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Professor Chien Ming Wang

Chien Ming Wang

+61 7 336 54356



C.M. Wang joined the School of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland (UQ) in January 2017 as the Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Chair Professor of Structural Engineering. He graduated from Monash University in Civil Engineering with a First Class Honours in 1978 and was awarded M.Eng.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the same university in 1980 and 1982, respectively. Prior to joining UQ, Professor Wang held the positions as the Director for the Engineering Science Programme and the Director for the Global Engineering Programme, at the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Singapore. Additionally, he was the Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Programmes of NUS Faculty of Engineering and the Associate Director of the Centre for Development in Teaching and Learning, NUS. He is also the Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia and was elected as Monash Civil Engineering Alumnus of the Year 2015 for his significant contributions to the engineering profession.

Professor Wang is a Chartered Structural Engineer, Fellow of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore, Fellow of Institution of Engineers Singapore, Fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers and Fellow of Society of Floating Solutions (Singapore). He was the Chairman of the IStructE Singapore Regional Group and the IStructE Council Member for 12 years. He was awarded 2009 Lewis Kent Award, 2014 Keith Eaton Award and IES Outstanding Volunteer Awards 2011 and 2008 for his outstanding leadership and significant contributions to IStructE and IES. Currently, he is Chairman of International Steering Committee of EASEC, Vice President of Society of Floating Solutions Singapore, member of International Advisory Committee of RILS and Senior Fellow of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research, Hong Kong PolyU. He is founding member of International Engineering Science Consortium that comprises 9 premier universities (UC Berkeley, Cornell Univ, Univ of Toronto, Osaka University, KTH Sweden, UCL, NUS, UQ, Auckland Univ).

Professor Wang is a highly sought after keynote speaker in international conferences. He has given over 50 keynote presentations and many seminars on very large floating structures, structural modeling and analysis in many countries. He has won a number of research awards such as 2019 Nishino Medal, 2019 JN Reddy Medal and best paper awards. He has provided consulting services and served as an expert in structures and very large floating structures to many public and private organizations, including JTC Corporation, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Housing Development Board, Defence Science and Technology Agency, Jurong Consultants, Surbana International and Singapore Cruise Centre.


Professor Chien Ming Wang is:
Available for supervision

Fields of research


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University
  • Fellow, Academy of Engineering Singapore, Academy of Engineering Singapore
  • Fellow, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering
  • Fellow, Institution of Engineers Singapore, Institution of Engineers Singapore
  • Fellow, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Structural Engineers
  • Fellow, The Society of Floating Solutions Singapore, The Society of Floating Solutions Singapore

Research interests

  • Offshore floating fish farms

  • Infrastructure for offshore seaweed farms

  • Development of New Structural Models for Analysis

Research impacts

Prof CM Wang’s research interests are wide; covering areas in structural stability, vibration, optimization, plates/shells, nano-structures, computational mechanics and large floating structures. He has made significant contributions to these areas by authoring over 500 journal papers, 6 books, editing 4 books and several conference proceedings. His publications have garnered over 26,000 citations and his h-index is 79 according to Google Scholar. He has been listed as a most cited researcher in civil engineering in the Shanghai Ranking for academic subjects 2016.

Prof Wang is globally renowned for his work on very large floating structures (VLFS) that find many applications such as floating oil storage facilities, bridges, restaurants, and piers/berths. He holds patents on a new type of pontoon, an offshore floating bunker supply base, a floating fuel storage facility and an aquaculture structure. Prof Wang co-edited the first book on VLFS and published extensively on the subject. He has been invited to give keynote lectures/courses on VLFS in more than a dozen countries. He is the principal investigator of several research and industrial projects on VLFS that amounts to over S$10 million. He was the chief consultant for the floating platform at Marina Bay and the floating wetlands at Punggol Waterways. His work on floating wetlands bagged the Minister of National Development R&D (Special Mention) Award 2017 and the IStructE Singapore Structural Award for Sustainability 2016. Prof Wang worked with NUS and SINTEF researchers to develop a new floating hydrocarbon storage facility and floating bridges for deployment in Singapore waters. He was awarded $688,000 from ARC to conduct research on a novel floating forest to protect fragile shorelines of Australia and another $433,000 to do research on the next generation offshore blue aquaculture. He is currently the leader of the offshore engineering and technology program of the Blue Economy CRC.

Prof Wang is also famous for his discovery of exact relationships between shear deformable beam/plate theories and their classical counterparts. His papers and seminal book on shear deformable beams/plates contain these amazing relationships that help unlock the exact solutions for shear deformable beams/plates. Another notable contribution of Prof Wang is the use of Eringen’s nonlocal theory for structural analysis that allows researchers to incorporate the effect of small length scale that is important when dealing with nanostructures. His early papers on the nonlocal beam theory have opened up a new research direction and spurred the publication of hundreds of papers on the subject. He has also contributed to the development of continuum models for carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphyne sheets. The study also involves calibrating the small length scale parameter in the nonlocal models by using Molecular Dynamic Simulations, experimental results and microstructured beam models or Hencky bar chain models.

Prof Wang's early research papers on flexural-torsional buckling of monosymmetric I-beams were cited in structural stability textbooks and his buckling formulas for these beams have been adopted in design codes. His proposed "Shooting-Optimization Technique" for solving two-point boundary value problems has been applied to solve all kinds of problems such as variable arc-length beam problems, biofilm problems, undersea cables, and fibre problems. His work on the automation of the Ritz method for plate analysis has drawn much interest from the research community. Many researchers have adopted the method for their plate analyses.

Professor Wang has supervised 28 PhD students, 20 MEng students and 12 Postdoc Fellows, many of them now holding leading positions in universities and engineering practice.


Search Professor Chien Ming Wang’s works on UQ eSpace

769 works between 1979 and 2025

81 - 100 of 769 works


Journal Article

A Semi-Analytical Model for Studying Hydroelastic Behaviour of a Cylindrical Net Cage under Wave Action

Ma, Mingyuan, Zhang, Hong, Jeng, Dong-Sheng and Wang, Chien Ming (2021). A Semi-Analytical Model for Studying Hydroelastic Behaviour of a Cylindrical Net Cage under Wave Action. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (12) 1445, 1-26. doi: 10.3390/jmse9121445

A Semi-Analytical Model for Studying Hydroelastic Behaviour of a Cylindrical Net Cage under Wave Action


Journal Article

Floating forest: a novel breakwater-windbreak structure against wind and wave hazards

Wang, Chien Ming, Han, Mengmeng, Lyu, Junwei, Duan, Wenhui and Jung, Kwanghoe (2021). Floating forest: a novel breakwater-windbreak structure against wind and wave hazards. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 15 (5), 1111-1127. doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0757-1

Floating forest: a novel breakwater-windbreak structure against wind and wave hazards


Journal Article

Coupled analytical-numerical approach for determining hydrodynamic responses of breakwater with multiple OWCs

Han, M.M. and Wang, C.M. (2021). Coupled analytical-numerical approach for determining hydrodynamic responses of breakwater with multiple OWCs. Marine Structures, 80 103097, 103097. doi: 10.1016/j.marstruc.2021.103097

Coupled analytical-numerical approach for determining hydrodynamic responses of breakwater with multiple OWCs


Conference Publication

Floating breakwaters: sustainable solution for creating sheltered sea space

Wang, C. M. and Nguyen, H. P. (2021). Floating breakwaters: sustainable solution for creating sheltered sea space. The Second International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering and Architecture 2021 (2nd ICSCEA 2021), Virtual, 30 October 2021. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-3303-5_1

Floating breakwaters: sustainable solution for creating sheltered sea space


Journal Article

Moving internal node element method for dynamic analysis of beam structure under moving vehicle

Yang, D. S., Wang, C. M. and Yau, J. D. (2021). Moving internal node element method for dynamic analysis of beam structure under moving vehicle. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 511 116348, 116348. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116348

Moving internal node element method for dynamic analysis of beam structure under moving vehicle


Journal Article

Hydrodynamic behaviour of floating polygonal platforms under wave action

Park, Jeong Cheol and Wang, Chien Ming (2021). Hydrodynamic behaviour of floating polygonal platforms under wave action. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (9) 923, 923. doi: 10.3390/jmse9090923

Hydrodynamic behaviour of floating polygonal platforms under wave action


Journal Article

Online data caching in edge computing

Han, Xinxin, Gao, Guichen, Wang, Yang, Ting, Hing-Fung, You, Ilsun and Zhang, Yong (2021). Online data caching in edge computing. Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience, 35 (17) e6468, 1-10. doi: 10.1002/cpe.6468

Online data caching in edge computing


Journal Article

Research and development in connector systems for Very Large Floating Structures

Jiang, D., Tan, K. H., Wang, C. M. and Dai, J. (2021). Research and development in connector systems for Very Large Floating Structures. Ocean Engineering, 232 109150, 109150. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109150

Research and development in connector systems for Very Large Floating Structures


Journal Article

Does tourism promote or reduce environmental pollution? Evidence from major tourist arrival countries

Wang, Chien-Ming and Wu, Tsung-Pao (2021). Does tourism promote or reduce environmental pollution? Evidence from major tourist arrival countries. Environment Development and Sustainability, 24 (3), 3334-3355. doi: 10.1007/s10668-021-01568-w

Does tourism promote or reduce environmental pollution? Evidence from major tourist arrival countries


Journal Article

Elasticity solutions for nano-plane structures under body forces using lattice elasticity, continualised nonlocal model and Eringen nonlocal model

Zhang, Y. P., Challamel, N. and Wang, C. M. (2021). Elasticity solutions for nano-plane structures under body forces using lattice elasticity, continualised nonlocal model and Eringen nonlocal model. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 33 (6), 2453-2480. doi: 10.1007/s00161-021-01031-1

Elasticity solutions for nano-plane structures under body forces using lattice elasticity, continualised nonlocal model and Eringen nonlocal model


Book Chapter

Hencky bar-chain model for buckling analysis and optimal design of trapezoidal arches

Wang, Chien Ming, Pan, Wen Hao and Zhang, Hanzhe (2021). Hencky bar-chain model for buckling analysis and optimal design of trapezoidal arches. Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 1: Statics and Stability. (pp. 229-247) London, United Kingdom: Wiley. doi: 10.1002/9781119831891.ch11

Hencky bar-chain model for buckling analysis and optimal design of trapezoidal arches


Journal Article

Predicting far-lee wind flow characteristics behind a 2D wedge-shaped obstacle: experiments, numerical simulations and empirical equations

Lyu, Junwei, Mason, Matthew S. and Wang, Chien Ming (2021). Predicting far-lee wind flow characteristics behind a 2D wedge-shaped obstacle: experiments, numerical simulations and empirical equations. Building and Environment, 194 107673, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107673

Predicting far-lee wind flow characteristics behind a 2D wedge-shaped obstacle: experiments, numerical simulations and empirical equations


Journal Article

Hencky bar-grid model for plane stress elasticity problems

Zhang, Y. P., Wang, C. M., Pedroso, D. M. and Zhang, H. (2021). Hencky bar-grid model for plane stress elasticity problems. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 147 (5) 04021021, 04021021. doi: 10.1061/(asce)em.1943-7889.0001931

Hencky bar-grid model for plane stress elasticity problems


Conference Publication

Experimental and numerical simulation of wind characteristics behind square prism array windbreaks: Importance of replicating unintended longitudinal turbulence gradients

Lyu, Junwei, Mason, Matthew S. and Wang, Chien Ming (2021). Experimental and numerical simulation of wind characteristics behind square prism array windbreaks: Importance of replicating unintended longitudinal turbulence gradients. 20th Australasian Wind Engineering Society Workshop (AWES2020), Online, 8-9 April 2021. The Australasian Wind Engineering Society.

Experimental and numerical simulation of wind characteristics behind square prism array windbreaks: Importance of replicating unintended longitudinal turbulence gradients


Journal Article

Representative transmission coefficient for evaluating the wave attenuation performance of 3D floating breakwaters in regular and irregular waves

Nguyen, Huu Phu, Park, Jeong Cheol, Han, Mengmeng, Wang, Chien Ming, Abdussamie, Nagi, Penesis, Irene and Howe, Damon (2021). Representative transmission coefficient for evaluating the wave attenuation performance of 3D floating breakwaters in regular and irregular waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (4) 388, 388. doi: 10.3390/jmse9040388

Representative transmission coefficient for evaluating the wave attenuation performance of 3D floating breakwaters in regular and irregular waves


Journal Article

Reliability of multi-purpose offshore-facilities: present status and future direction in Australia

Aryai, Vahid, Abbassi, Roquzbeh, Abdussamie, Nagi, Salehi, Fatemeh, Garaniya, Vikram, Asadnia, Mohsen, Baksh, Al-Amin, Penesis, Irene, Karampour, Hassan, Draper, Scott, Magee, Allan, Keng, Ang Kok, Shearer, Chris, Sivandran, Suba, Yew, Lim Kian, Cook, Denham, Underwood, Mark, Martini, Andrew, Heasman, Kevin, Abrahams, Jonathan and Wang, Chien-Ming (2021). Reliability of multi-purpose offshore-facilities: present status and future direction in Australia. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148, 437-461. doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2020.10.016

Reliability of multi-purpose offshore-facilities: present status and future direction in Australia


Journal Article

Dissolvable gelatin-based microcarriers generated through droplet microfluidics for expansion and culture of mesenchymal stromal cells

Ng, Ee Xien, Wang, Ming, Neo, Shu Hui, Tee, Ching Ann, Chen, Chia-Hung and Van Vliet, Krystyn J. (2021). Dissolvable gelatin-based microcarriers generated through droplet microfluidics for expansion and culture of mesenchymal stromal cells. Biotechnology Journal, 16 (3) 2000048. doi: 10.1002/biot.202000048

Dissolvable gelatin-based microcarriers generated through droplet microfluidics for expansion and culture of mesenchymal stromal cells


Journal Article

High-throughput functional profiling of single adherent cellsviahydrogel drop-screen

Wang, Ming, Nai, Mui Hoon, Huang, Ruby Yun-Ju, Leo, Hwa Liang, Lim, Chwee Teck and Chen, Chia-Hung (2021). High-throughput functional profiling of single adherent cellsviahydrogel drop-screen. Lab on a Chip, 21 (4), 764-774. doi: 10.1039/d0lc01294g

High-throughput functional profiling of single adherent cellsviahydrogel drop-screen


Journal Article

Modelling wide perforated breakwater with horizontal slits using Hybrid-BEM method

Han, M. M. and Wang, C. M. (2021). Modelling wide perforated breakwater with horizontal slits using Hybrid-BEM method. Ocean Engineering, 222 108630, 108630. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108630

Modelling wide perforated breakwater with horizontal slits using Hybrid-BEM method


Journal Article

Does tourism industry agglomeration reduce carbon emissions?

Huang, Can, Wang, Jin-Wei, Wang, Chien-Ming, Cheng, Jin-Hua and Dai, Juan (2021). Does tourism industry agglomeration reduce carbon emissions?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (23), 30278-30293. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-12706-2

Does tourism industry agglomeration reduce carbon emissions?


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2027
    Analysing Graduate Attributes and Employability of BECRC RHD students
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2026
    Novel Offshore Fish Pen Design: Phase 2 (Model Tests, Concept Qualification and Design Optomization)
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2026
    Creating pH-sensitive self-healing concrete using sludge waste for sewers (ARC Discovery Project administered by University of South Australia)
    University of South Australia
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2026
    Program Leader for the Offshore Engineering and Technology Research Program
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023 - 2025
    Structural and hydrodynamic modelling of scalable offshore seaweed mariculture platforms
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Developing production systems for offshore kelp mariculture
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Novel Offshore Fish Pen Design: Phase 1 (Conceptual Development)
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2020
    Multi-Purpose Offshore/High Energy Platforms: Concepts and Applications
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2020
    Review on fish pen designs and mooring systems
    Blue Economy CRC-Co Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2023
    Next generation offshore blue water aquaculture
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2022
    Structural Engineering Academic Agreement - TMR Chair Professor
    Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2021
    Floating Forest - a breakwater for protecting the Australian coastline
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2021
    ARC Research Hub for nanoscience based construction material manufacturing (ARC Research Hub administered by Monash University)
    Monash University
    Open grant



Professor Chien Ming Wang is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Development of Hencky bar chain model for buckling and vibration analyses and optimisation of arch structures

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Offshore seaweed and renewable energy farms: solutions for integration and co-location

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor David Callaghan

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Designing self-healing concrete using molecular dynamics simulations

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Shujian Chen

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Structural performance of cardboard folded sandwich structures for ultra-low-cost emergency shelters

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Joe Gattas

Completed supervision



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