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Dr Andrew Tosolini

Andrew Tosolini




​Dr Tosolini is a cell biologist with a focus at the intersection of axonal transport, neurotrophic factors, motor neurons and skeletal muscle, in the context of motor neuron disease (MND)/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). His research to date has focused on utilising the connectivity between skeletal muscle and motor neurons for the enhanced delivery of therapeutic agents to the spinal cord (e.g., viral-mediated gene therapy). Building upon these foundations, his postdoctoral training focused on defining the axonal transport dynamics in a number of different experimental conditions, including stimulation with different neurotrophic factors (e.g., BDNF, GDNF), α motor neuron subtypes (i.e., fast motor neurons vs slow motor neurons), and alterations to such factors in MND/ALS pathology.

Dr Tosolini has joined the laboratories of A/Prof. Shyuan Ngo (AIBN) and Dr. Derek Steyn (SBMS) to undertake a novel project looking at assessing a novel therapeutic compound in mouse models of ALS, and in as well as in ALS patient-derived muscle cultures. This project is in collaboration with Dr. Giovanni Nardo at Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Neuroscience, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milan, Italy.

​Dr Tosolini completed his PhD in 2015 in the discipline of Anatomy at the School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales (UNSW). His PhD project focused on characterising the connectivity between various skeletal muscles and their innervating motor neuron pools, to optimally deliver agents (e.g., retrograde tracers, virus) to the spinal cord motor neurons via retrograde axonal transport. For the work produced in his PhD, Dr Tosolini was awarded a place on the Faculty of Medicine's Dean's List.

In 2016, Dr Tosolini joined the Schiavo Laboratory at University College London (UCL), UK as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to undertake a project focused on: 1) understanding factors influencing axonal transport dynamics in distinct in vitro and in vivo models of motor neuron disease (MND)/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and 2) revealing the signalling elements governing neuronal trans-synaptic transfer.

In 2020, Dr Tosolini was awarded a Junior Non-Clinical Post-Doctoral Fellowship by the Motor Neuron Disease Association, UK to expand his work on evaluating axonal transport dynamics in mouse models of motor neuron disease (MND) as well as in diverse human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived motor neurons. This project is a direct continuation of my post-doctoral training in the Schiavo laboratory, and included a novel collaboration with Prof. Rickie Patani (Francis Crick Institute, London, UK), to evaluate axonal transport dynamics of diverse organelles in mouse and human models of MND/ALS.


Dr Andrew Tosolini is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours), University of New South Wales
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales


Search Professor Andrew Tosolini’s works on UQ eSpace

35 works between 2011 and 2024

21 - 35 of 35 works


Journal Article

The evolution of the axonal transport toolkit

Surana, Sunaina, Villarroel-Campos, David, Lazo, Oscar M., Moretto, Edoardo, Tosolini, Andrew P., Rhymes, Elena R., Richter, Sandy, Sleigh, James N. and Schiavo, Giampietro (2019). The evolution of the axonal transport toolkit. Traffic, 21 (1), 13-33. doi: 10.1111/tra.12710

The evolution of the axonal transport toolkit


Journal Article

Assessing rat forelimb and hindlimb motor unit connectivity as objective and robust biomarkers of spinal motor neuron function

Harrigan, Markus E., Filous, Angela R., Tosolini, Andrew P., Morris, Renee, Schwab, Jan M. and Arnold, W. David (2019). Assessing rat forelimb and hindlimb motor unit connectivity as objective and robust biomarkers of spinal motor neuron function. Scientific Reports, 9 (1) 16699, 1-14. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53235-w

Assessing rat forelimb and hindlimb motor unit connectivity as objective and robust biomarkers of spinal motor neuron function


Journal Article

Axonal transport and neurological disease

Sleigh, James N., Rossor, Alexander M., Fellows, Alexander D., Tosolini, Andrew P. and Schiavo, Giampietro (2019). Axonal transport and neurological disease. Nature Reviews Neurology, 15 (12), 691-703. doi: 10.1038/s41582-019-0257-2

Axonal transport and neurological disease


Journal Article

Deacetylation of Miro1 by HDAC6 blocks mitochondrial transport and mediates axon growth inhibition

Kalinski, Ashley L., Kar, Amar N., Craver, John, Tosolini, Andrew P., Sleigh, James N., Lee, Seung Joon, Hawthorne, Alicia, Brito-Vargas, Paul, Miller-Randolph, Sharmina, Passino, Ryan, Shi, Liang, Wong, Victor S.C., Picci, Cristina, Smith, Deanna S., Willis, Dianna E., Havton, Leif A., Schiavo, Giampietro, Giger, Roman J., Langley, Brett and Twiss, Jeffery L. (2019). Deacetylation of Miro1 by HDAC6 blocks mitochondrial transport and mediates axon growth inhibition. Journal of Cell Biology, 218 (6) jcb.201702187, 1871-1890. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201702187

Deacetylation of Miro1 by HDAC6 blocks mitochondrial transport and mediates axon growth inhibition


Journal Article

The travel diaries of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins

Surana, Sunaina, Tosolini, Andrew P., Meyer, Ione F.G., Fellows, Alexander D., Novoselov, Sergey S. and Schiavo, Giampietro (2018). The travel diaries of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins. Toxicon, 147, 58-67. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2017.10.008

The travel diaries of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins


Journal Article

Editorial: Gene therapy for the central and peripheral nervous system

Tosolini, Andrew P. and Smith, George M. (2018). Editorial: Gene therapy for the central and peripheral nervous system. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 11 54. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00054

Editorial: Gene therapy for the central and peripheral nervous system


Journal Article

Motor neuron gene therapy: lessons from spinal muscular atrophy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Tosolini, Andrew P. and Sleigh, James N. (2017). Motor neuron gene therapy: lessons from spinal muscular atrophy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10 405. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2017.00405

Motor neuron gene therapy: lessons from spinal muscular atrophy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


Journal Article

Targeting motor end plates for delivery of adenoviruses: an approach to maximize uptake and transduction of spinal cord motor neurons

Tosolini, Andrew Paul and Morris, Reneé (2016). Targeting motor end plates for delivery of adenoviruses: an approach to maximize uptake and transduction of spinal cord motor neurons. Scientific Reports, 6 (1) 33058, 1-14. doi: 10.1038/srep33058

Targeting motor end plates for delivery of adenoviruses: an approach to maximize uptake and transduction of spinal cord motor neurons


Journal Article

Viral-mediated gene therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI) from a translational neuroanatomical perspective

Tosolini, Andrew P. and Morris, Renée (2016). Viral-mediated gene therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI) from a translational neuroanatomical perspective. Neural Regeneration Research, 11 (5), 743-744. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.182698

Viral-mediated gene therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI) from a translational neuroanatomical perspective


Journal Article

Segmental distribution of the motor neuron columns that supply the rat hindlimb: A muscle/motor neuron tract-tracing analysis targeting the motor end plates

Mohan, R., Tosolini, A. P. and Morris, R. (2015). Segmental distribution of the motor neuron columns that supply the rat hindlimb: A muscle/motor neuron tract-tracing analysis targeting the motor end plates. Neuroscience, 307, 98-108. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.08.030

Segmental distribution of the motor neuron columns that supply the rat hindlimb: A muscle/motor neuron tract-tracing analysis targeting the motor end plates


Journal Article

Intramuscular injections along the motor end plates: A minimally invasive approach to shuttle tracers directly into motor neurons

Mohan, Rahul, Tosolini, Andrew P. and Morris, Renée (2015). Intramuscular injections along the motor end plates: A minimally invasive approach to shuttle tracers directly into motor neurons. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2015 (101) e52846. doi: 10.3791/52846

Intramuscular injections along the motor end plates: A minimally invasive approach to shuttle tracers directly into motor neurons


Journal Article

Targeting the motor end plates in the mouse hindlimb gives access to a greater number of spinal cord motor neurons: An approach to maximize retrograde transport

Mohan, R., Tosolini, A. P. and Morris, R. (2014). Targeting the motor end plates in the mouse hindlimb gives access to a greater number of spinal cord motor neurons: An approach to maximize retrograde transport. Neuroscience, 274, 318-330. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.05.045

Targeting the motor end plates in the mouse hindlimb gives access to a greater number of spinal cord motor neurons: An approach to maximize retrograde transport


Journal Article

Targeting the full length of the motor end plate regions in the mouse forelimb increases the uptake of Fluoro-Gold into corresponding spinal cord motor neurons

Tosolini, Andrew Paul, Mohan, Rahul and Morris, Renée (2013). Targeting the full length of the motor end plate regions in the mouse forelimb increases the uptake of Fluoro-Gold into corresponding spinal cord motor neurons. Frontiers in Neurology, 4 MAY 58. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2013.00058

Targeting the full length of the motor end plate regions in the mouse forelimb increases the uptake of Fluoro-Gold into corresponding spinal cord motor neurons


Journal Article

Spatial characterization of the motor neuron columns supplying the rat forelimb

Tosolini, A. P. and Morris, R. (2012). Spatial characterization of the motor neuron columns supplying the rat forelimb. Neuroscience, 200, 19-30. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.10.054

Spatial characterization of the motor neuron columns supplying the rat forelimb


Journal Article

Impaired arpeggio movement in skilled reaching by rubrospinal tract lesions in the rat: A behavioral/anatomical fractionation

Morris, Renée, Tosolini, Andrew P., Goldstein, Joshua D. and Whishaw, Ian Q. (2011). Impaired arpeggio movement in skilled reaching by rubrospinal tract lesions in the rat: A behavioral/anatomical fractionation. Journal of Neurotrauma, 28 (12), 2439-2451. doi: 10.1089/neu.2010.1708

Impaired arpeggio movement in skilled reaching by rubrospinal tract lesions in the rat: A behavioral/anatomical fractionation


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Investigating alterations in axonal transport of diverse organelles in mouse and human models of MND
    Motor Neurone Disease Association
    Open grant
  • 2024 - 2025
    Determining the dynamic association between mitochondria and the selective vulnerability of motor neurons in MND mice
    Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute of Australia Inc Innovator Grant
    Open grant



Dr Andrew Tosolini is:
Available for supervision

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Available projects

  • Axonal transport in Motor Neuron Disease

    Axonal transport maintains neuronal homeostasis by ensuring the long-range delivery of several cargoes, including cytoskeletal components, organelles, signalling molecules and RNA between proximal and distal neuronal compartments. As a result, perturbations in axonal transport have severe consequences for neuronal homeostasis and function. Indeed, axonal transport is perturbed in many neurodegenerative disorders, including motor neuron disease (MND)/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).

    In this project, we will assess axonal transport dynamics of distinct intracellular organelles (e.g., signalling endosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes, neurotrophic factors) in both mouse and human models of MND/ALS. The in vivo component will assess axonal transport in several mouse models of MND/ALS that are currently available at UQ. This will be complemented by the in vitro component that will assess transport dynamics in motor neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells harbouring diverse MND/ALS patient mutations.



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