacific: Strategic responses to globalization. (pp. 255-271) edited by Simon Marginson, Sarjit Kaur and Erlenawati Sawir. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-1500-4_13

The global schoolhouse: Governing Singapore's knowledge economy aspirations


Book Chapter

Australian universities and the challenges of internationalisation

Hickling-Hudson, Anne and Sidhu, Ravinder (2011). Australian universities and the challenges of internationalisation. Universities and global diversity: Preparing educators for tomorrow. (pp. 157-175) edited by Beverly Lindsay and Wanda J. Blanchett. New York, USA: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203839690

Australian universities and the challenges of internationalisation


Book Chapter

The 'Singapore Sling': When world class universities come to town

Sidhu, Ravinder (2010). The 'Singapore Sling': When world class universities come to town. Re-positioning university governance and academic work. (pp. 35-51) edited by Jill Blackmore, Marie Brennan and Lew Zipin. Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

The 'Singapore Sling': When world class universities come to town


Past funding

  • 2021
    COVID-19 Online Learning Landscapes and CALDMR students: Opportunities and Challenges (National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education led by UNSW)
    University of New South Wales
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2012
    Inward and outward student mobility at The University of Queensland
    UQ Teaching & Learning Strategic Grants
    Open grant
  • 2007 - 2010
    Transnational knowledge workers in biotechnology: Navigating the Triple Helix
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2008
    Assembling the global reach of knowledge economies - Transnational Education Initiatives
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2007
    Schooling, Globalisation and Refugees in Queensland, Australia
    University of the Sunshine Coast
    Open grant



Dr Ravinder Sidhu is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Master Philosophy

    From Reactive to Proactive Shaping The Future of Teacher Professional Learning

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Annie Pohlman

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The Paradox of University Autonomy: Power and Politics in University Governance

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Adam Hannah

Completed supervision



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