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Dr Tatsuya Amano

Tatsuya Amano

+61 7 336 56907



I am primarily interested in how we, as scientists, can make meaningful contributions to halting and reversing the ongoing global biodiversity crisis. I am particularly committed to tackling gaps in our knowledge needed for biodiversity conservation, focusing on the following three aspects.

(i) Identifying gaps in existing information and their drivers: I have been working on how information on biodiversity is distributed over space, time and taxa, and what causes the existing gaps in information availability.

(ii) Overcoming information gaps with modelling approaches: I have been applying modelling approaches to better inform conservation initiatives through the use of available, imperfect data. For this I have intensively worked on assessing long-term changes in global waterbird diversity (see for example our recent papers in Nature (also see my blog post) and Nature Climate Change (blog post))

(iii) Bridging the research-implementation gap: I am also keen to provide scientific information for conservation in a more accessible way and have been involved in the Conservation Evidence project as a statistical editor, with the aim of contributing to the implementation of evidence-based decision making in conservation.

I am leading the translatE project (transcending language barriers to environmental sciences), funded by the Australian Research Council, which incorporates the above three aspects in order to understand the consequences of language barriers in biodiversity conservation. The project aims to:

  • assess the importance of scientific knowledge that is available in non-English languages,
  • understand how language barriers impede the application of science in decision making,
  • quantify language barriers to the career development of non-native English speaking scientists, and
  • devise solutions for exchanging information across languages and cultures in an effective manner.

See our work on language barriers in science featured in Nature in 2019 and July and August in 2023, Science in 2020 and 2023, The Conversation in 2021 and 2023, The Guardian, and The Economist, and my presentation on findings from the project (plenary at the 2022 Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania: from 48:48).

Also see the website of Kaizen Conservation Group for our research, members and latest publications.

I am also an affiliated researcher at the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science.


Dr Tatsuya Amano is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Science, University of Tokyo
  • Masters (Coursework) of Science, University of Tokyo
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tokyo

Research interests

  • Understanding and overcoming consequences of language barriers in science

    I have been investigating (i) the importance of scientific knowledge that is available in non-English languages, (ii) how language barriers impede the application of science in decision making, (iii) impacts of language barriers on the career development of non-native English speaking scientists, and (iv) solutions for exchanging information across languages and cultures in an effective manner.

  • Facilitating evidence-based conservation

    I am keen to generate and provie scientific evidence in a more accessible way and have been involved in the Conservation Evidence project as a statistical editor, with the aim of contributing to the implementation of evidence-based decision making in conservation.

  • Identifying gaps in biodiversity information/research and their drivers

    I have been working on how knowledge on biodiversity and its conservation is distributed over space, time and taxa, and what causes the existing gaps in knowledge availability.

  • Overcoming biodiversity information gaps with modelling approaches

    I have been applying modelling approaches to better inform conservation initiatives through the use of available, imperfect data. For this I have intensively worked on assessing long-term changes in waterbird diversity at the global and national scales.

Research impacts

Through the translatE project I have not only been producing scientific outcomes, but also transforming people’s views of the problem through dissemination activities. Our research is extremely wide-reaching. For example, one of our recent papers has been viewed over 80,000 times to date. Since 2019 our work has been featured in over 300 media outlets globally including Nature, Science, The Guardian, Scientific American, Le Monde, Japan Times, and the ABC, a number of policy documents (including those by the OECD and International Union for Conservation of Nature), and so on. I have delivered over 30 invited/keynote presentations so far in Australia, Germany, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, UK, and USA.

I am also committed to devising, proposing, and implementing solutions to the issue of language barriers in science. For example, I published a list of ten tips for overcoming language barriers in science (on UQ website and in Amano et al 2021 Nature Human Behaviour), proposed ideal policies and supports for non-native English speakers in academic journals by reviewing guidelines across more than 700 biological science journals (Arenas-Castro et al 2024 Proc R Soc B), released two interactive tools to raise awareness of language barriers in conservation (Bird language diversity shiny app and a database of non-English-language evidence for conservation), organised two workshops at UQ on overcoming language barriers in science involving academics and journal editors, and supported the launch of an English writing workshops at the UQ Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science. Our project has driven a number of positive movements in overcoming language barriers in science and the implementation of solutions in various sectors, thereby contributing to enhancing diversity, inclusion, and integrity in science.

I have also led collaborations with non-academic organisations (Australian Government’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and Birdlife Australia) in evaluating the latest status of migratory shorebird species in Australia. The project’s outcomes, now published as a report to the National Environmental Science Program, provide comprehensive assessments of population status of 14 migratory shorebird species, some of which are seriously endangered. The results have directly informed the Federal Government’s Threatened Species Listing decisions, and Birdlife International/International Union for Conservation of Nature’s latest revision to global bird species conservation status.


Search Professor Tatsuya Amano’s works on UQ eSpace

143 works between 2004 and 2024

21 - 40 of 143 works


Journal Article

Taiwan's Breeding Bird Survey reveals very few declining species

Lin, Da-Li, Chie-Jen Ko, Jerome, Amano, Tatsuya, Hsu, Cheng-Te, Fuller, Richard A., Maron, Martine, Fan, Meng-Wen, Pursner, Scott, Wu, Tsai-Yu, Wu, Shih-Hung, Chen, Wan-Jyun, Bayraktarov, Elisa, Mundkur, Taej, Lin, Ruey-Shing, Ding, Tzung-Su, Lee, Yung-Jaan and Lee, Pei-Fen (2023). Taiwan's Breeding Bird Survey reveals very few declining species. Ecological Indicators, 146 109839, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109839

Taiwan's Breeding Bird Survey reveals very few declining species


Journal Article

Language barriers in organismal biology: what can journals do better?

Nolde-Lopez, B., Bundus, J., Arenas-Castro, H., Román, D., Chowdhury, S., Amano, T., Berdejo-Espinola, V. and Wadgymar, S M. (2023). Language barriers in organismal biology: what can journals do better?. Integrative Organismal Biology, 5 (1) obad003, 1-15. doi: 10.1093/iob/obad003

Language barriers in organismal biology: what can journals do better?


Journal Article

Trends and progress in studying butterfly migration

Chowdhury, Shawan, Zalucki, Myron P., Amano, Tatsuya, Poch, Tomas J., Lin, Mu‐Ming, Ohwaki, Atsushi, Lin, Da‐Li, Yang, Li, Choi, Sei‐Woong, Jennions, Michael and Fuller, Richard A. (2022). Trends and progress in studying butterfly migration. Integrative Conservation, 1 (1), 8-24. doi: 10.1002/inc3.13

Trends and progress in studying butterfly migration


Journal Article

Drivers of global mangrove loss and gain in social-ecological systems

Hagger, Valerie, Worthington, Thomas A., Lovelock, Catherine E., Adame, Maria Fernanda, Amano, Tatsuya, Brown, Benjamin M., Friess, Daniel A., Landis, Emily, Mumby, Peter J., Morrison, Tiffany H., O’Brien, Katherine R., Wilson, Kerrie A., Zganjar, Chris and Saunders, Megan I. (2022). Drivers of global mangrove loss and gain in social-ecological systems. Nature Communications, 13 (1) 6373, 1-16. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33962-x

Drivers of global mangrove loss and gain in social-ecological systems


Journal Article

A comprehensive database of amphibian heat tolerance

Pottier, Patrice, Lin, Hsien-Yung, Oh, Rachel R. Y., Pollo, Pietro, Rivera-Villanueva, A. Nayelli, Valdebenito, José O., Yang, Yefeng, Amano, Tatsuya, Burke, Samantha, Drobniak, Szymon M. and Nakagawa, Shinichi (2022). A comprehensive database of amphibian heat tolerance. Scientific Data, 9 (1) 600, 1-15. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01704-9

A comprehensive database of amphibian heat tolerance


Journal Article

Growth of non‐English‐language literature on biodiversity conservation

Chowdhury, Shawan, Gonzalez, Kristofer, Aytekin, M. Çisel Kemahlı, Baek, Seung‐Yun, Bełcik, Michał, Bertolino, Sandro, Duijns, Sjoerd, Han, Yuqing, Jantke, Kerstin, Katayose, Ryosuke, Lin, Mu‐Ming, Nourani, Elham, Ramos, Danielle Leal, Rouyer, Marie‐M organe, Sidemo‐Holm, William, Vozykova, Svetlana, Zamora‐Gutierrez, Veronica and Amano, Tatsuya (2022). Growth of non‐English‐language literature on biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, 36 (4) e13883, e13883. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13883

Growth of non‐English‐language literature on biodiversity conservation


Journal Article

Abandonment of ski pistes impoverishes butterfly communities

Oki, Kazuhito, Soga, Masashi, Amano, Tatsuya and Koike, Shinsuke (2022). Abandonment of ski pistes impoverishes butterfly communities. Biodiversity and Conservation, 31 (8-9), 2083-2096. doi: 10.1007/s10531-022-02422-9

Abandonment of ski pistes impoverishes butterfly communities


Journal Article

Language barriers in global bird conservation

Negret, Pablo Jose, Atkinson, Scott C., Woodworth, Bradley K., Corella Tor, Marina, Allan, James R., Fuller, Richard A. and Amano, Tatsuya (2022). Language barriers in global bird conservation. PLOS ONE, 17 (4) e0267151, 1-14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267151

Language barriers in global bird conservation


Journal Article

Effects of anthropogenic landscapes on population maintenance of waterbirds

Wang, Xiaodan, Li, Xinhai, Ren, Xiaotong, Jackson, Micha V., Fuller, Richard A., Melville, David S., Amano, Tatsuya and Ma, Zhijun (2022). Effects of anthropogenic landscapes on population maintenance of waterbirds. Conservation Biology, 36 (2) cobi.13808, e13808. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13808

Effects of anthropogenic landscapes on population maintenance of waterbirds


Journal Article

Innovation and forward‐thinking are needed to improve traditional synthesis methods: a response to Pescott and Stewart

Christie, Alec P., Amano, Tatsuya, Martin, Philip A., Shackelford, Gorm E., Simmons, Benno I. and Sutherland, William J. (2022). Innovation and forward‐thinking are needed to improve traditional synthesis methods: a response to Pescott and Stewart. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (5), 1191-1197. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.14154

Innovation and forward‐thinking are needed to improve traditional synthesis methods: a response to Pescott and Stewart


Journal Article

Correction to: Indirect positive effects of agricultural modernization on the abundance of Japanese tree frog tadpoles in rice fields through the release from predators (Aquatic Ecology, (2013), 47, 2, (225-234), 10.1007/s10452-013-9437-0)

Katayama, Naoki, Goto, Tetsuo, Narushima, Fumihiro, Amano, Tatsuya, Kobori, Hiromi and Miyashita, Tadashi (2022). Correction to: Indirect positive effects of agricultural modernization on the abundance of Japanese tree frog tadpoles in rice fields through the release from predators (Aquatic Ecology, (2013), 47, 2, (225-234), 10.1007/s10452-013-9437-0). Aquatic Ecology, 56 (1), 331-331. doi: 10.1007/s10452-021-09916-8

Correction to: Indirect positive effects of agricultural modernization on the abundance of Japanese tree frog tadpoles in rice fields through the release from predators (Aquatic Ecology, (2013), 47, 2, (225-234), 10.1007/s10452-013-9437-0)


Journal Article

A solution for breaking the language barrier

Khelifa, Rassim, Amano, Tatsuya and Nuñez, Martin A. (2022). A solution for breaking the language barrier. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37 (2), 109-112. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.11.003

A solution for breaking the language barrier


Book Chapter

Transforming practice: checklists for delivering change

Amano, Tatsuya, Bako, Longji, Best, Marina, Boenisch, Nicolas, Boersch-Supan, Philipp, Browne, Des, Buckley, Yvonne, Burgman, Mark, Cadotte, Marc W., Canessa, Stefano, Cheng, Samantha H., Christie, Alec P., Citegetse, Geoffroy, Cook, Carly N., Cooke, Steven J., Cranston, Gemma, Dicks, Lynn V., De la Luz, Angelita, Dickson, Iain, Downey, Harriet, Eklund, Johanna, Esmail, Nafeesa, Ferraro, Paul J., Field, Alison, Fisher, Martin, Freckleton, Robert, Winifred Frick, Godfray, Hugh Charles Jonathan, Grainger, Matthew J. ... Young, Lindsay C. (2022). Transforming practice: checklists for delivering change. Transforming conservation: a practical guide to evidence and decision making. (pp. 367-386) edited by William J. Sutherland. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Open Book Publishers. doi: 10.11647/obp.0321.12

Transforming practice: checklists for delivering change


Book Chapter

Presenting conclusions from assessed evidence

Sutherland, William J., Amano, Tatsuya, Boenisch, Nicolas, Cheng, Samantha H., Christie, Alec P., Godfray, Hugh Charles Jonathan, Grainger, Matthew J., McLean, Angela R., Morgan, William H., Ockendon, Nancy, Randall, Nicola P., Sahlin, Ullrika and White, Thomas B. (2022). Presenting conclusions from assessed evidence. Transforming conservation: a practical guide to evidence and decision making. (pp. 95-132) edited by William J. Sutherland. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Open Book Publishers. doi: 10.11647/obp.0321.04

Presenting conclusions from assessed evidence


Book Chapter

Gathering and assessing pieces of evidence

White, Thomas B., Amano, Tatsuya, Boersch-Supan, Philipp, Christie, Alec P., Freckleton, Robert, Quinzin, Maud C., Rezaie, Ali Mohammad, Sutherland, William J. and Yamashita, Hiromi (2022). Gathering and assessing pieces of evidence. Transforming conservation: a practical guide to evidence and decision making. (pp. 31-74) edited by William J. Sutherland. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Open Book Publishers. doi: 10.11647/obp.0321.02

Gathering and assessing pieces of evidence


Journal Article

Comments on ‘Effects of modern drainage systems on the spatial distribution of loach in rice ecosystems’

Katayama, Naoki, Tatsuya, Amano and Miyashita, Tadashi (2021). Comments on ‘Effects of modern drainage systems on the spatial distribution of loach in rice ecosystems’. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32 (2), 400-400. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3757

Comments on ‘Effects of modern drainage systems on the spatial distribution of loach in rice ecosystems’


Journal Article

Seven ecological and technical attributes for biofilm‐based recovery of shorebird populations in intertidal flat ecosystems

Kuwae, Tomohiro, Elner, Robert W., Amano, Tatsuya and Drever, Mark C. (2021). Seven ecological and technical attributes for biofilm‐based recovery of shorebird populations in intertidal flat ecosystems. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2 (4) e12114. doi: 10.1002/2688-8319.12114

Seven ecological and technical attributes for biofilm‐based recovery of shorebird populations in intertidal flat ecosystems


Journal Article

Seasonal spatial dynamics of butterfly migration

Chowdhury, Shawan, Zalucki, Myron P., Amano, Tatsuya, Woodworth, Bradley K., Venegas‐Li, Ruben and Fuller, Richard A. (2021). Seasonal spatial dynamics of butterfly migration. Ecology Letters, 24 (9), 1814-1823. doi: 10.1111/ele.13787

Seasonal spatial dynamics of butterfly migration


Journal Article

Power line corridors in conifer plantations as important habitats for butterflies

Oki, Kazuhito, Soga, Masashi, Amano, Tatsuya and Koike, Shinsuke (2021). Power line corridors in conifer plantations as important habitats for butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation, 25 (5-6), 829-840. doi: 10.1007/s10841-021-00343-6

Power line corridors in conifer plantations as important habitats for butterflies


Journal Article

Urban green space use during a time of stress: a case study during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Brisbane, Australia

Berdejo‐Espinola, Violeta, Suárez‐Castro, Andrés F., Amano, Tatsuya, Fielding, Kelly S., Oh, Rachel Rui Ying and Fuller, Richard A. (2021). Urban green space use during a time of stress: a case study during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Brisbane, Australia. People and Nature, 3 (3), 597-609. doi: 10.1002/pan3.10218

Urban green space use during a time of stress: a case study during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Brisbane, Australia


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2026
    Research and tools to support recovery and management of migratory shorebirds in Australia (NESP2 MaC Hub - Reef and Rainforest Research Centre funded project)
    Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2026
    Tapping into non-English-language science in tackling global challenges
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2024
    Transcending Language Barriers to Environmental Sciences
    ARC Future Fellowships
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2022
    Australia's Coastal Shorebirds: Trends and Prospects
    University of Tasmania
    Open grant



Dr Tatsuya Amano is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Why are waterbirds declining globally?

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Richard Fuller

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Understanding language barriers to the use of scientific knowledge in conservation decision making

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Richard Fuller

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Enhancing International Collaboration for Migratory Bird Conservation

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Richard Fuller

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Where no eyes can see: Tracking Australian shorebird migration using radar

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Richard Fuller

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Developing a Drone Based Shorebird Survey Method

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Richard Fuller

Completed supervision



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