Dr Leah Henrickson is a Lecturer in Digital Media and Cultures at the University of Queensland. She is the author of Reading Computer-Generated Texts (Cambridge University Press, 2021) and other peer-reviewed articles about how we understand text generation systems and output, artificial intelligence, and digital media ecosystems. Dr Henrickson also studies digital storytelling for critical self-reflection, community building, and commercial benefit. She regularly supports projects and organisations in their digital storytelling efforts as consultant and advisor.
Dr Henrickson is especially keen to collaborate on projects involving digital methods and media, hermeneutics, histories of communications media, and unconventional text production and dissemination.
- Dr Leah Henrickson is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
Search Professor Leah Henrickson’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Juan Enriquez, Right/Wrong: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics reviewed by Leah Henrickson
Henrickson, Leah (2022). Juan Enriquez, Right/Wrong: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics reviewed by Leah Henrickson. Prometheus, 37 (4), 409-413. doi: 10.13169/prometheus.37.4.0409
Journal Article
Tangling and untangling the Trollopes: a stylometric analysis of Frances Milton Trollope, Frances Eleanor Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Adolphus Trollope, and Charles Dickens
Henrickson, Leah and Dumbill, Eleanor (2021). Tangling and untangling the Trollopes: a stylometric analysis of Frances Milton Trollope, Frances Eleanor Trollope, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Adolphus Trollope, and Charles Dickens. Victorian Review: an interdisciplinary journal of victorian studies, 47 (2), 243-262. doi: 10.1353/vcr.2021.0032
Reading computer-generated texts
Henrickson, Leah (2021). Reading computer-generated texts. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108906463
Journal Article
Digital technology and the practices of humanities research
Henrickson, Leah (2020). Digital technology and the practices of humanities research. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52 (4), 1253-1254. doi: 10.1177/0961000620945125
Journal Article
The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativity
Henrickson, Leah (2020). The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativity. Configurations, 28 (3), 398-400. doi: 10.1353/con.2020.0023
Journal Article
Close Reading with Computers: Textual Scholarship, Computational Formalism, and David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas
Henrickson, Leah (2020). Close Reading with Computers: Textual Scholarship, Computational Formalism, and David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. English, 69 (265), 194-197. doi: 10.1093/english/efz050
Book Chapter
Authorship in computer-generated texts
Henrickson, Leah (2020). Authorship in computer-generated texts. Oxford research encyclopedia of literature. (pp. 1-21) edited by Paula Rabinowitz . Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.013.1226
Journal Article
Henrickson, Leah (2020). THE BOOK IN THE DIGITAL AGE: AN INTRODUCTION. Publishing History, 83, 7-18.
Journal Article
Scenarios of countercultural representation: an analysis of inventory books' visualities
Henrickson, Leah (2019). Scenarios of countercultural representation: an analysis of inventory books' visualities. Visual Communication, 147035721987756. doi: 10.1177/1470357219877560
Journal Article
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature
Henrickson, Leah (2019). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature. English, 68 (260), 95-98. doi: 10.1093/english/efz010
Journal Article
Computer-generated fiction in a literary lineage: breaking the hermeneutic contract
Henrickson, Leah (2018). Computer-generated fiction in a literary lineage: breaking the hermeneutic contract. Logos, 29 (2-3), 54-63. doi: 10.1163/18784712-02902007
Journal Article
Butterflies, busy weekends, and chicken salad: genetic criticism and the output of @Pentametron
Henrickson, Leah (2018). Butterflies, busy weekends, and chicken salad: genetic criticism and the output of @Pentametron. Authorship, 7 (1). doi: 10.21825/aj.v7i1.8619
Journal Article
Tool vs. agent: attributing agency to natural language generation systems
Henrickson, Leah (2018). Tool vs. agent: attributing agency to natural language generation systems. Digital Creativity, 29 (2-3), 182-190. doi: 10.1080/14626268.2018.1482924
- Dr Leah Henrickson is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Narrative Techniques in Concept Albums
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Venero Armanno, Associate Professor Katelyn Barney
Doctor Philosophy
AI as a Tool for Truth and Empathy: Exploring the Impact of AI-driven Interactions on False Beliefs and Intergroup Empathy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Eric Vanman
Doctor Philosophy
Influences of social media-based communication on ecotourism: a case study in India
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Nicholas Carah, Associate Professor Elske van de Fliert
Doctor Philosophy
Mechanics of Imagination: Arthur Coghlan and Generative AI in Creative Nonfiction
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Kim Wilkins
Doctor Philosophy
Literature in a Changed Publishing Environment
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Helen Marshall, Professor Kim Wilkins
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Between People and Books: The Contemporary Australian Bookshelf
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Helen Marshall, Professor Kim Wilkins
Contact Dr Leah Henrickson directly for media enquiries about:
- artificial intelligence
- book history
- digital cultures
- digital media
- digital storytelling
- human-computer interaction
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