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Journal Article

Gespräche mit niemandem

Henrickson, Leah (2024). Gespräche mit niemandem. Text+Kritik, 142-150.

Gespräche mit niemandem


Journal Article

Belonging through Creative Connections: a feasibility study of an arts-based intervention to facilitate social connections between university students

Henrickson, Leah, Jennings, Grace and Bewick, Bridgette M. (2024). Belonging through Creative Connections: a feasibility study of an arts-based intervention to facilitate social connections between university students. Cogent Education, 11 (1) 2373181, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/2331186X.2024.2373181

Belonging through Creative Connections: a feasibility study of an arts-based intervention to facilitate social connections between university students


Other Outputs

An influencer’s AI clone started offering fans ‘mind-blowing sexual experiences’ without her knowledge

Henrickson, Leah and Carlon, Dominique (2024, 06 25). An influencer’s AI clone started offering fans ‘mind-blowing sexual experiences’ without her knowledge The Conversation

An influencer’s AI clone started offering fans ‘mind-blowing sexual experiences’ without her knowledge


Journal Article

Conversations with no one

Henrickson, Leah (2024). Conversations with no one. Poetics Today, 45 (2), 291-299. doi: 10.1215/03335372-11092924

Conversations with no one


Other Outputs

Australian AI in the Archive

Henrickson, Leah, Tang, David, Nolan, Maggie and Mills, Catriona (2024). Australian AI in the Archive. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: AustLit.

Australian AI in the Archive


Other Outputs

Australian writers have been envisioning AI for a century. Here are 5 stories to read as we grapple with rapid change

Henrickson, Leah, Tang, David, Mills, Catriona and Nolan, Maggie (2024, 04 04). Australian writers have been envisioning AI for a century. Here are 5 stories to read as we grapple with rapid change The Conversation

Australian writers have been envisioning AI for a century. Here are 5 stories to read as we grapple with rapid change


Journal Article

The Lovelace effect: perceptions of creativity in machines

Natale, Simone and Henrickson, Leah (2024). The Lovelace effect: perceptions of creativity in machines. New Media and Society, 26 (4) 14614448221077278, 1909-1926. doi: 10.1177/14614448221077278

The Lovelace effect: perceptions of creativity in machines


Journal Article

Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models

Munn, Luke and Henrickson, Leah (2024). Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models. Learning, Media and Technology, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/17439884.2024.2327024

Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models


Journal Article

On constructive bewilderment: using special collections material for teaching digital practices

Henrickson, Leah, Hall, Benjamin and Procter, Timothy (2024). On constructive bewilderment: using special collections material for teaching digital practices. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50 (2) 102852, 102852. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2024.102852

On constructive bewilderment: using special collections material for teaching digital practices


Book Chapter

Mit den Toten chatting. Die Hermeneutik von Thanabots

Henrickson, Leah (2024). Mit den Toten chatting. Die Hermeneutik von Thanabots. Quellcodekritik: Zur Philologie von Algorithmen. (pp. 245-275) Berlin, Germany: August Verlag. doi: 10.52438/avaa1004

Mit den Toten chatting. Die Hermeneutik von Thanabots


Conference Publication

Positioning large language model artificial intelligence tools within discourse analysis : Opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations

Anand, Pranit, Li, Dongmei, Keen, Joel and Henrickson, Leah (2023). Positioning large language model artificial intelligence tools within discourse analysis : Opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations. ASCILITE 2023 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 3-6 December 2023. Tugun, QLD, Australia: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. doi: 10.14742/apubs.2023.524

Positioning large language model artificial intelligence tools within discourse analysis : Opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations


Book Chapter

Artificial intelligence in politics

Henrickson, Leah (2023). Artificial intelligence in politics. Handbook of Digital Politics. (pp. 242-271) edited by Stephen Coleman and Lone Sorensen. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781800377585.00026

Artificial intelligence in politics


Journal Article

Introduction: books on screen

Dietz, Laura and Henrickson, Leah (2023). Introduction: books on screen. Participations, 19 (3), 259-271.

Introduction: books on screen


Journal Article

Prompting meaning: a hermeneutic approach to optimising prompt engineering with ChatGPT

Henrickson, Leah and Meroño-Peñuela, Albert (2023). Prompting meaning: a hermeneutic approach to optimising prompt engineering with ChatGPT. AI & Society, 39 (6), 2647-2665. doi: 10.1007/s00146-023-01752-8

Prompting meaning: a hermeneutic approach to optimising prompt engineering with ChatGPT


Journal Article

Chatting with the dead: the hermeneutics of thanabots

Henrickson, Leah (2023). Chatting with the dead: the hermeneutics of thanabots. Media, Culture and Society, 45 (5), 949-966. doi: 10.1177/01634437221147626

Chatting with the dead: the hermeneutics of thanabots


Journal Article

Review of: Mark Vareschi and Heather Wacha, eds. Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. 202 pp. $79.95. Hardcover (ISBN 9780299338107).

Henrickson, Leah (2023). Review of: Mark Vareschi and Heather Wacha, eds. Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. 202 pp. $79.95. Hardcover (ISBN 9780299338107).. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 117 (2), 262-264. doi: 10.1086/725503

Review of: Mark Vareschi and Heather Wacha, eds. Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. 202 pp. $79.95. Hardcover (ISBN 9780299338107).


Journal Article

Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities

Henrickson, Leah (2023). Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 117 (2), 262-264. doi: 10.1086/725503

Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities


Journal Article

Soft skills, stories, and self-reflection: applied digital storytelling for self-branding

Henrickson, Leah, Jephcote, William and Comissiong, Rhys (2022). Soft skills, stories, and self-reflection: applied digital storytelling for self-branding. Convergence: The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies, 28 (6), 1577-1597. doi: 10.1177/13548565221091517

Soft skills, stories, and self-reflection: applied digital storytelling for self-branding


Journal Article

The hermeneutics of computer-generated texts

Henrickson, Leah and Merono-Penuela, Albert (2022). The hermeneutics of computer-generated texts. Configurations, 30 (2), 115-139. doi: 10.1353/con.2022.0008

The hermeneutics of computer-generated texts


Book Chapter

“Ummmmm, guys? Don’t microwave your books”: readers, authors, and institutions in #PandemicReading tweets

Henrickson, Leah (2022). “Ummmmm, guys? Don’t microwave your books”: readers, authors, and institutions in #PandemicReading tweets. Bookshelves in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. (pp. 259-279) edited by Corinna Norrick-Rühl and Shafquat Towheed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-05292-7_13

“Ummmmm, guys? Don’t microwave your books”: readers, authors, and institutions in #PandemicReading tweets