Research achievements other than research outputs
Dr Pedroso is an expert in numerical and computer methods for solid mechanics and materials modelling. He has a strong background in tensor calculus, partial differential equations, computational geometry, and computer programming, among other topics. Dr Pedroso has been developing methods to model the mechanical behaviour of porous media including mixtures of solids, liquids and gases. Dr Pedroso has also developed new methods in molecular dynamics to model solids and granular assemblies. Therefore, his research work is quite multi-disciplinary but revolves around computational engineering and mechanics.
Dr. Pedroso received the highly prestigious Argyris Lecture Award of 2016 from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, which is internationally recognized. The Argyris Lecture is the top award for experts working on Modeling and Simulations, in particular, with the Finite Element Method (FEM), because Prof Argyris is a pioneer of the FEM. Today, this method is the most attractive for approximating the solution of partial differential equations with complex geometries and boundary conditions. One key aspect that the committee considered in the award was the innovative papers on new techniques for porous media, such as a new method to handle unilateral and variable boundary conditions for the interface between liquid and gases within porous media.
Journal Reviews
Dr Pedroso is an expert in computational mechanics for porous media and optimisation and is reviewing papers for top journals such as Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Nature: Scientific Reports, Computers and Geotechnics, Geotechnique Letters, Advances in Engineering Software, Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, Computer Physics Communications, International Journal of Plasticity, Soils and Foundations, Advances in Structural Engineering, Engineering Structures, among others.
Research Grants Reviewer
Dr Pedroso is an Australian Research Council (ARC) reviewer for DPs, DEs and LPs. He is also a reviewer for th Hong Kong Research Grants Council HK-RGC
Conference Services
Dr Pedroso has organised the 1st Workshop on New Advances on Computational Geomechanics in Australia in 2008 and the 5th Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics in 2010. Both in Brisbane, Australia.
- Dr Dorival Pedroso is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Engineering, Institution to be confirmed
- Masters (Coursework) of Science, Institution to be confirmed
- Doctor of Philosophy, Institution to be confirmed
Research interests
Computational mechanics
Computational mechanics, including numerical methods for partial differential equations and mathematical models for materials’ mechanical behaviour, in particular porous media.
Optimisation in engineering
Mainly using evolutionary computations
Artificial intelligence in civil engineering
Use of AI in civil engineering
Research impacts
Dr Pedroso secured an ARC-DECRA (DECRA 2012 – Only 2 awards in Civil Engineering in the Country – highly competitive scheme with a success rate around 11% at that time), 1 ARC-DP, 3 ARC Linkages and some industry projects. He also recently received a full sponsorship to visit SimTech at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
Dr Pedroso is also a Chief Investigator of an Advance Queensland Project with funding over $2 million.
Invited Talks
Over the last few years, Dr Pedroso’s work has attracted some international attention as evidenced by the invited seminars he gave for which he got successfully got full financial sponsorship:
2016 Prestigious Argyris Lecture at The University of Stuttgart, Germany, July 6, 2016. Check out Argyris Lecture 2016
2015 invited lecture on structural reliability during the 3rd International Workshop on Advances in Computational Mechanics, October 12-14, 2015, Tokyo, Japan,
2012 present a mini-course in Brazil
2011 present a keynote lecture in Brazil
Significant change or advance of knowledge in your field.
Dr Pedroso has independently developed mathematical models, solution methods, algorithms and computer codes for a number of applications in geometry, mathematics, physics and engineering. He has journal papers in top-journals including papers published with him as the first author. He has also a number of papers submitted with some under revision.
He has a comprehensive set of computer libraries written by his research team and published at https://github.com/cpmech that serve as a foundation for his students’ and his research work on computational mechanics. These include recent and new evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective and multi-constraints optimisation (publications are underway). The set of libraries has been developed with much hard work and has been made open source for the benefit of the scientists, engineers and the community. The number of innovative, advanced and much organised computer code is significant as illustrated by simply looking at the code repositories. The indirect impact of this work is demonstrated by the number of followers and stars gained along the years through the GitHub social networking. For example, Gosl (Go Scientific Library) has attracted many stars.
Search Professor Dorival Pedroso’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Caveats of three direct linear solvers for finite element analyses
Pedroso, Dorival M. (2024). Caveats of three direct linear solvers for finite element analyses. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 125 (17). doi: 10.1002/nme.7545
Book Chapter
Hencky bar-grid model and Hencky bar-net model for buckling analysis of rectangular plates
Zhang, Y.P., Wang, C.M., Pedroso, D.M. and Zhang, H. (2022). Hencky bar-grid model and Hencky bar-net model for buckling analysis of rectangular plates. Analysis and Design of Plated Structures. (pp. 75-107) edited by N.E. Shanmugam and C.M. Wang. Sawston, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-823570-6.00012-4
Journal Article
Reinforcing bars modelling using a rod–solid interface element without the need for mesh compatibility
Durand, R., Farias, M. M., Pedroso, D. M. and Meschke, G. (2021). Reinforcing bars modelling using a rod–solid interface element without the need for mesh compatibility. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 197 103634, 103634. doi: 10.1016/j.finel.2021.103634
Other Outputs
Yield criteria estimation
Zhang, Y. P., Pedroso, D. M., Stephan, A. J. E. and Elford, M. C. (2021). Yield criteria estimation. 11093550.
Journal Article
Hencky bar-grid model for plane stress elasticity problems
Zhang, Y. P., Wang, C. M., Pedroso, D. M. and Zhang, H. (2021). Hencky bar-grid model for plane stress elasticity problems. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 147 (5) 04021021, 04021021. doi: 10.1061/(asce)em.1943-7889.0001931
Journal Article
Quadrature rules for isogeometric shell formulations: study using a real-world application about metal forming
Hokkanen, Jaro and Pedroso, Dorival M. (2020). Quadrature rules for isogeometric shell formulations: study using a real-world application about metal forming. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 363 112904, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2020.112904
Conference Publication
A pitching WEC-type attachment for extracting wave energy and reducing hydroelastic response of VLFS
Nguyen, H. P., Wang, C. M. and Pedroso, D. M. (2020). A pitching WEC-type attachment for extracting wave energy and reducing hydroelastic response of VLFS. ACMSM25, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 December, 2018. Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-7603-0_21
Journal Article
Accurate and stablised time integration strategy for saturated porous media dynamics
Zhang, Yunpeng, Pedroso, Dorival M., Li, Ling, Scheuermann, Alexander and Ehlers, Wolfgang (2019). Accurate and stablised time integration strategy for saturated porous media dynamics. Acta Geotechnica, 15 (7), 1859-1879. doi: 10.1007/s11440-019-00879-7
Journal Article
Extracting energy while reducing hydroelastic responses of VLFS using a modular raft wec-type attachment
Nguyen, H. P., Wang, C. M., Flocard, F. and Pedroso, D. M. (2019). Extracting energy while reducing hydroelastic responses of VLFS using a modular raft wec-type attachment. Applied Ocean Research, 84, 302-316. doi: 10.1016/j.apor.2018.11.016
Journal Article
Isogeometric thickness stretchable shell: efficient formulation for nonlinear dynamic problems
Hokkanen, Jaro and Pedroso, Dorival M. (2019). Isogeometric thickness stretchable shell: efficient formulation for nonlinear dynamic problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 119 (2) nme.6043, 105-127. doi: 10.1002/nme.6043
Journal Article
Optimization of modular raft WEC-type attachment to VLFS and module connections for maximum reduction in hydroelastic response and wave energy production
Nguyen, H. P., Wang, C. M. and Pedroso, D. M. (2019). Optimization of modular raft WEC-type attachment to VLFS and module connections for maximum reduction in hydroelastic response and wave energy production. Ocean Engineering, 172, 407-421. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.12.014
Conference Publication
On How to Look Inside Geo-Materials
Scheuermann, Alexander, Li, Ling, Muehlhaus, Hans, Bore, Thierry, Torres, Sergio Galindo, Pedroso, Dorival, Hamidi, Farzin, Harshani, H. M. D., Bittner, Tilman, Behraftar, Somayeh and Aminpour, Mohammad (2019). On How to Look Inside Geo-Materials. China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2018, Vienna, Austria, 13-16 August 2018. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14987-1_20
Journal Article
Considerations on the experimental calibration of the fall cone test
Llano-Serna, Marcelo A., Farias, Marcio M., Pedroso, Dorival M., Williams, David J. and Sheng, Daichao (2018). Considerations on the experimental calibration of the fall cone test. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 41 (6), 1131-1138. doi: 10.1520/GTJ20170205
Journal Article
Extension of Hencky bar-net model for vibration analysis of rectangular plates with rectangular cutouts
Zhang, Y. P., Wang, C. M., Pedroso, D. M. and Zhang, H. (2018). Extension of Hencky bar-net model for vibration analysis of rectangular plates with rectangular cutouts. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 432, 65-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.06.029
Journal Article
Correction to: synthetic low-strength materials as rock substitutes for physical model studies
Hamidi, Farzin, Scheuermann, Alexander, Galindo-Torres, Sergio Andres, Pedroso, Dorival and Li, Ling (2018). Correction to: synthetic low-strength materials as rock substitutes for physical model studies. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 4 (3), 299-299. doi: 10.1007/s40948-018-0084-8
Conference Publication
Efficient isogeometric shell element with through-thickness stretch: application to incremental sheet forming
Hokkanen, Jaro, Pedroso, Dorival M., Elford, Michael C., Stephan, Andrew J. E. and Zhang, Yunpeng (2018). Efficient isogeometric shell element with through-thickness stretch: application to incremental sheet forming. NUMISHEET 2018: 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, , July 30, 2018-August 3, 2018. Bristol, United Kingdom: IOP Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012189
Conference Publication
Automatic calibration of 3D anisotropic yield criteria using a parallel evolutionary algorithm
Zhang, Yunpeng, Pedroso, Dorival M., Stephen, Andrew J. E. and Elford, Michael C. (2018). Automatic calibration of 3D anisotropic yield criteria using a parallel evolutionary algorithm. NUMISHEET 2018: 11th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Tokyo, , July 30, 2018-August 3, 2018. Bristol, United Kingdom: IOP Publishing. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012190
Journal Article
Multimodal reliability analysis of 3D slopes with a genetic algorithm
Tun, Ye, Llano-Serna, Marcelo A., Pedroso, Dorival M. and Scheuermann, Alexander (2018). Multimodal reliability analysis of 3D slopes with a genetic algorithm. Acta Geotechnica, 14 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1007/s11440-018-0642-9
Journal Article
Synthetic low-strength materials as rock substitutes for physical model studies
Hamidi, Farzin, Scheuermann, Alexander, Galindo-Torres, Sergio Andres, Pedroso, Dorival and Li, Ling (2018). Synthetic low-strength materials as rock substitutes for physical model studies. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 4 (3), 273-297. doi: 10.1007/s40948-018-0083-9
Journal Article
Parallel evolutionary algorithm for single and multi-objective optimisation: Differential evolution and constraints handling
Pedroso, Dorival M., Bonyadi, Mohammad Reza and Gallagher, Marcus (2017). Parallel evolutionary algorithm for single and multi-objective optimisation: Differential evolution and constraints handling. Applied Soft Computing, 61, 995-1012. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.09.006
- Dr Dorival Pedroso is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Novel Database Management, Verification, and Cost Optimisation Tools for Parametric Steel Connection Design
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Joe Gattas
Completed supervision
Master Philosophy
Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis Based on Conditional Random Field
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Alexander Scheuermann
Doctor Philosophy
Reliability Analyses of the Stability of Slopes using the Limit Equilibrium Method and Genetic Algorithms
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Alexander Scheuermann
Doctor Philosophy
On accuracy, efficiency and stability of methods for solving porous media dynamics
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Micromechanical study of granular assemblies by true triaxial test simulations
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor David Williams
Doctor Philosophy
Extracting Wave Energy while Reducing Hydroelastic Response of Very Large Floating Structures
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Chien Ming Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Bulking and Subsequent Self-Weight and Saturation Settlements, and Geotechnical Stability of High Coal Mine Spoil Piles
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor David Williams
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor David Williams
Doctor Philosophy
Static and Cyclic Laboratory Testing of Brisbane Rocks
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor David Williams
Contact Dr Dorival Pedroso directly for media enquiries about:
- evolutionary algorithms
- finite element method
- numerical analyses
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