Dr Faith Ong's research focus lies in the role of events, tourism and hospitality as tools of social change. Thus, she researches into the social impacts of events and tourism on communities. Her work explores how different forms of festivals, community gatherings and targeted events impact the social inclusivity of places. Volunteering is also one of Faith’s areas of expertise, determining the impacts of volunteering in tourism and events on the individual.
Faith is interested in enabling full and inclusive participation of communities across a broad spectrum of events and travel. In particular, her work has focused on communities that are sexually and culturally diverse, as well as people with disabilities. She continues to explore the signals of inclusion and exclusion at occasions that are meant to bring communities together.
- Dr Faith Ong is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Doctor of Philosophy, Victoria University
Research interests
Inclusivity in events and tourism
I research into social inclusivity of events across a number of communities, especially focusing on people with disabilities and the LGBTQIA+ communities.
Volunteers and volunteering
Sustainability in events
Search Professor Faith Ong’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
The sustainable development goals: the contribution of tourism volunteering
Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and Ong, Faith (2021). The sustainable development goals: the contribution of tourism volunteering. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30 (12), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1919686
Conference Publication
The role of habit in tourist behaviour
MacInnes, Sarah, Ong, Faith and Chien, P. Monica (2021). The role of habit in tourist behaviour. The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference, Online, 9-12 February 2021.
Journal Article
Subjective well-being and events
Yu, Nanyi Nicole, Mair, Judith, Lee, Andy and Ong, Faith (2021). Subjective well-being and events. Event Management, 26 (1), 7-24. doi: 10.3727/152599521x16192004803584
Journal Article
Teaching sustainability in tourism education: a teaching simulation
McGrath, G. Michael, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, Ong, Faith, Wilson-Evered, Elisabeth, Blaer, Madelene and Whitelaw, Paul (2021). Teaching sustainability in tourism education: a teaching simulation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29 (5), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1791892
Book Chapter
Glocal citizenship: lofty ideals in regional space
Ong, Faith (2021). Glocal citizenship: lofty ideals in regional space. The Routledge handbook of volunteering in events, sport and tourism. (pp. 434-443) edited by Kirsten Holmes, Leonie Lockstone-Binney, Karen A. Smith and Richard Shipway. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780367815875-40
Journal Article
Redefining Asian tourism
Yang, Elaine Chiao Ling and Ong, Faith (2020). Redefining Asian tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives, 34 100667, 100667. doi: 10.1016/j.tmp.2020.100667
Conference Publication
The role of cultural festivals in building social capital in the Chinese diaspora community
Yu, Nicole, Mair, Judith, Ong, Faith and Lee, Andy (2020). The role of cultural festivals in building social capital in the Chinese diaspora community. CAUTHE Conference 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2020. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology.
Journal Article
Talent in hospitality entrepreneurship: a conceptualization and research agenda
Muskat, Birgit, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, Ong, Faith and Andresen, Maike (2019). Talent in hospitality entrepreneurship: a conceptualization and research agenda. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (10) IJCHM-10-2018-0867, 3899-3918. doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-10-2018-0867
Book Chapter
Student leadership development
Fang, Marcela and Ong, Faith (2019). Student leadership development. The study of food, tourism, hospitality and events: 21st-century approaches. (pp. 191-202) edited by Sue Beeton and Alison Morrison. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-0638-9_17
Book Chapter
Event studies: progression and future in the field
Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and Ong, Faith (2019). Event studies: progression and future in the field. The study of food, tourism, hospitality and events: 21st-century approaches. (pp. 37-46) edited by Sue Beeton and Alison Morrison. Singapore, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-0638-9_4
Journal Article
Critical event studies: Issues and perspectives
Robertson, Martin, Ong, Faith, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and Ali-Knight, Jane (2018). Critical event studies: Issues and perspectives. Event Management, 22 (6), 865-874. doi: 10.3727/152599518x15346132863193
Journal Article
Pink is the New Gray: Events as Agents of Social Change
Ong, Faith and Goh, Sandra (2018). Pink is the New Gray: Events as Agents of Social Change. Event Management, 22 (6), 965-979. doi: 10.3727/152599518x15346132863292
Journal Article
The conceptualization of volunteering among nonvolunteers: using the net-cost approach to expand definitions and dimensions of volunteering
Haski-Leventhal, Debbie, Oppenheimer, Melanie, Holmes, Kirsten, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, Alony, Irit and Ong, Faith (2018). The conceptualization of volunteering among nonvolunteers: using the net-cost approach to expand definitions and dimensions of volunteering. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48 (2_suppl), 30S-51S. doi: 10.1177/0899764018768078
Journal Article
Going global, acting local: volunteer tourists as prospective community builders
Ong, Faith, King, Brian, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and Junek, Olga (2017). Going global, acting local: volunteer tourists as prospective community builders. Tourism Recreation Research, 43 (2), 135-146. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2017.1391449
Journal Article
The future of volunteer tourism in the Asia-Pacific region: alternative prospects
Ong, Faith, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, King, Brian and Smith, Karen A. (2014). The future of volunteer tourism in the Asia-Pacific region: alternative prospects. Journal of Travel Research, 53 (6), 680-692. doi: 10.1177/0047287514532365
Journal Article
Virtuous volunteer tourism: towards a uniform code of conduct
Ong, Faith, Pearlman, Michael, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and King, Brian (2013). Virtuous volunteer tourism: towards a uniform code of conduct. Annals of Leisure Research, 16 (1), 72-86. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2013.769402
Journal Article
An examination of not-for-profit volunteer tourism sending organisations’ guiding considerations that influence volunteer tourism programmes
Ong, Faith, Pearlman, Michael and Lockstone-Binney, Leonie (2011). An examination of not-for-profit volunteer tourism sending organisations’ guiding considerations that influence volunteer tourism programmes. World Leisure Journal, 53 (4), 296-311. doi: 10.1080/04419057.2011.630787
- Dr Faith Ong is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Exploring the role of social inclusion in LGBT+ events
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Judith Mair, Dr Niki Macionis
Doctor Philosophy
Reconciliation Action Plans: a multi-dimensional perspective of their social, educational and policy impacts & outcomes
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Samantha Cooms
Doctor Philosophy
Intrinsic Event Value to Individual Event Attendees and Subjective Well-being
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Andy Lee, Associate Professor Judith Mair
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Intrinsic Event Value to Individual Event Attendees and Subjective Well-being
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Andy Lee, Associate Professor Judith Mair
Doctor Philosophy
Essays on Habit as a Driver of Tourist Pro-Environmental Behaviour
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Monica Chien, Professor Sara Dolnicar
Contact Dr Faith Ong directly for media enquiries about:
- Accessibility in events
- Accessible tourism
- Community-building
- LGBT Events
- Social Inclusion
- Volunteer tourism
- Volunteering
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