Before joining the University of Queensland, Dave P. Callaghan held positions within industry including Parsons Brinckerhoff and Lawson and Treloar and research sector including Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie and the University of Queensland. He is an observer of the Queensland Water Panel and active in the newly created Australian Hydraulic Modelling Association. He is the author of a book section and more than 50 other technical documents with applied and research applications. He is a consultant to private and government organisations. He has worked recently with private and government organisations to improve understanding of extreme coastal weather responses. He is recognised for leading edge research in coastal engineering including statistics of extremes, beach erosion from extreme events, physical and biological interactions of salt marshes and coral reefs, lagoon dynamics and wave propagation.
- Associate Professor David Callaghan is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
Research interests
Coastal Engineering
All aspects of Coastal engineering including wave growth, propagation and dissipation, sediment transport and coastal morphology, surge dynamics, extreme probabilities for coastal variables including beach erosion and oceanic inundation, surf and swash zone hydrodynamics, river entrance hydraulics and morphodynamics and coastal groundwater dynamics.
Research impacts
My research is under continued translation through Civil Engineering consulting work (coastal erosion when managing beaches under changing climate, extreme values for setting flood levels and assessing beach erosion, climate change assessments for flood hazards), Environmental Engineering consulting work (cyclone and non-cyclonic wave climates under a changing climate for the entire Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Reef and Jervis Bay and coral habitat mapping of the Great Barrier Reef), and through ARC linkages (Redland City Council and DHI Group), Cooperative Research Centres (Blue economy, Bushfires and natural hazards and Tourism) and National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility projects, were research was operationalised by working hand in hand with industry. My discoveries around coastal erosion and extreme values assessments are becoming the normal standard for engineering projects, particularly in NSW, which has a high wave energy coastline.
Search Professor David Callaghan’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Probabilistic estimation of storm erosion using analytical, semi-empirical, and process based storm erosion models
Callaghan, David P., Ranasinghe, Roshanka and Roelvink, Dano (2013). Probabilistic estimation of storm erosion using analytical, semi-empirical, and process based storm erosion models. Coastal Engineering, 82, 64-75. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.08.007
Journal Article
A geospatial assessment of the relationship between reef flat community calcium carbonate production and wave energy
Hamylton, S. M., Pescud, A., Leon, J. X. and Callaghan, D. P. (2013). A geospatial assessment of the relationship between reef flat community calcium carbonate production and wave energy. Coral Reefs, 32 (4), 1025-1039. doi: 10.1007/s00338-013-1074-5
Journal Article
Coastal retreat and improved water quality mitigate losses of seagrass from sea level rise
Saunders, Megan I., Leon, Javier, Phinn, Stuart R., Callaghan, David P., O'Brien, Katherine R., Roelfsema, Chris M., Lovelock, Catherine E., Lyons, Mitchell B. and Mumby, Peter J. (2013). Coastal retreat and improved water quality mitigate losses of seagrass from sea level rise. Global Change Biology, 19 (8), 2569-2583. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12218
Conference Publication
Scoping metalearning opportunity in the first three years of engineering
Meyer, Jan, Knight, David, Baldock, Tom, Kizil, Mehmet, O'Moore, Liza and Callaghan, David (2012). Scoping metalearning opportunity in the first three years of engineering. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2012), Melbourne, Australia, 3 - 5 December 2012. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
Journal Article
Statistical simulation of wave climate and extreme beach erosion
Callaghan, D., Nielsen, P., Short, A. and Ranasinghe, R. (2008). Statistical simulation of wave climate and extreme beach erosion. Coastal Engineering, 55 (5), 375-390. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2007.12.003
Other Outputs
Case studies of estimating climate projections of flooding hazard using NARClim 1.5 for Gwydir River, Macquarie River, Murrumbidgee River, Wagga Wagga Settlement and Illawarra Catchment.
Callaghan, David (2024). Case studies of estimating climate projections of flooding hazard using NARClim 1.5 for Gwydir River, Macquarie River, Murrumbidgee River, Wagga Wagga Settlement and Illawarra Catchment.. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/8e4bf7a
Journal Article
Assessing coastline recession for adaptation planning: sea level rise versus storm erosion
Ranasinghe, Roshanka, Callaghan, David P., Li, Fan, Wainwright, David J. and Duong, Trang Minh (2023). Assessing coastline recession for adaptation planning: sea level rise versus storm erosion. Scientific Reports, 13 (1) 8286, 1-8. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35523-8
Journal Article
Mobilisation thresholds for coral rubble and consequences for windows of reef recovery
Kenyon, Tania M., Harris, Daniel, Baldock, Tom, Callaghan, David, Doropoulos, Christopher, Webb, Gregory, Newman, Steven P. and Mumby, Peter J. (2023). Mobilisation thresholds for coral rubble and consequences for windows of reef recovery. Biogeosciences, 20 (20), 4339-4357. doi: 10.5194/bg-20-4339-2023
Conference Publication
A process-based numerical model of shoreface profile evolution
Patterson, Dean, Nielsen, Peter, Callaghan, Dave and Baldock, Tom (2023). A process-based numerical model of shoreface profile evolution. International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2022, Sydney, Australia, 4-9 December.
Conference Publication
Wave drag coefficient useful for nature: seagrass-based coastal protection design in estuaries
Twomey, Alice, O'Brien, Katherine, Callaghan, David and Saunders, Megan (2023). Wave drag coefficient useful for nature: seagrass-based coastal protection design in estuaries. 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, NSW Australia, 4-9 December 2022. Reston, VA USA: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.9753/icce.v37.management.57
Conference Publication
Hydrodynamic modelling on Heron Island to predict coral breakage and rubble motion
Wuppukondur, Ananth, Deng, Wen, Liu, Dongfang, Callaghan, Dave and Baldock, Tom (2023). Hydrodynamic modelling on Heron Island to predict coral breakage and rubble motion. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2023 Conference, Twin Waters, QLD Australia, 15-18 August 2023. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia.
Conference Publication
Novel solution for mitigating sloshing in floating closed-containment aquaculture tanks
Wiegerink, Johannes, Baldock, Tom, Callaghan, David and Wang, Chien Ming (2023). Novel solution for mitigating sloshing in floating closed-containment aquaculture tanks. ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 11–16 June 2023. New York, NY United States: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. doi: 10.1115/omae2023-102097
Journal Article
Experimental study on hydrodynamic response of a floating rigid fish tank model with slosh suppression blocks
Wiegerink, J. J., Baldock, T. E., Callaghan, D. P. and Wang, C. M. (2023). Experimental study on hydrodynamic response of a floating rigid fish tank model with slosh suppression blocks. Ocean Engineering, 273 113772, 1-20. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.113772
Other Outputs
Great Barrier Reef non-cyclonic and on-reef wave model predictions
Callaghan, David (2023). Great Barrier Reef non-cyclonic and on-reef wave model predictions. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/8246441
Journal Article
Contextualising shoreline protection by seagrass using lessons from submerged breakwaters
Twomey, Alice J., Callaghan, David P., O'Brien, Katherine R. and Saunders, Megan I. (2022). Contextualising shoreline protection by seagrass using lessons from submerged breakwaters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 276 108011, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2022.108011
Journal Article
Assessing flood hazard changes using climate model forcing
Callaghan, David P. and Hughes, Michael G. (2022). Assessing flood hazard changes using climate model forcing. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22 (8), 2459-2472. doi: 10.5194/nhess-22-2459-2022
Journal Article
Slosh Suppression Blocks - A concept for mitigating fluid motions in floating closed containment fish pen in high energy environments
Wiegerink, J. J., Baldock, T. E., Callaghan, D. P. and Wang, C. M. (2022). Slosh Suppression Blocks - A concept for mitigating fluid motions in floating closed containment fish pen in high energy environments. Applied Ocean Research, 120 103068, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.apor.2022.103068
Other Outputs
Great Barrier Reef cyclonic wave climate using Geoscience Australia Synthetic Cyclone Tracks
Callaghan, David (2022). Great Barrier Reef cyclonic wave climate using Geoscience Australia Synthetic Cyclone Tracks. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/f12a4fa
Other Outputs
Gwydir River hydraulic model results using regional climate projections
Callaghan, David (2022). Gwydir River hydraulic model results using regional climate projections. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/d7b1654
Journal Article
Coral composition and bottom-wave metrics improve understanding of the patchiness of cyclone damage on reefs
Castro-Sanguino, C., Bozec, Y. M., Callaghan, D., Vercelloni, J., Rodriguez-Ramirez, A., Lopez-Marcano, S., Gonzalez-Marrero, Y., Puotinen, M., Hoegh-Guldberg, O. and Gonzalez-Rivero, M. (2022). Coral composition and bottom-wave metrics improve understanding of the patchiness of cyclone damage on reefs. Science of the Total Environment, 804 150178, 150178. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150178
Current funding
- Associate Professor David Callaghan is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Amity Point Flow Slides: overcoming their impacts on infrastructure in a changing climate
For more information, please email dave.callaghan@uq.edu.au
We have been granted ARC (Australian Research Council) funding to investigate the flow slides and the associated erosion hazard at three levels, with likely, formal start around January 2021. It is a three pronged study with study opportunities for at least 3 PhD students. The three prongs of the study are:
- 2DV investigation of the vertical retreating flow slide (dilative slope failure).
- The formation and recovery of the erosion embayments, which typically get to a diameter of the order 50m in plan.
- The longer term, years to decades, development of the shoals in the channel between Nth Stradbroke and Moreton Islands in order to asses worsening versus easing of the erosion threat to the Amity point area at the planning time scale.
1. 2DV Investigation into the vertical retreating sand faces
Vertical retreating sand faces have been observed in nature triggered either by natural processes or dredgers. A number of details are unresolved and worthy of investigation, eg, triggering, development of a vertical face, criteria for maintaining the turbidity current.
2. Intermediate scale investigation
For more information, please email dave.callaghan@uq.edu.au
Flow slide events usually leave a semi-circular indentation of the shoreline with diameter of the order 50m. It is not well understood why this is, ie, why not a more or less straight erosion front between hard boundaries? Similarly, it is surprising that, these ‘erosion bays’ are often filled back in by the natural sediment transport processes in a matter of only a couple of weeks. The ability to prevent or mitigate the erosion events would be of obvious benefit to coastal managers. So, that is the goal of our proposed investigations at these intermediate scales. This investigation will combine monitoring with down-looking cameras, and profile surveying with numerical sediment transport modelling.
3. Large scale morphodynamic modelling
The question: “is the erosion threat at Amity Point going to intensify or ease off over the next decade” is at the centre of this investigation. The answer is tied to the developments of the largescale channels and sandbanks between Amity Point and the southern tip off Moreton island. Hence a numerical hydraulics and sediment transport model is the large scale part of this project.
Moving fish farms offshore into the Southern Ocean: Is it possible?
For more information, please email dave.callaghan@uq.edu.au
There are many pressures on fish farms for moving offshore from pollution through to production. And in Australia, given our location, that means shifting into the Southern Ocean, possibility the most active ocean basin on planet earth and a region with no significant existing installations.
This research aims to estimate wave and fluid motion forcing on a range of fish farming infrastructure to test if there are operational windows and techniques available. This research will occur in parallel with two other projects that focus on the fluid/structure interactions. This research is part of an ARC (Australian Research Council) funded project.
It is expected that successful applicant would also become part of the CRC Blue Economy.
Storm Surge dynamics within the surfzone during cyclonic conditions
For more information, please email dave.callaghan@uq.edu.au
We have been granted ARC (Australian Research Council) funds and have established permanent facilities to measure cross-shore water level (to cm accuracy) using tubes, lasers and cameras. This provides information that allows the unpacking of why observed surges at this site are between two and three times that predicted using current technology. The project would involve three phases, laboratory experiments that mirror the field site, field measurements during either tropical or ex-tropical cyclone conditions or east coast low (usually one major event annually) and analytical extensions to existing numerical models to incorporate the new process understanding.
Wind wave climate estimations under a uncertain future climate
For more information, please email dave.callaghan@uq.edu.au
Queensland, Australia, home of the Great Barrier Reef and beaches, which forms the foundation of the tourism industry, is exposed to annual tropical cyclones. These extreme weather events have a wide range of impacts on this industry from coral and beach damage and flooding. As the climate changes, it is expected that tropical cyclones will also change and that has several authority’s activity working on mitigation and resilience works. These tasks require estimations of wave climates during a changing climate, with significant uncertainties. Consequently, this project seeks to understanding the propagation of uncertainty in wind wave modelling from tropical cyclones that are moving through the Great Barrier Reef.
Spatial and temporal scales of forcing uncertainty, as tropical cyclones move through coastal waters within the GBR, vary significantly. This is qualitatively different to previous work in which spatial scales over which forcing is applied was similar to metrological system applying it. Within the GBR, there are a range of spatial scales at play, from a few kilometres to hundreds of kilometres. Similarly, there are slow- and fast-moving tropical cyclone events, thus varying the temporal scale. This project will unpack those influences and develop approaches to include them efficiently when estimating wave climates generally. Those approaches will be tested on the Great Barrier Reef as an exemplar.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Long Term Coastal Morophology Modelling of Rainbow Channel, Moreton Bay
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen
Doctor Philosophy
Towards a coral rubble instability model to inform coral remediation within the Great Barrier Reef
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock, Dr Daniel Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Coral Reef Hydrodynamics and Coral Rubble Dynamics--Project 2 (RS-003a)
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock, Dr Daniel Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Coral Reef Hydrodynamics and Coral Rubble Dynamics--Project 2 (RS-003a)
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock, Dr Daniel Harris
Doctor Philosophy
Amity Point Flow Slides: Intermediate scale investigations
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen
Doctor Philosophy
Assessing and modelling of breaching and coastal erosion risks on Bribie Island and the Sunshine Coast under current and future wave climates.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Remo Cossu, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Offshore seaweed and renewable energy farms: solutions for integration and co-location
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Chien Ming Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Hydrodynamics forces and mobility of coral rubble
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Daniel Harris, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Examination of the performance of XBeach numerical model for beaches on open coasts and behind coral reefs using laboratory, field and aerial imaging data
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Structural and hydrodynamic analysis of the breakage of coral colonies and rubble motion
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Daniel Harris, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Impacts of climate change-induced large-scale disturbances on coral reef connectivity and recovery
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Mumby
Doctor Philosophy
Examination of the performance of XBeach numerical model for beaches on open coasts and behind coral reefs using laboratory, field and aerial imaging data
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Coastal erosion when managing beaches under changing climate
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen
Doctor Philosophy
Development, Testing and Numerical Modelling of a Buoyant Parabolic Beach as an Efficient Floating Breakwater
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Hydrodynamics forces and mobility of coral rubble
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Daniel Harris, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Hydrodynamics forces and mobility of coral rubble
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Daniel Harris, Professor Tom Baldock
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Reducing the turbidity of the Brisbane River Estuary, Australia
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Investigation of the Use of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Software for Continental Shelf Scale Simulations of Surface Gravity Waves
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Momentum and energy transfer by wave organised motion under wind waves
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Development, Testing and Numerical Modelling of a Buoyant Parabolic Beach as an Efficient Floating Breakwater
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Runup, overtopping and sediment transport on reef fronted shores.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Study of tsunami run-up, inundation and overtopping processes in the presence of coastal sand dunes using experimental, empirical and numerical methods
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Seagrass and coastal protection: separating myths from facts
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Kate O'Brien
Doctor Philosophy
Physical and numerical modelling of tsunami propagation, overtopping and bridge pier scour in coastal rivers
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Swash overtopping on plane beaches: reconciling empirical and theoretical scaling laws using the volume flux
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Integrating coral reef ecosystem services into marine planning
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Mumby
Doctor Philosophy
Dense Jet Behaviour in Dynamic Receiving Environments
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Simon Albert, Dr Alistair Grinham, Associate Professor Badin Gibbes
Doctor Philosophy
Interaction and growth of low frequency and high frequency wind waves
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Lattice Boltzmann modelling of supercritical shallow water flows
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Laboratory Beach Profile Dynamics and Responses to Changing Water Levels with and without Nourishment
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Infragravity wave forcing in the surf and swash zone.
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
A new methodology for classification of tropical cyclones: the importance of rainfall
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Beach recovery and studies in accretive sediment transport
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Swash zone boundary conditions and direct bed shear stress measurements over loose sediment beds
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Influence of grain size on swash zone sediment transport
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Baldock
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Peter Nielsen, Professor Tom Baldock
Contact Associate Professor David Callaghan directly for media enquiries about:
- beach ersion
- coastal engineering
- fluid mechanics
- storm surge
- wave modelling
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